Posted 2003-07-27, 10:38 AM
in reply to Aggyrwayter's post "Gun Discussion"
Acer said:
a stupid idiot, if your new then you most likely are a nub, if you played for long time and are an idiot, your still a nub :P
Medieval Bob said:
I believe that's why Aggrywater hated the Awp as well. [cough]Nub[/cough]
hateing AWP has nothing to do with nub, same with liking it. People have their opinion. I beleive an accurate gun like awp, shouldn't kill 95% time 1 hit. If it was 1 kill death 25% of time, I wouldn't have a problem with it.
Hating awp sometimes has nothing to do with nubness. I said that I believe that it just so happened to apply to Aggrywater's case.
Also, AWP is not accurate for shit. Compared to other guns, it is the very least accurate. How you ask? Because first, you can't run and shoot. You can't walk and shoot. You cannot (reliably) shoot without scope unless with close range. You cannot burst fire (which is the main difference in accuracy between rifles). It's point and click, the same as any other gun. This isn't real life... the guns don't have bad sights, and there is no arc on gunfire. What makes AWP more accurate than anything else?

D3V said:
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What is it they say about silence being golden?