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Posted 2005-02-22, 02:52 PM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "Well, the author's of my history..."
!King_Amazon! said:
Well, the author's of my history books(I know because we call them by their last names) are Newman, Divine, and Meltzer. I'm pretty sure not all three of them were jewish, yet they all say the same thing pretty much.

I will have to agree though, not all races are equal. It might be because the race doesn't want to be equal, but not all races are equal. For example, at my school which is pretty evenly caucasian and african american, caucasians take harder classes and make better grades and have better test scores. Also, males do better than females. Maybe it's just something most people don't want to accept, but all races are not equal.
I just think it seems rather silly to believe the KKK was created to keep "the black man" down. Don't you think something intrigued them to create it? Why would they create it just to kill random black people? http://www.kkklan.com/briefhist.htm

Just read it. I want to know if you believe any of it or not.
Snow is racist. It does not have an equal amount of colored snow as it does white snow. We must find a way to alter nature so that snow becomes colored.

When you decorate your tree for Christmas, you must put at least 24.8% colored bulbs, and they must be placed throughout the tree and not segregated in any matter.

Christmas presents must not be wrapped in white paper.

If Christmas music is to be played, under no circumstances is 'Have a White Christmas' to be Played.

Turkey may be served, but only if there is an equal amount of dark and white meat be served.

You must keep your colored and white dogs in the same room at all times, unsegregated, and they must get along at all times.
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zonalon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-02-22, 02:54 PM in reply to zonalon's post starting "I just think it seems rather silly to..."
The KKK was originally just a secret society created for the disenfranchisement of blacks. It exploded into a multi-state terrorist organization dedicated to terrorizing non-Democrats. There is no mystery here.
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Grav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrow

Posted 2005-02-22, 03:18 PM in reply to zonalon's post starting "[QUOTE=mjordan2nd]Proof? Not..."
zonalon said:
If they didn't even know how to read or write, how could they write diaries?
Jesus Christ, you are so fucking stupid. You just made me take my own goddamed name in vein. That pisses me the fuck off. I hate breaking one of my own commandments. NOT EVERY BLACK MAN WAS INCAPABLE OF READING. I figured you were intelligent enough to put two and two together, and figure out that these diaries are from blacks that could read and write, but obviously I'm giving you too much credit. What can I say? I usually end up giving fuckwits too much credit. My own fault. When I said your IQ was 25 -- I take it back. There is no way your IQ is over 20.

In fact, I'm beginning to think that you're some insane annoyance bot set up by the Klan who's been programmed to copy and paste the stupidest bullshit he can find, and post links to the stupidest bullshit he can find.

Did you even go to Jew Watch?
I've seen it before, you twit. I have no desire to waste my time reading more of the KKKs ignorant propoganda. The real question is, did you even read Jew Watch? Because if you did, even a moron could figure out that it was a racist website. But, again, I give you too much credit. Morons have a chance of redemption. You're like a dirty, inbred, retarded chimp. That leaves redemption out of the question.

All races are unique. We evolved differently.
Of course, that has no relevance to what I said in the previous post whatsoever, but I'll answer it anyway. Of course we've evolved differently. Our pigmentation is obviously different. But furthermore, even me and my sister have evolved differently. That's how it works. You're right. All races are unique. But don't call yourself white. You insult the white race by calling yourself white. You belong to the race of stupid.

No, I can trace my ancestors if I wanted to.
Really? How far? Five, maybe 6 generations? The fact remains that humans evolved from Africa. Now of course, out of your sheer ignorance, you're going to deny that as best as you can with your feeble arguments, but there is very substantial scientific evidence to back that up, just like evolution has been backed up.

