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Posted 2005-03-09, 01:32 PM in reply to KagomJack's post starting "M'kay, more {}'s"
KagomJack said:
M'kay, more {}'s
First let me ask you: do you believe in the Bible. God clearly believes in segregation and is against mongrelization.

http://www.k-k-k.com/crime_of_mixing.htm ( OH NO! AN EVIL KKK SITE LOL THOUGHT I'D POST THIS ONE LAST )

The Bible does show that marriage to any race other than Adamic for Adamites is a sin.

Don't believe me? Read a Bible yourself (preferrably one that is 1950-)

Mongrelize - To make mongrel in race, nature, or character. (That is the definition)

There are other things written that describe color, such as Acts 13:1 where a prophet was called Niger, which means black. Niger is the word that nigger (which also comes from the Greek word niger which means black) comes from.

Deut. 23:2: "A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord, even to his tenth generation".
Snow is racist. It does not have an equal amount of colored snow as it does white snow. We must find a way to alter nature so that snow becomes colored.

When you decorate your tree for Christmas, you must put at least 24.8% colored bulbs, and they must be placed throughout the tree and not segregated in any matter.

Christmas presents must not be wrapped in white paper.

If Christmas music is to be played, under no circumstances is 'Have a White Christmas' to be Played.

Turkey may be served, but only if there is an equal amount of dark and white meat be served.

You must keep your colored and white dogs in the same room at all times, unsegregated, and they must get along at all times.
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zonalon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-03-09, 05:52 PM in reply to zonalon's post starting "First let me ask you: do you believe in..."
You should know by now i don't believe in the myths of the Bible one bit. I believe there's a God, just not the Christian's god. Therefore, your beliefs don't apply to me one bit.
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KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2005-03-09, 06:40 PM in reply to KagomJack's post starting "You should know by now i don't believe..."
KagomJack said:
You should know by now i don't believe in the myths of the Bible one bit. I believe there's a God, just not the Christian's god. Therefore, your beliefs don't apply to me one bit.
Oh well, if Christianity hadn't had taken over Europe, we would have most likely reached a Star Trek type civilisation minus all the liberal feminist multi-culturalism.
Snow is racist. It does not have an equal amount of colored snow as it does white snow. We must find a way to alter nature so that snow becomes colored.

When you decorate your tree for Christmas, you must put at least 24.8% colored bulbs, and they must be placed throughout the tree and not segregated in any matter.

Christmas presents must not be wrapped in white paper.

If Christmas music is to be played, under no circumstances is 'Have a White Christmas' to be Played.

Turkey may be served, but only if there is an equal amount of dark and white meat be served.

You must keep your colored and white dogs in the same room at all times, unsegregated, and they must get along at all times.
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zonalon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-03-09, 08:17 PM in reply to zonalon's post starting "Oh well, if Christianity hadn't had..."
No, we'd be more tolerant of other races, sexualities, and each other's gender.
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KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2005-03-09, 10:00 PM in reply to zonalon's post starting "Oh well, if Christianity hadn't had..."
LMAO! liberal feminist multi-culturalism. Star trek must have been made by jews.
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Kaneda is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-03-09, 10:39 PM in reply to KagomJack's post starting "No, we'd be more tolerant of other..."
KagomJack said:
No, we'd be more tolerant of other races, sexualities, and each other's gender.
Yep, because we'd all live in seperate colonies free of the Jewified Multi-culturism.
Snow is racist. It does not have an equal amount of colored snow as it does white snow. We must find a way to alter nature so that snow becomes colored.

When you decorate your tree for Christmas, you must put at least 24.8% colored bulbs, and they must be placed throughout the tree and not segregated in any matter.

Christmas presents must not be wrapped in white paper.

If Christmas music is to be played, under no circumstances is 'Have a White Christmas' to be Played.

Turkey may be served, but only if there is an equal amount of dark and white meat be served.

You must keep your colored and white dogs in the same room at all times, unsegregated, and they must get along at all times.
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zonalon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-03-10, 02:57 AM in reply to zonalon's post starting "Oh well, if Christianity hadn't had..."
Is it just me, or are you taking a dig at Europe now???
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Lenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2005-03-10, 01:04 PM in reply to Lenny's post starting "Is it just me, or are you taking a dig..."
Lenny said:
Is it just me, or are you taking a dig at Europe now???
I'd move there, but some countries in Europe are being Jewified.
Snow is racist. It does not have an equal amount of colored snow as it does white snow. We must find a way to alter nature so that snow becomes colored.

When you decorate your tree for Christmas, you must put at least 24.8% colored bulbs, and they must be placed throughout the tree and not segregated in any matter.

Christmas presents must not be wrapped in white paper.

If Christmas music is to be played, under no circumstances is 'Have a White Christmas' to be Played.

Turkey may be served, but only if there is an equal amount of dark and white meat be served.

