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Environmental damage
Posted 2002-03-08, 06:14 PM
Why it Happens and How to Stop it.
(see article complete with hyperlinks at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/2012/envird.htm)

If someone was to come up to you one day and tell you that we are all living our lives all wrong and we have to change our ways immediately or we are all going to die, what would you do?

Would you hear that person out and evaluate their argument? Or would you just brush that person's warning off without taking the time to allow them to explain their claims.

Over the years, there has been many religious groups and cult organisations telling us that the world is going to end and they are right about that. The Books that were given to us by The Ruler of the Universe, as a Guide and Users' Manual for planet Earth, tell us that the world is going to end, they even say when and how the end will be.

Unfortunately these religions and cult groups have mis-understood Earth's Guides / Users' Manuals and told us that if we don't believe their religious interpretation of them, we would surely be tortured and die.

Because of the religions' and cult groups' mis-leading information, people have been frightened away from The Users' Manuals and don't want to have anything to do with them or anyone who even mentions their names any more. This is very unfortunate because The Guides / Users' Manuals contain the vital information that everyone on Earth needs to be able to live together in harmony, without hurting each other or the Earth we live on. Now that very few people read The Manuals, and nobody seems to understand them, nobody knows how to look after each other or the Earth 'The Way' we should any more and consequently we are all working all day, every day towards our own destruction.

Mankind is now the number one cause of all the destruction happening on Earth. As well as trying to destroy each other on the battle-field, we are the cause of a series of other disasters, beginning with the industrial exploitation of the resources of the Earth. This has become especially bad since the population of the Earth has trippled in the last fifty years to a point which, even with more efficient means of distribution, there is simply not enough food to go around.

The seas and oceans are being poisoned by chemical products, oils, industrial and human waste. On land, especially in the industrial countries where most waste is actually "manufactured", there is increasingly little room to bury it and even when buried, noxious elements leech out and destroy the health of the area. An even greater problem is the disposal of Atomic waste, unsafe to dump into the sea and even more unsafe to bury under the land. An alternative possibility, that of sending it out into space, would perhaps create other more serious dangers, not immediately apparent to us.

The destruction of the Earth's rain forests by cutting (an estimated fourteen acres every minute) is constantly decreasing the production of oxygen (and rainfall) necessary for life, while other forests in Europe and North America are being poisoned by acid rain. The 'green-house' effect of overheating the Earth by excessive hydrocarbons and carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere, contributed to mainly by car-exhausts, is causing global-warming and the melting of the polar ice-caps and glaciers, causing raised ocean-levels and un-seasonal and adverse weather patterns, known as the El-Niño (Christ child), which was prophesied 2,500 years ago in 2 Esdras, as being one of the 'Signs of The End Time' and La-Niña weather effects.

The development of atomic power first represented a danger to communities surrounding a Soviet plutonium plant at Kyshtym in the Winter of 1957-1958. This happened when the plutonium fallout from the inefficiently stored waste caused a blast which killed hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people. As a result, a wasteland occurred which wiped more than thirty towns from Soviet maps and a declaration of 'off-limits' of the affected area continued until the contaminated soil could be covered with new soil and sand by groups of condemned prisoners, many of whom later died from radiation sickness. More extensive publicity was given to the incident at Three Mile Island in 1979 and the Chernobyl meltdown of April and May 1986 which caused what threatened to be delayed death clouds over Central and Southern Europe, showing the danger of atomic meltdown with its resulting poisoning of the air, water, land, people, animals and food to be as potentially dangerous to the world and its inhabitants as atomic warfare.

With increasing frequency we are informed of industrial accidents, some of which, like the chemical-insecticide disaster in Bhopal, India, killing thousands of people while they slept, rested, ate, or ran, resemble the sudden plagues of the Middle Ages. Another disaster, caused by cumulative chemical poisoning, took place at the Love Canal, New York State, USA, where a toxic chemical dump was insufficiently buried and was found to have been responsible for serious birth defects in infants which, in the event that the infants survived, could be transmitted, as with atomic fallout, to future generations. In Minamata, Japan, villagers developed brain and nerve damage and died as a result of eating fish already poisoned by methyl mercury, dumped into the sea from a nearby factory.