I don't. I'm just saying they didn't think the Negroid was their equal. "Jefferson's true views on the racial mode future of America have been deliberately hidden fromrn view: on the famous Jefferson memorial in Washington DC, which has served as a rallying point for American Black right's activists for years, an inscription quotes Jefferson as saying "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. However, this is not Jefferson's complete words: the sentence from which these words are taken does not end with a full stop, it carries on after a semicolon and says ";nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live under the same government." (Ibid)."
So how does that prove that he didn't think that the "Negroid" was their equal? And as for the last part of Jefferson's quite, he was quite obviously wrong, because America is a melting point for all of the worlds cultures, and it is the most powerful nation in the world. If the white race was meant to live alone then Europe should be the most powerful. If people are supposed to stick to their own kind, then China, or some other country should be the most powerful nation. The fact is, the most powerful nation in the world is full of all of the worlds cultures, and it has only gotten more powerful over the years.

I'm sure everyone would be happy if we lived seperately. There would be no more "hate" crimes. Just look at what MLK has done. He's created a land of Hate. Before that commie came around, Blacks had their own towns and lived happily. Detroit was a nice city to live in. There were hardly any "hate" crimes at all. Blacks did their thing. Whites did their thing. Blacks were told to act "behaved." (Yes, I realize not all whites are behaved, but that's not the point) Then, the Jews, commies, and multi-culturists came around, telling them to act however they want. "Hate crimes" have reached an all-time high.
You ... are ... really ... ignorant to history. Have you not heard of the 1920s? You don't need Jewish people's history books even for that, just ask my Great-Grandfather. Blacks were freed in 1865. In 1865 itself, you could see hate crimes. Right now, hate crimes are much lower than they were throughout history. By the way, your hatred for Jews is blatant racism. Just letting you know. I figured your too damned stupid to know.

Hey ( I DIDN'T WANT TO MAKE THIS RACIAL BUT YOU ARE INSULTING MY INTELLIGENCE), everyone started off the same way; while they were still poking sticks in the dirty, we were creating coliseums.
Funny how the pyramids were made by Africans.

We evolved differently.
Once again, NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!

Again.. you continue to call me a Klanny. That is discrimination.
Bigots deserve to be discriminated against. I have no hate for the color of people's skins. I have hate for stupidity.

The Native Americans attacked first;
Which Klan site did you get this from?

we took over their lands, replaced their tee-pees with beautiful cities.
Yea. And their was a genocide of an entire race involved to do that. There was a systematic extermination of an entire race. Where do you get off saying that our way of life is better than theirs, or that our cities are in any way more important than their homes.

Belittling of the JEWS? ARE YOU CRAZY?
Read the bullshit that you've copied and pasted.

MUSLIMS? Have you ever heard the saying, "Fighting a war for Israel?"
You need to get out in America more often.

I won't even bother with the black slaves. I mean, after all, black people still own slaves, so it's not like you can blame one race on slavery.
I can blame 95% of it on one race.

You are in disbelief. I am winning.
BWAHAHAHA. After you've been owned by me multiple times, and everyone else on this forum multiple times just like I said would happen, you still have the audacity to pull something like that out of your ass? Dirty, inbred, retarded chimps are funny. Perhaps I should point you to this thread: http://zelaron.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35691

Why don't you ask everyone who they think is winning?

We drive the attackers (usually) out. Something the Indians couldn't do.
And please tell me what happens when they can't. Uh-Oh. Gotta turn your thinking cap on (in your case, you may need to buy one first). You're going to have to look into history for this one.

Again, how are these sites racist?
If you're too stupid to realize it on your own, I'm too lazy to explain.

Can you prove this to me? Or is it because some Jew told you it it must be true? Jews aren't your best friend; they're your most useful tool.
Well, why don't you show me one slave's diary where he doesn't recall being whipped, or a slaveowner's diary where he doesn't recall whipping a slave, or having a slave whipped? Plus, again, ask an old black man about his grandparents.

