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*PvP Throw Barb Guide*
Posted 2004-04-22, 08:56 AM
Heres a PvP throw barb guide the best i could work up real quick.. thanks


Barbarians can NOT use Titan's Revenge, the unique Amazon Jav. The #1 question I get from people I show my stuff to is 'Why don't you wear Titan's?'. I wish we could.

Jav-type weapons have twice the range of throwing axes, but about half the stack size. Axes for leveling, and javs for dueling if you can swing it - I use Javs for both.

This build is in no way a cookie cutter. Many different combonations of skills, stats, and items can be used and yet to be experimented with.

Double Throw only increases your attack rating. It is up to you whether or not to max it. I did, and have not regretted my choice. I have found that my attack rating helps a lot while dueling.

Put 2 +3 to warcries weapons in your weapon switch to boost your warcries by 6 before you use them. This trick all Barbs should use.


This skill is used so you can equip a few key pieces of equipment. The highest requirement on any of my items is 118 for Arreat's Face. As of now, my strength is at 145, fully equiped. As long as you can wear your ideal gear, this stat is fine.


This stat is very important. It increases your maximum damage and increases your chance to hit your enemey whether it be a monster or another player. In the end, my dexterity reached 235 with items. You want to aim for something like this - at least above 200. My attack rating is about 12000 (thanks to charms as well), and do about 1500 damage per harpoon.


Every remaining point into this after you're satified with the levels of your other stats. I have 245 points in this and have just over 3000 HPs with slvl 30 Battle Orders.


No points into this. You do not even need mana leech for this varient in the end.

Throw Mastery:

You must max this skill right away. It is the only skill that boosts your damage.

Double Throw:

There has been a few debates about whether or not to max this skill as it only adds to your attack rating. For PvP, I believe that maxing this skill is a good idea because the more attack rating, the better. If you want to focus your Thrower on being PvM effective (Player vs. Monster), any ammount of points in this skill will be efficient. With this skill at about 25 with items, I have over 11000 attack rating, and 93% chance to hit Hell Bovines. It helps.

Battle Orders:

Max this. Every Barbarian should max this in my opinion. Max this.

Increased Speed:

I put 17 into this skill because I like to go fast. If you only PvM, then you don't really need any in this skill if you do not want to. This is an option skill, as you get insane deminishing returns after about level 10.

Shout/Iron Skin:

This is also an option. In my days playing the Diablo series, I have never found defense to be that useful. I currently am putting all remaining points into this, and have about a level 17 shout with all +skill items. Again, it is up to you. Some people like defense more than others.

Natural Resistance:

Put as many points into this as you want. Just make sure your resists are positive in Hell difficulty, as they will be maxed in normal difficulty where most duels take place. I have around 8 points in this skill.


For PvP, one point in this is enough. The only reason I put any points into this at all is because I had left over points, and it's fun to charge up in a free for all against Clegazons and the like. If you are going to focus mainly on PvM, then this skill may be very useful - it's up to you.

Grim Ward:

Put points into this only if you are PvM. If you are a pure PvP build like myself, you do not need any point into this as you will probably just do cow runs anyway. This skill is great for crowd control. Hit them from behind while they run.


I wear Arreat's Face with a 15% IAS jewel in it. I love this helmet. It has incredible mods. Vampiregaze would be another good choice if you don't have an Arreat's Face. Cheaper version of these two helmets would be a Rockstopper.


When I first started this variant, I went with Highlord's Wrath. This amulet carried me very far in the PvP Universe, but not far enough. In my quest for the perfect items I found myself sacrificing too many +dex items, and found the +25 from Cat's Eye to be very helpful. At any rate, there are numerous rare ammys floating around that would suffice just as well, but some prefer the 20% IAS.


Shaftstop. This is my favorite piece of armor. It adds to life, and give you an amazing 30% Physical damage reduced. Other pieces I've seen are socketed armor with IAS/ED (Increased attack speed / Enhanced Damage) jewels in it, and Stealth runeword armor.


