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My night last night
Posted 2008-05-11, 03:06 PM
The story I am about to tell you took place last night between the hours of 11:15 in the evening to 8:06 in the morning this morning. I promise on my honor and on my grandmother's grave that everything you are about to read is true and did happen.

I had just gotten off the BART train after visiting a friend of mine in Redwood City. I figured that I was still mad at a friend of mine for some comments he'd made and didn't want to go back lest I be on my computer all day because I'm genuinely too broke to really do much else (even though this was just breaking me more).

I get off at the Civic Center/UN Plaza stop and go up onto the streets, walking towards Market. I fumble around the bus stops, looking for one with a map so I can plan out my trip. I was going to hit the Castro for a bit until it died down, just oggling the cute guys I saw and then make my way towards Fisherman's Wharf to chill for the next few hours until the sun rose over the waters. I figured a good plan and just went down Market, looking at all the variety of restaurants and shopping places.

I took me about half an hour, I believe, to hit Castro. But when I did, it was packed with tons of people around my age, all very flamboyant and wearing a variety of things. Fear not, dear reader, I stuck out like a sore thumb, as any real non-conformist would! I was hoping a few adult stores may have been open so I could get out of the cold and wind and also get a chance to maybe look at a few accessories that were to my liking. No luck, so I decided more aimless wandering around, after a slice of pizza! Not much to say, I went to Marciello's and got a slice of pepperoni and then went about my wandering ways.

I veered off some street that was along Castro and nonchalantly strutted upwards, coming across an older black guy and some Hispanic guy talking. I smelled pot heavily and, being the secretive stoner I truly am, followed the scent up until I came across the black guy. I felt panicked and decided that I should probably head the other way. But the older black guy stopped me.

"What's a cute lil' white boy like yourself doing around here?" he asked imploringly.

"I'm just walking around, not doing anything. By the way, that smells good!" I responded, quickly pointing to the joint in his hand.

He offered me a hit and, well, being stupid as I am, I took the hit. I took the hit and thanked him and started down the street, just wanting to get away before I get roped into some crazy sex scheme or get mugged. He follows me a few feet and stops me, just wanting to chat. And give me a gumjob, but more on that later.

We get to talking, just randomly taking hits off the joint, him mostly asking me questions.

"What's your name?"

"Robert," I lie, "but I better get going or I'm going to miss my ride."

"Oh come now, don't try and get away!" he retorts.

"I'm not trying to get away! You offered me pot, why would I?" I stupidly say, trying to defend my honor.

This is when I get a good look at him. He was heavyset, probably about 250, 5'7". He had no teeth, whatsoever, and had tons of white whiskers about his face. He was rather jovial and a very nice guy He had on a black sweater with some white signage on it and a white hoodie beneath as well as a white pair of pants (which I couldn't begin to tell you what kind, even if my life depended on it).

He tells me he was just fucking with me about trying to get away and then starts to compliment me, saying he likes my chinfuzz, thus begins the begging of many different things. "Can I suck your dick," "Can I touch you," "Wanna touch me?" I adamantly tell him "No" to each question, especially the first, given he had no teeth and I didn't want a gumjob.

Time passed on rather fast and people came and went, a few of them around my age asking him for some money, to which he gave them. However, one guy I paid attention to with great detail, despite my being a bit stoned out of my gourd.

He was about 5'8, very lean, very handsome, had dirty blonde hair, a slightly hooked nose, and a strong chin. He had some sort of blue sweatshirt on and a backpack and seemed sort of in a rush.

"Hey MJ, I just want you to know that I'm on the streets, but I will not do oral or take it up the ass. I just got into a relationship with <some guys' name I don't recall> and I don't want to do anything like that."

MJ just smiled, laughing a bit and then told him to take his time, if he isn't ready for any of that, don't do it then. Come back when he knows he's ready and take his time. The guy shrugs this off and tells him he just wanted to say something because they're business partners. MJ just laughed some more and told him to go have fun with his boyfriend and the guy took off.

Another thing that tipped off that he was a pimp was the fact some guy with a cast came up to him to ask about how much I was. MJ told him off, though, and told him I was just some sweet white kid.

Around this time it was about 2 in the morning and the Castro was dead. MJ looked at the time and begin apologizing to me profusely about making me miss my ride and I assure him it was okay, I could just catch BART in the morning. He then declared that it was his fault I missed my ride and thus he was obligated to keep me company until BART opened up. I tried to talk him out of it and that I'd be okay, but he wouldn't have any of it. We started walking up the street, but the wind was too much for me to endear, so we turned heel and went to Walgreens.

In there we got me a green hoody jacket and went to purchase it. At this time a cute guy went to the checked next to us and looked over at me. Our eyes met and we both smiled at each other, just being flirty with our eyes. MJ was oblivious, talking about some random shit with the cashier. Then he brought up the movie "It" and I commented about how it made me hate clowns. The cute guy tried to get in on it, presumably to talk to me I'm sure. As MJ started rambling on, I heard the guy go "This way" to me. I didn't go, though, since I knew I couldn't shake MJ off, though the thought of pulling something akin to the "OH! Where were you?" spiel. I didn't, though, and we left Walgreens a moment after. I made flirty eyes again with the guy out there, but we started to walk off to which he replied "No, no, this way!" Sorry cute guy, I had a date with a pimp tonight.

We ended up just walking around the block, chatting about love, philosophy, religion, and his daughters and how proud he was of them that they grew up to be successful and prominent women with jobs and kids of their own. We eventually stopped near a Muni station and talked about love at first sight. He kept telling me that I should love the one I'm with, despite me being pretty forward about being single, and that if it's willed that I'll be with the one I want, then it'll happen. Then we went up to Orphan Andy's for food!

He got a hamburger and I got a grilled cheese with bacon and some fries as well as a glass of the most awesome orange juice I will ever have. We talked some more about fate and he handed me over some booze, which I'm too lazy to go retrieve right now to tell you the name of. After an hour, we went back outside to meander around for a while. We sat down at some steps on some building and talked more. Again, compliments on how I'm a "cute lil' white boy just struttin' along" and how he wants to go down on me and maybe some other time. Around 5 in the morning, we catch a cab and head to BART, mostly because I thought they'd might be open at that time. They were closed, so we walked up through the tenderloin to his apartment.

His apartment was cozy in a way, but one thing I have to note is this dude was like a fucking woman. He had a wall filled with fucking shoes. I counted maybe 30 or so pairs of different shoes. I couldn't believe it. Also, his boyfriend, some Puerto Rican named Rico, was passed out on the top bunk of their bunk bed. Then I had to go to the bathroom and he commented on my baggy-ass pants and I told him I was too poor to afford better fitting ones. Thus I scored, among many things from this trip, a nice, almost brand new, pair of Levi denim jeans that are about my size.

Once the call of nature had been quashed, I laid back in a chair and watched "Like Mike" on a TV that was at the top for his boyfriend, occasionally glancing down at "I, Robot" on the TV on the bottom for MJ. Around 7:09 we went back out to see if BART was opened, but it wasn't. Someone said it'd probably open around 8ish, so we went off to get some doughnuts and an energy drink for him. We also had stopped by the Farmer's Market and he bought me a small basket of strawberries, much to my glee. Soon 8 rolled around and we went to the Powell Street BART station and he gave me a hug and told me to call him and to make sure to get home and get plenty of rest. I told him I can't promise I'll call and he told me that was fine and I went on my way.

That was five hours ago, now, and I am finally home, after a long, exhausting night of hanging out with a pimp and getting stoned.

Last edited by KagomJack; 2008-05-11 at 03:25 PM.
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