If they are only 1% of America, then why is it 23% of the students at Ivy League colleges are Jewish? Surely not all of them are intelligent (must have Jewish connections). Why is it they control almost all of the media? We live in the Jewnited States of America.
Well, if Ivy leagues are looked upon so highly, and if, as your klan sites say, 23% of them are Jewish, then the Jews must be pretty damned smart. I mean they control Hollywood and MTV and everything, so they must be smarter than you. As I said, if 1% of our population has such a big influence on us, that's the 1% I'm going to be part of.
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Demosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2005-02-22, 04:16 PM in reply to Demosthenes's post starting "Jesus Christ, you are so fucking..."
mjordan2nd said:
Jesus Christ, you are so fucking stupid. You just made me take my own goddamed name in vein. That pisses me the fuck off. I hate breaking one of my own commandments. NOT EVERY BLACK MAN WAS INCAPABLE OF READING. I figured you were intelligent enough to put two and two together, and figure out that these diaries are from blacks that could read and write, but obviously I'm giving you too much credit. What can I say? I usually end up giving fuckwits too much credit. My own fault. When I said your IQ was 25 -- I take it back. There is no way your IQ is over 20.

In fact, I'm beginning to think that you're some insane annoyance bot set up by the Klan who's been programmed to copy and paste the stupidest bullshit he can find, and post links to the stupidest bullshit he can find.
I think those diaries were really written by some Jews to start a few race wars.

I've seen it before, you twit. I have no desire to waste my time reading more of the KKKs ignorant propoganda. The real question is, did you even read Jew Watch? Because if you did, even a moron could figure out that it was a racist website. But, again, I give you too much credit. Morons have a chance of redemption. You're like a dirty, inbred, retarded chimp. That leaves redemption out of the question.
I've read it multiple times.

Of course, that has no relevance to what I said in the previous post whatsoever, but I'll answer it anyway. Of course we've evolved differently. Our pigmentation is obviously different. But furthermore, even me and my sister have evolved differently. That's how it works. You're right. All races are unique. But don't call yourself white. You insult the white race by calling yourself white. You belong to the race of stupid.
I am very smart.

Really? How far? Five, maybe 6 generations? The fact remains that humans evolved from Africa. Now of course, out of your sheer ignorance, you're going to deny that as best as you can with your feeble arguments, but there is very substantial scientific evidence to back that up, just like evolution has been backed up.
Wouldn't that mean that everyone was black at one point and the pure Africans are the least evolved? (Not like I'm saying they're stupid or anything -- I'm just wondering what you think.

So how does that prove that he didn't think that the "Negroid" was their equal? And as for the last part of Jefferson's quite, he was quite obviously wrong, because America is a melting point for all of the worlds cultures, and it is the most powerful nation in the world. If the white race was meant to live alone then Europe should be the most powerful. If people are supposed to stick to their own kind, then China, or some other country should be the most powerful nation. The fact is, the most powerful nation in the world is full of all of the worlds cultures, and it has only gotten more powerful over the years.
I never said we weren't, and I never said any race was stupid. I'm not a racist.

You ... are ... really ... ignorant to history. Have you not heard of the 1920s? You don't need Jewish people's history books even for that, just ask my Great-Grandfather. Blacks were freed in 1865. In 1865 itself, you could see hate crimes. Right now, hate crimes are much lower than they were throughout history. By the way, your hatred for Jews is blatant racism. Just letting you know. I figured your too damned stupid to know.
I never said white people never made hate crimes; I'm just saying the Jews kill a lot more people with all their Zionist New Age Wars. I'm not racist towards Jew religion. I just don't like the Z.O.G. Machine.

Funny how the pyramids were made by Africans.

Just look at the faces of the people in the Egyptian artwork, the texture of the hair, bonestructure, etc....None of that is pure Negroid at all.... Just because Egypt was in Africa, that doesn't mean the citizens were all pure Negroid. They were multi-racial. Besides, if everyone was black at one point, then I guess the ones who became white evolved out of Egypt, right?

Once again, NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!

Bigots deserve to be discriminated against. I have no hate for the color of people's skins. I have hate for stupidity.
I don't hate skin; I just hate actions.

Which Klan site did you get this from?
I could use my unlimited sources, but I will just use my common sense. We came here, we looked like we pose a threat, so they attack us, right?

Yea. And their was a genocide of an entire race involved to do that. There was a systematic extermination of an entire race. Where do you get off saying that our way of life is better than theirs, or that our cities are in any way more important than their homes.
Hey, the Spartans are extinct; don't you feel sorry for them, too?