I crafted some nice 20% IAS, leech, and knockback gloves. The recipe is Ort Rune + Perfect Saphire + Any Jewel + Magic Chain gloves. It didn't take me long to get a decent pair. Some people do not agree with knockback mainly because of Amazons and Guided Arrow - it in no way shifts the balance of a duel when a Throw Barb uses this because it's so hard to hit anyone anyway and knockback gives us at least a shred of hope against rushing tank characters. Just make sure you have 20% IAS on your gloves and you'll be fine. If someone complains that much about knockback or you are in a tournament that has banned such, try switching out your gloves and boots with Sigon's Boots and Gloves - it adds 30% IAS and 10% life leech. Very nice - sometimes I'll switch to this setup if I find I need more leech.


I wear a Ravenfrost which adds attack rating, dexterity, and cannot be frozen. My other ring is a rare +str/dex, leech, Attack rating ring. . Make sure you have some leech and all the other goodies you may need on a ring.


I usually have on my String of Ears belt unless, of course, someone does not like the use of physical resist gear. In that case I slap on my Mavina's Belt which gives 20% faster run/walk speed. When leveling I wear Razortail because of the piercing attack - it's a great PvM belt.


I started out wearing Sander's Riprap for the plus to skills, but then switch to Immortal King's boots, for the 40% run/walk, attack rating, and life bonus. My favorite boots as of now. You should be able to get either pair about anyway for really cheap or free.


Ultimately, Cruel Winged Harpoons are what you want to shoot for, IMHO. Remember, Barbarians can NOT use Titan's Revenge - unfortunately. I chose Harpoons because they have twice the range as throwing axes. For leveling, you may want to get a good pair of axes because of their much larger stack-sizes, but for PvP Harpoons of some sort are ideal. Some prefer Stygiam Pilums for the larger stack sizes, but slightly lower speed. Some like to wear a Cruel Ghost Glaive for mega maximum and minium damage, but throw slower. When measuring how fast you throw, it will average the base speed of your two weapons. So, if you wear one Winged Harpoon and one Ghost Glaive you'll throw slightly slower than someone wearing two Winged Harpoons. It can make all the difference in the world what you wear.

I keep a pair of +3 to Warcries weapons on my weapon switch to boost my Battle Orders to 30 and my Shout to 17. You can buy all these items from Anya in Act 5, Hell difficulty, or a few other merchants.


It may be a good idea to equip a shield in your weapon switch so you can block if you have to. It's up for you to decide if you throw fast enough with only one harpoon to take out your opponent.


Focus on small 5% run/walk, and health charms. All sizes of +min/max damage charms (Fine charms). Use whatever you have - the right charms are hard to aquire sometimes.

Personally, I am sick and tired of killing monster after monster. I do cow runs with 7 other people to level my thrower, and he does quite well. I get a LOT of comments from people about my Barb - good and bad (mostly good). I am not going to dig too deep in the PvM aspects of this build because that's not my schtick. When making a PvM Thrower, your stats are almost the same. A PvMer will put more points into Frenzy, another mastery, and Grim Ward for crowd control (makes monsters run in fear).

Again, not the greatest dueling character. I have a chance against all classes - some more than others. It takes skill against all classes. If possible, try to get your opponent on the run after you right into a shower of javs. That will teach them.



They are going to teleport and fire, teleport and fire. If they fire more than 1 Orb a sitting, then they will get tagged. I run and wait until they teleport on my screen, and click on them. I let the direction of my throws change if I get a solid click held on them - but only for one or two throws before I move again because you want to stay away from full shards of Orb. A really good Orber and Teleporter is a major threat.


Here it's a little different, because the Sorc limits you as to where you can stay. What I find most effective against this brand is running away from their pile of Hydras and waiting for them to chase. When you see them teleporting up towards you on your screen, send a volley of Javs in their direction. Rinse and repeat, and hope they Hydras don't get the best of you before you can hit the Sorc.


Lots of Sorcs will use more than one skill, so each case is different in it's own. If you follow the general principles outlined above, you will do fine against all brands of Sorcs.