Perhaps one of the best cover-ups was of the truth about the amount of environmental damage that was caused in the Gulf War of 1990-91, when Sadam Hussein set-fire to over a thousand oil-wells and tipped tons of sticky black crude-oil into the sea. This disaster caused, and is still causing (it has diluted and spread-out but it is still there) incalculable damage and has been and still is a major factor in the acceleration of the 'green-house' effect and the changing of global climate, with the havoc and destruction it is causing. The crude-oil in that region of the world is very heavily laden with sulphur and when you mix sulphur with water you get sulphuric acid. It rained sulphuric acid-rain for thousands of miles around that area, over wherever the wind blew the smoke-pollution. Also the sulphur-gas in the smoke turns to sulphuric acid when it comes in contact with the moisture in our lungs and sweat and the people of Kuwait were having respiratory (breathing) difficulties early-on and the full details were never publicised.

More recently, the bombing of fuel storage facilities and chemical plants and factories in Serbia and Kosovo by the NATO forces has had a direct and immediate impact on the world's climate and environment, with freak tornados ripping through central U.S.A. at the time of the bombings, and now, since the bombing has stopped, Eastern U.S.A. is experiencing the worst heat-wave and drought in living memory. Indonesia is experiencing an onslaught of Tropical Cyclones, of far greater strength and ferocity than usual. Heat-waves through central Europe and Russia are causing forest fires which are destroying the last few areas of forest still remaining and Britain is encountering freak tornados and tropical storms, the likes of which have rarely been encountered there before.

The scientists tell us that the flapping of a butterfly's wings can cause a hurricane on the other side of the planet, but when they are being paid by governments to keep us in the dark, or actually to deceive us, they don't seem to think thousands of jet engines and bombs and millions of cars harm, or disturb the environment at all. Strange, don't you think?

The animal food chain has been broken by the extinction of animal species by man. With the development of improved(?) industrial fishing techniques, huge sections of the seas and oceans are being rapidly fished-out. Large parts of the world, such as the Sahel Belt across mid-Africa, are in an acute state of starvation with little possibility of cure except permanent aid given by other countries. This same situation, the exhaustion of the soil and killing off of the herds, is being repeated in various parts of the Third World and represents an almost insoluble problem within the limits of present international co-operation. Hunger in the Third World has increased the slaughter of most of the worlds' remaining wild animals, whose population has decreased by 90 percent of what it was only fifty years ago.

With all of these things and more that have happened, in just the past fifty years, it is obvious that we can't possibly go on living the way that we are and expect the Earth to support the wasteful consumer-based society we live in. It is becoming more and more obvious that we have to change our ways immediately, if not sooner to avert the imminent destruction of the Earth at the hand of mankind.

The Users' Manuals for the Earth that I mentioned earlier are the ONLY answer to all the problems humans have caused on Earth and these Users' Manuals are of course The Holy Bible and The Holy Koran. When we put all of the religions and cult groups aside and interpret them correctly, The Bible and The Koran are the perfect guide to teach us The Way we must live our lives so we can all live in peace and harmony, without destroying ourselves, other people, or the World we live in.

The Bible and Koran are a Guide or Users' Manual for the Earth in 'The Way' and they teach us The Way we have to be so we can live in harmony with everyone else in the world and not cause anyone else or ourselves any unnecessary pain or suffering. We all must start our journey by becoming the first Prophet in his line in The Bible which was Abraham, who chose to believe ONLY God (The Ruler of The Universe) and what He told him and NO ONE ELSE. Abraham proved his faith in God by being willing to sacrifice the thing that he valued the most in the world, which was his 'miracle' son that God gave him when Abraham was a hundred years old. Because Abraham proved that he was willing to go through with it, he was stopped at the last moment and told that it was a test. The forfeit was then not taken and Abraham didn't have to sacrifice his son. Abraham had to pass this test to prove that he was trustworthy and would never doubt or go against God's Will, no matter what the apparent cost to himself or others was.