Read the bullshit that you've copied and pasted.

You need to get out in America more often.

I can blame 95% of it on one race.
Then, you're a racist. LOL!

BWAHAHAHA. After you've been owned by me multiple times, and everyone else on this forum multiple times just like I said would happen, you still have the audacity to pull something like that out of your ass? Dirty, inbred, retarded chimps are funny. Perhaps I should point you to this thread: http://zelaron.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35691

Why don't you ask everyone who they think is winning?
Everyone here is racist towards me the white boy.

And please tell me what happens when they can't. Uh-Oh. Gotta turn your thinking cap on (in your case, you may need to buy one first). You're going to have to look into history for this one.
They all die?

Well, why don't you show me one slave's diary where he doesn't recall being whipped, or a slaveowner's diary where he doesn't recall whipping a slave, or having a slave whipped? Plus, again, ask an old black man about his grandparents.
Blame the rich people, not me. My ancestors didn't even live in America all those years ago.

Well, if Ivy leagues are looked upon so highly, and if, as your klan sites say, 23% of them are Jewish, then the Jews must be pretty damned smart. I mean they control Hollywood and MTV and everything, so they must be smarter than you. As I said, if 1% of our population has such a big influence on us, that's the 1% I'm going to be part of.
They only accept semites.
Snow is racist. It does not have an equal amount of colored snow as it does white snow. We must find a way to alter nature so that snow becomes colored.

When you decorate your tree for Christmas, you must put at least 24.8% colored bulbs, and they must be placed throughout the tree and not segregated in any matter.

Christmas presents must not be wrapped in white paper.

If Christmas music is to be played, under no circumstances is 'Have a White Christmas' to be Played.

Turkey may be served, but only if there is an equal amount of dark and white meat be served.

You must keep your colored and white dogs in the same room at all times, unsegregated, and they must get along at all times.

Last edited by zonalon; 2005-02-22 at 05:44 PM.
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zonalon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-02-22, 07:59 PM in reply to zonalon's post starting "I think those diaries were really..."
zonalon said:
Everyone here is racist towards me the white boy.
Umm, hey dipshit, I'm betting you that 90% of the people that visit Zelaron are white. Who the fuck is black on this forum except for mj? Give it up, shithole. We're not going to conform to your ways NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY. Stop it. Shoo!
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2005-02-22, 08:02 PM in reply to Demosthenes's post starting "Jesus Christ, you are so fucking..."
Mj, you have to understand that the determined bigot will accept no logical information to make them a better person. All I can really say is that zonalon is just out for some attention as well as a hope that maybe he can attract cult members for the KKK or the Aryan Nations (I've talked with the vice-president of the Aryan Nations, those are some really fucked up people). And if he truly is as stupid and ignorant as he seems, the only thing I can do is to just ignore him. But there's always temp banning for a while. But that's up to the mods, isn't it? I really can't tolerate racist pigs like zonalon here. It just boils me deep inside to hear just stupid and bigotted disrespect for people. But if it were up to me, zon's little ass would be banned.
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KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it


Posted 2005-02-22, 08:13 PM in reply to Sovereign's post starting "http://zelaron.com/forum/profile.php?do=..."
I like ignore...but this poor bastard is the prime example of stupidity and the ignorance and lack of real fact makes me laugh and feel better about myself.

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KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2005-02-22, 09:11 PM in reply to KagomJack's post starting "I like ignore...but this poor bastard..."
LMAO. Those black diaries were written by the JEWS! LOL, ahhhh...thank you zonalon! It's offical, black jesus hates someone. I've never seen him so hostile! LOL.
At first I was trying to reason w/ this zonalon, but now its seems we should all just stop trying. You guys can't change someone like this...everyone just let him be, nature will take care of him one way or another.
Kagom beat me to my point