These guys are going to be running after you. Hunting you down and beating you down. This battle you will run a lot, and throw a lot. I will run straight away from the charging pally in a straight line, hoping I can outrun them. Then I'll send 4-10 Javs at them in hopefully the straight line they are running at you at, and dead Pally. Sometimes it's not that easy, and it's up to you how you handle them.


Most good ones that I have dueled just run around casting a lvl 40+ Fist of the Heavens every few seconds, just ruining you. This will be a major problem if they have good dodging skills. Try to get them to chase you, and hit them on the run. Their skill will hit no matter what, so if they don't use any skill besides this, you can basically stand still and fill the screen with javs and hope you hit. Again, each case in it's own.



Barbs are hard sometimes. Especially 75% PI Barbs with max block. If I want to win a duel I just have to dodge whirls and keep throwing, hoping I get them before they get me. Keep an eye out for dysynching problems, for I get them horribly when facing S/S Barbs. Another problem is running out of Javelins before the match is over - such a disgraceful way to end a match.


You will start seeing more and more Throw barbs on Battle.net as time goes by. The first version of this guide didn't touch on the aspects of Thrower vs. Thrower duels because I was the only one made for PvP at the time of creating. The first thing you want to make sure you do is keep moving. Don't stand still for more than a few throws unless you think you might have them in a lock. Run and throw, run and throw. Make sure you don't run in a straight line away from your opponent - the game seems to like to connect Javelins with a more ease when running straight away. There's not much more I can tell you on this aspect besides practice, practice, practice.


Oh, the horror. Phisig went out and took my guide and character and added blocking and whirlwinding, one of my oldest most favorite pastimes. Him personally beats me everytime due to his uber gear and stellar dueling skill, but a few other Hybrids have come around that I could wipe the floor with. The thing you want to do is dodge their whirlwinds until they get unpatient and throw some Javs at you. This is when they are most vulnerable. One screw up or lag against a good Hybrid like Phisig and you're either dead, or almost dead and they have full life. This matchup is also a very bad matchup if you don't like to dysync. It happens a lot - too much comotion on screen.



This is kind of like the FOH pally. They will lay down lots and lots of traps and run around, trying to dodge your streams. Your best bet is to get them to chase you away from their traps and get them on the run.


I've never played an Assassin, but I think this is the skill that most of them use to teleport and smack me. What I do here and find very effective is running from them, and when you think they are about to flight in on you, click on them so your aim will redirect itself right on them when they are next to ya. Keep running and throwing. Some Assassins can do some serious damage if you let them get in more than a hit or two, so watch out. Keep moving and throwing. Most can't take too many hits.


Most druids should not be a threat with enough practice of dodging and throwing. If they are really beefy, you might run out of weapons too fast, and if they are really fast you WILL lag and die. It only takes a wack or two and they kill ya. If you don't lag, you don't let them get close enough, and they can't kill you. The downside of the Druid. Run and throw, run and throw. Try to get them to run at you in a straight line so you can get a good stream going.


I have the hardest time with these - especially ones with mega d/a/e, block, and DR gear. Plus that darn guided arrow and slow missle. Zons are a pain for a Throw barb and a well seasoned Zon can usually smack me around. I do well and land a bunch, but I usually have to take a bunch to land a bunch, and all of theirs hit - and leech. Sadly enough, if the Zon is strong enough and can actually duel, I can't do anything. I can usually land a few good hits, but their Guided Arrow always leeches back everything right away. I have taken down a good number of Zons, though. The part I hate is when I get beat down by a Zon and all they do is make fun of how bad Throw Barbs suck in PvP. Guided Jav should be a skill.

Your biggest chance is either hitting them with their bow out and hope for a lock, or while on the run either away from you or after you. You have to play it by ear. Sometimes the smartest thing to do is run straight at them and make them go on the run, so they can't get off very many guided arrows. But sometimes that just won't work if they're really good, and you have to go on the denfensive and hope for the best.


