Ok so saturday night is gonna be like nostalgia time for everyone. A bunch of the original clan members are getting on, and there will be drinking. Lots of it. Hopefully you all remember the rules of Drinking Halo, which I am gonna try to have Notarized. If not, we'll give you a refresher tomorrow night. I'll most likely be on at 8ish EST, and will be on for hopefully all night. Bobby (gruesome) and Mark (glory) will also be joining me, as will a cute female guest on my account.
Join us! Bring booze! Get drunk! Pwn noobs!
KagomJack said:
My girth isn't anything to bitch and moan about in long, elaborate paragraphs.
Sry dude u know why i couldnt make it ... but ill be there for round to ... No matter what!
Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER
Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER
Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER