I'm feeling sentimental now, so if you don't want to read this, as I assume it will be lengthy, feel free to bow out now. If you wish to be an asshole about it, as I stated in my other sentimental thread, you may join some friends on my ignore list. If you're curious, and wish to witness my thoughts, feel free. I'm putting them out.
I've been in college a month. Life has changed a lot. This will be the third weekend I've spent at home of the four weeks I've been at college, but that doesn't change the matter for me.
I never had more than one or two friends until the sixth grade. I was chubby when I was younger, and kids are never nice about anything. So, I took a lot of flak about that. Eventually, I just learned to live with it, and that's about the time it stopped.
Anyway, I became friends with the popular people in school. That made me popular by association. It was fun until I figured out that they were all assholes, and I had to find some new friends.
The new friends have all turned out pretty well actually. Kyle is going to A&M now for Aerospace Engineering. Steven is @ a tech school in Marshall that I can never remember the name of. Matt is my roomate at UTA studying Architecture. Sure there are a lot more, but there really aren't any that mean as much to me as those three.
None of us have paths in life that have anything in common, so our futures may not cross often. We don't even see each other very much as it is. *I've typed and re-typed ten different statements to go here, and none of them seem to fit. I'll just leave it at that and move on.*
I know how important those friends are because I've lost some important people in my life. My father's father died when I was only three, and I don't even remember him. I lost my father more than half a decade ago, and I can't even express how much I miss him. He means so much to me now that he's not here anymore, and I wish that I could have had just a little more time with him. I lost my grandfather a few years ago, and he was a really really great person.
More important to me than any of my friends, however, (and I don't mean any disrespect to any if you if you read this) is my girlfriend. I first talked to Kristy just under four years ago. I believe I've told the story of how we met before, so if anyone is curious, search for it, or ask me, and I'll do it for you.
Kristy has given me a lot to live for. I don't want that to sound the wrong way, so I'll do my best to explain. Before I met Kristy, I had no patience for anyone. I was more sarcastic than what is healthy for a person to be. I had little care for doing the moral thing. (I was only fourteen, so that's not
as bad as it sounds.) She has made me into a new person. No, she hasn't made me perfect. I'm still working on that though.
Anyhow, I had an epiphany last weekend. Matt and I were sitting in our dorm trying to think of something to do. I had always lived in a small town, and now we are in Arlington which as more to do than Dallas and Fort Worth. We can't think of a damned thing to do. It suddenly hits me what is important in life. It's not entertaining yourself with video games. It's not watching television. It's not going to amusement parks.
We had gotten bored of our dorm room and the huge amount of gaming software in the span of three weeks. I couldn't imagine how life would be like in thirty years if that was my main passtime. The only thing I could see myself doing for that amount of a time and not growing tired of it was very simple once I saw it. That something consisted, as I saw it, of... anything... anything with Kristy.
That's what I mean by a lot to live for. I always wanted to picture myself being a young adult, hanging out with friends, playing sports and video games, and always having fun. That's a great perspective to have on life, but I know I will need something more. That's why I'm so happy to have Kristy in my life.
#Now for the sentimental part#
I left my dorm today to head to Mount Pleasant at 12:46 p.m. At 1:53 p.m. I realized I wasn't wearing my necklace with Kristy's ring on it. She gave me that ring to wear around my neck for our 1 month anniversary. Anyhow, it was hanging on my bed post at the dorm. I was almost halfway home and traffic was becoming horrible in the DFW area, of which I had just gotten out of, so I didn't go back.
So, with that necklace hanging on my bed post in Arlington, today will be the only day in over 42 months that I haven't worn that ring around my neck. It's sad I think. I know it's silly, because it's just a ring, and it doesn't mean anything that I forgot it. Kristy said it wasn't a big deal. It just made me feel like I had let her down.
Anyhow, I'm glad she's not mad at me for it. I don't know why I thought she would be... I'm not going anywhere with this really...
There's probably a lot of this that is simply nonesense. There's a lot of it that's unimportant I will assume. All of it is how I feel however, and I don't see any reason not to post it. So, ignore it if you wish, or give me hell if you so choose. It's up to you... That's why we're all gathered here on these forums.
I do feel better, however, and that's why I began writing this. I won't go through the trouble of formatting it, because this wasn't meant as a dissertation. I dub this... "reality internet", if you will.
*Blab blab blab* Omfg stfu and go to bed *Blab* Okay okay..... Anyhow, I really think I just like the sound of the keyboard and the Weather Channel music playing over to my left.