Necros are a very underestimated class to the unsuspecting eye. I've run into some very very good necros who beat me everytime. If they can dodge all of your Javs, then you will eventually run out of javs and die or just die before that. Sometimes you can play very offensive and charge in, not letting them get off enough Bone Spirits to do any real damage and most Necros can't take more than few direct shots. If they are really good, you might have to go on the defensive side, and try to get them while running at you. Each Necromancer is a special case in it's own, but most will use Bone Spirit as their main attack. I haven't been beaten by anyone who didn't.


I would like to thank TigerPrawnMech very much for everything. He is another PvP thrower like myself, and we have treked through this undiscovered territory together since the beginning (I think I inspired him if I remember correctly ;D ). I would like to thank Skitril for everything he's done for me, and all the posts he answered so I didn't have to. To FO (Biggerman) for everything, and everyone else on the Barb and PvP forum for their imput. To Slw for beating up his 'master' over and over. To Roaming for all the constructive critisism. To Phisig for turning my variant into a monster of his own hybrid. To RichieDaggersCrime for writting the first PvM Throw Barb guide. To Fullene, Lolth, Genie, Jate, Bane, Hellfire, and everyone on the Barb forum I didn't mention - there's too many of you. To everyone who gave me a warm comment about whatever... and I guess Blizzard too. Thanks.


The Throw Barb is a very very fun character to play. He's not the toughest, but he can win against every class with a little practice. I'm too the point where the only people of any class that gives me greif at all is the elite duelers that hang out in Clan Gimmeitam, and a couple key names on the Barb forum (you know who you are).

At level 89, I do around 1500 damage a throw (double throw so 3000), 12000 attack rating, 3000 life, 6000 defense, 120-220 faster run/walk, max resistances in normal/nightmare, and 0-45% Physical Damage Reduced. 145 STR, 245 DEX, 245 VIT, and 10 ENE. I'm still in search of more charms and better weapons, but that's about it. It's a great time and a great build.
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xWolfPack69 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenxWolfPack69 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2004-04-22, 10:44 AM in reply to xWolfPack69's post "*PvP Throw Barb Guide*"
Your barb's damage sounds a little low.

I have one that has a dual ~6.8k max Double Throw.
He doesn't nearly have the equipment I want on him either.
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Vollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeVollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2004-04-23, 12:36 PM in reply to Vollstrecker's post starting "Your barb's damage sounds a little low...."
throw barb aren´t good 4 pvp
excuse me plz for my bad english
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BlackKnight is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenBlackKnight is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2004-04-23, 12:37 PM in reply to BlackKnight's post starting "throw barb aren´t good 4 pvp"
I just owned a room last night with mine.
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Vollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeVollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2004-04-23, 12:40 PM in reply to Vollstrecker's post starting "I just owned a room last night with..."
this could be,but i never seen an throw barb that could own me,they have to much weakniss
excuse me plz for my bad english
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BlackKnight is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenBlackKnight is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2004-04-23, 01:34 PM in reply to BlackKnight's post starting "this could be,but i never seen an throw..."
You just gotta know what to expect.

Usually, a throw barb is only good for a few duels, then people start to get the hang of it.

Throw Barb is 90% guesswork as to where your enemy will be moving to.
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Vollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeVollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2004-04-23, 01:56 PM in reply to Vollstrecker's post starting "You just gotta know what to expect. ..."
YOu could piss them off by just teleing around and throwing shit at them. In conclusion they get pissed, lose concentration, and you own their ass.
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HandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beHandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beHandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beHandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2004-04-24, 08:20 AM in reply to HandOfHeaven's post starting "YOu could piss them off by just teleing..."
if they can tele too you will be pissed,you can trust me...
this works only by noobs
excuse me plz for my bad english
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BlackKnight is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenBlackKnight is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2004-04-24, 09:26 PM in reply to BlackKnight's post starting "if they can tele too you will be..."
wow i think this guide is very in effective thus i rate it on my personal rating of 3/10 it deserves little merit upon item, stats, and tatic(essential to being a killer)
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blckshdwdragon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenblckshdwdragon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between


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