Posted 2008-08-18, 01:41 PM
Per Chruser and D3V's requests, I'm making a poll for everyone to vote on.
D3V has promised he will change. Zelaron is an important part of his day and he really misses this place. I'm not trying to make this a sob story, because yes he was an asshole at times, but who wasn't? Honestly, haven't you all had harsh feelings towards somebody on here? IMO, that's something that makes Zelaron unique. We're free to say pretty much anything we want without repurcussions from the Staff.
Remember this, when D3V first registered he was a KKK-promoting, racist asshole piece of shit. He now fully supports a black man running for president and he even admits he was an idiot back then. People can change their opinions and turn into something better.
I'm not crusading to get him back, either. I have been asked by Chruser to make a poll. So, please vote.
Thank you.