*long read*
If you don't want to hear a story, don't fucking read this. Don't bitch about it being long, because I don't want to hear it. If I did, and you were here, I'd probably hit you with this hammer.
Remember a while back when I said I had a shitty day?
O - m - f - g.
This has been the absolute best Spring Break EVER.
I came home over the weekend to have a LAN party with the guys. Then we were going to go camping. Well, 4 of the guys decided to go set up for camping and BBQing instead of LANing, so that left 2 of us to LAN. Wow... how fun is that? Not very. We made the best of it though.
Come to find out, they didn't go set up... They played Everquest all damned day. So, we go out there and don't get set up till about 7. It's been dark for half an hour. We got one guy's truck stuck and had to bring the tractor out to remedy that problem.
Okay, so that wasn't too bad... I got up Monday morning after being rained on while camping in a sleeping bag (with nothing overhead to cover us). I drove to Arlington to work (2 1/2 hour drive). I worked my five hours and went back to my dorm to chill.
I had to loan my roomate $50 for a damned part for his car even though he makes MORE MONEY at his job than I make. By the way, while I was at home over the weekend, he had a party or some shit. There are beer bottles all over the room. I tell him to clean that shit up. (I'm 19 and he's 18 so...)
There were 4 left in the fridge, and I told him to take those too. He, however, didn't seem that worried about it. As I was leaving for work, there was a lady coming down the hall cleaning rooms. Nobody ever cleans our rooms... I get back from work, and the beers are gone.
Either Matt took them with him when he left, or the fucking cleaning lady just happened to look in the fridge. (It's the dorm's fridge, so they have the legal ability I believe.) If he didn't take them with him, we are fucked. We will be (there is no doubt about it) kicked out of the dorm and fined to hell and back.
I had to work through Wednesday. After work, I head back to MP (2 1/2 hour drive). We're leaving Thursday to go camping at a lake with a camper.
We go to chop some wood before we go though. I really like chopping wood. Besides the blisters on my hands and the cuts from the vines, I really had a good time doing that. Plus, I'm fucking awesome at splitting wood. We load up the bed of my truck.
We're going out toward Maud. None of us had ever been there before, but somebody's future-brother-in-law has a camper that we were offered, so hell ya. The directions say to take a right at the intersection of Highway 8. There will be yellow flashing lights, and we will cross over railroad tracks.
We started going down the road, and there was a mud puddle. I'm in a 98 Dakota V6, and the other guys are riding in a 2000 Mustang. We decided maybe it wasn't too bad, so we went through it. There was another one... Oh well, it's been almost 2 miles, and we're supposed to turn off this road after 2 miles anyhow...
My truck is stuck... Kyle runs down the road barefoot for about 2 miles to see what the hell is going on. Apparantly, there are TWO intersections with a HIGHWAY 8, YELLOW FLASHING LIGHTS, and a RAILROAD TRACK... We call some people to come help me get my truck out.
Before they arrive, we get Steven's 'Stang turned around and heading out. He hits one rut really bad on the way out, though. He bent part of his front end... (The deductable with full coverage is $206.)
The guys show up, and we try to get my truck out. The hitch (or knob or whatever the fuck it is.... I don't know anything about cars) bends about 30 degrees... One guy says we can probably bend it back with the right tools, so I'm fine.
It gets dark before we get it out. We've been on this damned raod for four hours. We just decide to come back in the morning. We get back out there, and start pulling my truck with a winch. I'm sitting in the truck for some fucking reason. They said it was in case I had to steer.
I can hear my bumper bending... I finally get out, and the fucking ball is bent all the way over. The bumper is pulled away from my truck like 8 inches in the middle, and the left and right side are bent down probably 5 inches. I almost threw up... It turns out that a bumper is probably between $100 and $250, so that's not too horrible.
I finally get unstuck, and there is a clicking noise now... Great. I had my cousin look at it, and he said it's an exhaust leak somewhere. There's a good chance it's not bad. There's a decent chance they can fix it without ordering any parts. There's a small chance that something was crushed up into the manifold which is a BIG FUCKING deal apparantly. *Crosses fingers* My luck has been pretty good so far, eh?
We ended up NOT camping another night. I was all for camping, though. We didn't get to do shit the previous day. This has been, hands down, the worst Spring Break ever... Kristy's coming over tonight, though. I guess we're just gonna sit around and watch TV, which is fine with me.
I am so emotionally and physically exhausted (slashes on my feet and hands, blisters everywhere, about 20 mosquito bites--Kyle is WAY worse off though. Wow... he got fucked up.) that I can barely move.
There is good news, however. If I had rolled about 15 feet further before getting stuck, I would have been a bit worse off. The puddle that I was about to slide into is around 5 feet deep. My truck would have sank up to the top of the windows probably. It would have been totalled. I wouldn't have been able to get out of it very easilly, but that wouldn't have mattered because I was just going to sit there and cry all night anyway.
So if it's not the manifold, I'm probably set back $200-$300 which is no ball-breaker. I had a shitty Spring Break, and I'm out nearly a paycheck, but it could have been a HELL of a lot worse.
How was your Spring Break?

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What is it they say about silence being golden?