yes the ignore is bien.
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Kaneda is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-02-22, 09:18 PM in reply to zonalon's post starting "I think those diaries were really..."
zonalon said:
Everyone here is racist towards me the white boy.
I'm white, you simple minded bitch. OH NOEZ I R RACIST AGAINST MYSELF!!!!!! In fact, I'm pretty sure MJ is the only black guy here.
Profile PM WWW Search
Slim shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeSlim shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2005-02-23, 07:31 PM in reply to Slim's post starting "I'm white, you simple minded bitch. OH..."
Slim said:
I'm white, you simple minded bitch. OH NOEZ I R RACIST AGAINST MYSELF!!!!!! In fact, I'm pretty sure MJ is the only black guy here.
Pretty much what I said 5 posts up.
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2005-02-24, 03:05 PM in reply to Thanatos's post starting "Pretty much what I said 5 posts up. ..."
The vast majority of jews living in America today came here from about 1890-1920s. This means, unless they were able to rewrite history, fool everyone in America into believing that the history they are telling about America is true, and keep it going until now without anyone questioning it, everything this guy says is bullshit.
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2005-02-24, 04:18 PM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "The vast majority of jews living in..."
It must be the chemicals.
Profile PM WWW Search
Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2005-02-24, 06:17 PM in reply to KagomJack's post starting "I like ignore...but this poor bastard..."
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Grav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrow

Posted 2005-02-24, 07:15 PM in reply to Grav's post starting "IF THE JEWS CONTROL THE MEDIA, WHY IS..."
GravitonSurge said:
So they don't become suspicious & they want to be stealthy.....

Snow is racist. It does not have an equal amount of colored snow as it does white snow. We must find a way to alter nature so that snow becomes colored.

When you decorate your tree for Christmas, you must put at least 24.8% colored bulbs, and they must be placed throughout the tree and not segregated in any matter.

Christmas presents must not be wrapped in white paper.

If Christmas music is to be played, under no circumstances is 'Have a White Christmas' to be Played.

Turkey may be served, but only if there is an equal amount of dark and white meat be served.

You must keep your colored and white dogs in the same room at all times, unsegregated, and they must get along at all times.
Profile PM WWW Search
zonalon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-02-24, 07:17 PM in reply to zonalon's post starting "So they don't become suspicious & they..."
zonalon said:
So they don't become suspicious & they want to be stealthy.....
Bigots really make Jews sound extremely smart. If they have planned so far in ahead, and can control all this stuff, keeping the common people in the darkness like this, I think I want a Jew as a teacher. You make them sound far smarter than you.
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Demosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2005-02-24, 07:25 PM in reply to Demosthenes's post starting "Bigots really make Jews sound extremely..."
mjordan2nd said:
Bigots really make Jews sound extremely smart. If they have planned so far in ahead, and can control all this stuff, keeping the common people in the darkness like this, I think I want a Jew as a teacher. You make them sound far smarter than you.
They are very smart, but if we don't outsmart them, they will eliminate our uniqueness & turn us into their puppets.
Snow is racist. It does not have an equal amount of colored snow as it does white snow. We must find a way to alter nature so that snow becomes colored.

When you decorate your tree for Christmas, you must put at least 24.8% colored bulbs, and they must be placed throughout the tree and not segregated in any matter.

Christmas presents must not be wrapped in white paper.

If Christmas music is to be played, under no circumstances is 'Have a White Christmas' to be Played.

Turkey may be served, but only if there is an equal amount of dark and white meat be served.

You must keep your colored and white dogs in the same room at all times, unsegregated, and they must get along at all times.
Profile PM WWW Search
zonalon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-02-24, 08:07 PM in reply to zonalon's post starting "They are very smart, but if we don't..."
From now on, I'm just going to reply to your posts with lyrics from rap songs. Your posts don't deserve much more than that, and hopefully it will piss you off.
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Demosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2005-02-26, 07:58 PM in reply to Demosthenes's post starting "From now on, I'm just going to reply to..."
Oooh! That will make things interesting. I think he deserves a lot less than that, though.
Profile PM WWW Search
KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2005-02-27, 04:56 AM in reply to Demosthenes's post starting "From now on, I'm just going to reply to..."
Country songs!!!!! Reply with country folk songs...he he he...
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Lenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basics


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