You must keep your colored and white dogs in the same room at all times, unsegregated, and they must get along at all times.
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zonalon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-03-11, 06:59 AM in reply to zonalon's post starting "I'd move there, but some countries in..."
Such as...come on...enlighten us...just get the right answer or you're gonna regret it...
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Lenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2005-03-11, 06:05 PM in reply to Lenny's post starting "Such as...come on...enlighten us...just..."
Lenny said:
Such as...come on...enlighten us...just get the right answer or you're gonna regret it...
Let me copy and paste a nice report I read off of a news site.

The Awakening of the White Race, and how
it's extinction is not innevitable

The situation does not look the best, although we are growing on this site online, race mixing still occurs all around us and many white nationalists feel very alienated because of their beliefs. I have recently discovered we are not nearly as alone as many of us believe.

I will try recreating the moment that this idea dawned on me here. It was no more then a month or so ago, I was with two friends on a Friday night hanging around in the park. These friends are 16 years old and we were talking about the normal stuff that kids our age talk about, video games, war, girls, etc. The topic then took a sharp turn to the right.

Being in an inner city 'park' there were a lot of homeless blacks. Passing by one, one of my friends commented on how all the homeless around us appeared to be black. Now we were taught by all of our teachers that they are not all black and there are just as many whites homeless as they're are blacks. I felt alone in that class thinking I was the only who knew better but when my friend started to comment on the lies we had been told in class, I saw an opportunity to start to try and help them understand this world we are living in. I started to make the connection between homelessness and black crime as a way to bring up my point yet come off fairly moderate as not to scare them away from the topic. Much to my surprise one of my friends came back at me with something I thought only I at my school would ever say. He said, "I think that these blacks are a problem that we need to be more aware of". I was shocked... This seemingly ""normal"" 16 year old Irish/Russian kid believed what I did. If that was not already shocking enough, my other friend who was with us agreed! The conversation stemmed from there as I pulled out numbers and dates I had read on this very forum about the decline of the white race, the eventual white minority in the US, and the seemingly imminent extinction of the white race.

This scared my classmates, although I'm sure they had heard about a decline of whites in the US I guess a sort of personal face to face encounter had really shocked them and re-awakened them. We began to talk about why this had not once been brought up in class. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to break out the ZOG idea. Because I myself do not believe in an actual committee of elders, or an actual group as being what we call ZOG, I did not tell them the more literal definition. I believe, and now my friends do as well, that 'ZOG' is sort of the greed and carelessness of your average Jew. I told them that these sorts of people run our mass media, and these people feed us manufactured principles, ideas and ideals. I told them that this is the reason for such a change between the class and civility of past eras and what I think we all agree, racialists or not, worse time. From Mozart and Mussorgsky, to 50 Cent and Marc Antony, I told them, we have been in a downward spiral because of the Jewish rise out of the ghetto's, and their steady rise to power. To my surprise once again, my friends took this quite well and we carried on the conversation for well over an hour.

I thought at first this was just a coincidence that I happened to be with two people who were sick of this failed multicultural experiment. I could not have been more incorrect. This sort of thing started to happen more and more as I actually began to speak up in class against certain exaggerations given to fool the white youth and to fuel the black youth about the civil rights movement. When the Black Panthers were hailed as heroes I pointed out their murder of policemen in riots, and their habitual acts of violence. Although still too timid to bring much more into the discussions, I was surprised that a number of my classmates, male and female, agreed and about a third or so of the class actually started to argue with me. I could barely believe it! The teacher of this brainwash class called simply 'Modern Ed.' was about to loose her mind. There are not many sights as good as seeing an agent of ZOG screaming at young little girls and boys who were standing against these lies.

From reading this it might seem as all my classmates here were instantly converted but unfortunately they were not, but I think what these incidents show is that however deep down, nearly every white child with any sort of intelligence has a white mind, and a love for the white race. Now I am not going to lie and say that I am the hero of the sophomore class and that I converted many a fellow white to white nationalism, for the pressure to be tolerant is still strong. This is partially my fault because I am fairly timid and am not as good as I would like to be at standing up for what is right, but I think if we all do our parts, especially the younger members of this forum. Yes if we all do our part, all 43,000 of us, we can really make a difference and we can stop what I had called the seemingly inevitable above. If we all show whites that we are not evil, that we are not what the media shows us to be, we can stop the path to extinction. Civilization, personified in the white man and woman, can live on for a long time to come. If we play our cards correctly the last blonde wont die some odd 200 years from now in the mountains in Finland, the last white wont die in 300 years, we can live on and I think it is extremely important to be aware that all around you white youth has deeply hidden ideas inside of them that a little prod can reveal. Over the recent month and a half or so, I have regained faith in our race and I felt I needed to spend my time to bring this feeling to all of you aware whites out there. As Aristotle once said, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting It.", I believe that it is also the mark of a white mind, and we have to give our white brethren alternative beliefs to resort to.

Another quote that I think can serve as inspiration for all my white compatriots is the following, "Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb." - Winston Churchill


I fully agree with this article. In my English class, this Jewish Supremacist teacher (I knew she was Jewish because she had those Jewish candles on Christmas & told us Happy Hannukah the day before Xmas break) would always tells us how she was ashamed to be White, etc. (just some anti-White propaganda, you know) I told her that she wasn't a true White, just a dissimulator. When it was Pick a Holiday day, I decided to recommend there be "White History Month," and she replied, "What have Whites done for the world?" To this I responded in a circumstantial manner.

