He's unclear on it being excreted from his ass or his mouth.
I disagree with smoking as it causes problems for others, it is a horrible waste of money and that it is an addiction that is marketed to the vulnerable. Personally, I will never smoke (anything) because it would ruin my sports and I can't think of a good reason to do something that will shorten my life.
I think sleep usually plays a big part in people not posting.
People smoke because they think it's cool, because they see other doing it, because they hang around with people who tell them it's OK to smoke, because people tell them to smoke.
It's a horrible habit.
Whenever I go to a party, everyone gets drunk, obviously, and then people light up. If it's one of my friends I take the ciggarette from them, put it out, and take their lighter.
I think sleep usually plays a big part in people not posting.
People smoke because they think it's cool, because they see other doing it, because they hang around with people who tell them it's OK to smoke, because people tell them to smoke.
It's a horrible habit.
Whenever I go to a party, everyone gets drunk, obviously, and then people light up. If it's one of my friends I take the ciggarette from them, put it out, and take their lighter.
Tell your friends there are other ways to get high....
Posted 2006-11-24, 04:25 PM
in reply to Grav's post starting "^ Yes"
They smoke because:
1: A family member smokes, and the only way to not get sick from the smell all the time, is to take it up yourself.
2: Trying to be cool, to fit in (nobody forces a smoke, you take it on yourself)
3: It relaxes the person.
4: Any number of given reasons.
I don't and will never smoke because for one thing, I can't afford spending that much on ciggs nor would I want to have the bad breath or teeth that come with it. I will only live once and I wouldn't want to take that away from myself. The idea is idiotic, in the first place, Why would you inhale poisonous fumes? The true stupidity of the human mind shows whenever someone lights one up.
Believe it or not, I actually like the smell of smoke. I'll smoke every once in a while, though it's generally hookah. I do it for sociability. If every one around me is smoking, I'll go along. Plus, hookah tastes great, imo.
I like the weirdest smells, so, I in suit like the smell of smoke. I just know some of my friends smoke so that the smell of their parents doesn't make them want to puke. But hey, I think when I smell a skunk on the road I actaully like it. Same with gasoline. But that doesn't mean I'd subject myself to smoking or running over skunks or covering my parent's car with a flammable liquid. I just think it's stupidity that drives the urge to smoke.