After Abraham, we must then become Isaac, who was prepared to give his life for God (Good) and then we must be Jacob, who held on to an Angel and refused to let him go while the Angel fought with him. This symbolises the way we must hang on to God's Truth throughout anything that happens. When the Angel finally gave-in, he blessed Jacob and gave him God's birthright (which was originally given to Jacob's brother, Esau) and made Jacob the Champion of God (Isra-el).

Then there is Jacob's son Joseph, who was the most righteous of his twelve sons and went to prison rather than commit adultery. This symbolises the way we must refuse to do what is wrong and against God's Laws, even if it means that we stand to be punished under the unfair system of man-made laws that we are often oppressed by and forced to live under. Joseph also had very important prophetic dreams about his and our time.

Moses was the next Prophet in the line and he taught The Law or The Torah, which is God's Perfect Laws of Freedom. The Torah contains The Laws, Statutes, Judgments, Agricultural and Economic Policies and of course The Ten Commandments that everyone on Earth MUST follow if we want to live in peace and prosperity as one people on Earth. The Torah guarantees that, if everyone follows it, everyone would prosper and nobody would want for anything, unlike the evil man-made laws that we live under today where there are separate laws for the rich and for the poor, so the poor can never get ahead because they are constantly being oppressed by the rich.

Once we have become Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Moses, and have adopted all of their examples and teachings in our own lives, we must then learn from the rest of the Prophets' examples in The Bible and The Koran, right up to and including Christ.

Jesus Christ was The Perfect Example of how every person on Earth should be. He (the Spirit-Being Christ) came here from heaven (another planet - the Morning Star), and after the 'miracle' Virgin-Birth so people would know He was different, was incarnated into the human body called Jesus. The reason He came was to teach us by His demonstration of 'The Way' we must be and treat each other, so we can all live together in harmony and not destroy the planet we are living on. Unfortunately though, like the rest of The Bible and Koran, His teachings have been corrupted and turned into stupid rites and rituals by the various religions and cult groups as well.

Another myth that the organised religions and cult groups have created, is about Heaven being some fantasy-world on top of the clouds, where everyone has wings on their shoulders and plays harps. Heaven is in fact a real physical place and there would be absolutely no reason at all for us to want to go to heaven if it was not the place we originally came from. The Bible tells us exactly where heaven is and the reason why we (our Souls / Spirit-Beings, not the human part of our human+Being) are not there any more, in the following verses:-


12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold
a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and
seven crowns upon his heads.
12:4 And his tale (of lies) drew the third part of the stars
(Beings of light - angels - us in our free state) of heaven,
(into his army) and did cause them to be cast to the Earth...
12:7 And there was a war in heaven: Michael and His angels
fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his
12:8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any
more in heaven...
12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent,
called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole
world: he was cast out unto the Earth, and his angels were
cast out with him.


14:12 How you are fallen from heaven, Lucifer/Satan,
son of the Morning (Star).


2:26 And he that overcomes and keeps my works unto the
end, to him will I give power over the nations...
2:28 And I will give him the Morning Star.

22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these
things in the communities. I am the source and the successor
of David, and the bright and Morning Star.

The Morning/Evening Star is of course Venus, 'the bringer of peace'. Venus has always been considered to be the god of love (God is pure Love), and giving benefits to Earth.

The Nightly Visitant (Koran Sura 86:1-4) "By the heaven and by the nightly visitant! If only you knew what the nightly visitant is! It is the star of piercing brightness. For every soul there is a guardian watching over it".

Praise God at night time and at the setting of the stars (Sura 52:49)(when the "Star" Venus alone is visible).
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
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Chruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2002-03-08, 09:20 PM in reply to Chruser's post "Environmental damage"
yeah.......... :/

i love dragons btw :] :] :]
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Hades-Knight is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-03-08, 09:47 PM in reply to Chruser's post "Environmental damage"

If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them.
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X2D is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenX2D is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-03-12, 02:00 PM in reply to Chruser's post "Environmental damage"
You didn't read it, fools.
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
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Chruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2002-03-12, 02:02 PM in reply to Chruser's post "Environmental damage"
yeah Fluffy bunny's Ownjoo andi hvae read this before actually isntit a commercial ?
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ZERONX is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenZERONX is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between



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