It was quite obvious why she would boast about her participation at Oxford College, fancily show off to the classrom her expensive clothing, and drive around in her expensive Corvette. While she only makes 50k a year, she has this exuberant lifestyle. How is this possible? Being the quick-witted boy I am, I automatically assumed she had big J-word connections. I mean, come on, you've got to wonder how all the big Ivy League colleges' students are around 23% Jewish when they only make up 2.5% of the US population.

Their little ZOG propaganda isn't going to work on me, for I know that multi-culturism will fail in the end, for I know that not all races are "created" equal, for I know that Black History Month was created just so the ZOG could spread their anti-White propaganda, for I know that for as many of their agents they send into our schools, there will always be racially aware people like me.

Their multi-culture experiment is failing, anti's. What do you have to say about that?
Snow is racist. It does not have an equal amount of colored snow as it does white snow. We must find a way to alter nature so that snow becomes colored.

When you decorate your tree for Christmas, you must put at least 24.8% colored bulbs, and they must be placed throughout the tree and not segregated in any matter.

Christmas presents must not be wrapped in white paper.

If Christmas music is to be played, under no circumstances is 'Have a White Christmas' to be Played.

Turkey may be served, but only if there is an equal amount of dark and white meat be served.

You must keep your colored and white dogs in the same room at all times, unsegregated, and they must get along at all times.
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zonalon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-03-11, 07:14 PM in reply to zonalon's post starting "Let me copy and paste a nice report I..."
You're a dumb fucker.
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KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2005-03-11, 07:34 PM in reply to zonalon's post starting "Let me copy and paste a nice report I..."
You just gave a perfect example of one of the top reasons that we hate you so very, very much.

zonalon said:
Let me copy and paste a nice report I read off of a news site.

Oh and FYI, fucktard: I don't believe in the bible or god, so using either in an argument against me won't do you any good.

KagomJack said:
My girth isn't anything to bitch and moan about in long, elaborate paragraphs.
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JRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzJRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2005-03-11, 07:38 PM in reply to JRwakebord's post starting "You just gave a perfect example of one..."
I just hate him because he's an ignorant racist, sexist pig.
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KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2005-03-11, 07:40 PM in reply to KagomJack's post starting "I just hate him because he's an..."
KagomJack said:
I just hate him because he's an ignorant racist, sexist pig.
I'm just anti-ZOG, not racist. In fact, I am very anti-racist. I love all races, so I can comprehend that we cannot live under the same government. Multi-culturism is racist.
Snow is racist. It does not have an equal amount of colored snow as it does white snow. We must find a way to alter nature so that snow becomes colored.

When you decorate your tree for Christmas, you must put at least 24.8% colored bulbs, and they must be placed throughout the tree and not segregated in any matter.

Christmas presents must not be wrapped in white paper.

If Christmas music is to be played, under no circumstances is 'Have a White Christmas' to be Played.

Turkey may be served, but only if there is an equal amount of dark and white meat be served.

You must keep your colored and white dogs in the same room at all times, unsegregated, and they must get along at all times.
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zonalon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-03-11, 07:43 PM in reply to zonalon's post starting "I'm just anti-ZOG, not racist. In fact,..."
No, your ideas are racist. You support a racist group. And you support Jim Crow-like laws.
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KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2005-03-11, 07:48 PM in reply to zonalon's post starting "I'm just anti-ZOG, not racist. In fact,..."
zonalon said:
I'm just anti-ZOG, not racist. In fact, I am very anti-racist. I love all races, so I can comprehend that we cannot live under the same government. Multi-culturism is racist.


n : the doctrine that several different cultures (rather than one national culture) can co-exist peacefully and equitably in a single country"

Really? Tolerance is racist?

KagomJack said:
My girth isn't anything to bitch and moan about in long, elaborate paragraphs.
Profile PM WWW Search
JRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzJRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2005-03-11, 07:52 PM in reply to JRwakebord's post starting ""multiculturalism n : the doctrine..."
He ain't gonna listen. He's got his racist views set already.
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KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2005-03-11, 08:09 PM in reply to KagomJack's post starting "He ain't gonna listen. He's got his..."
Eh, maybe he'll listen if I just copy and paste like he does.

KagomJack said:
My girth isn't anything to bitch and moan about in long, elaborate paragraphs.
Profile PM WWW Search
JRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzJRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2005-03-11, 08:54 PM in reply to JRwakebord's post starting "Eh, maybe he'll listen if I just copy..."
Hmmm...that is a possibility...try it!
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KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2005-03-12, 12:43 AM in reply to zonalon's post starting "I'd reply with my sources, but you..."
zonalon said:
You'd never get elected, just so you know, because you don't have this $$$$$$.

I do. Maybe I should become President and try educating the inbred deep south so they don't breed any more fucktards like you.

KagomJack said:
My girth isn't anything to bitch and moan about in long, elaborate paragraphs.
Profile PM WWW Search
JRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzJRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz


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