Thread: Zomg!
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Posted 2007-08-29, 08:42 PM in reply to S2 AM's post starting "I want to drive it. Now."
I can't stand when I get in the gun because some idiots already in the driver seat(and seriously I can't betray anyone else because I always get booted. I actually have a picture on a 4 on 4 that says my cousin betrayed someone, then overtop that it says "You have been booted." I dunno what's up) and the guy drives like an idiot. He'll come up on one guy and you'll be gunning, and he'll pass him close, and you can't keep your gun on the guy, then he'll just keep going. I'm like, WTF. Especially if it's slayer and we aren't injured at all.

Seriously, the best way to do it is to come to your victim then slow down a bit then drive perpindular to their movement, to foil grenades, snipers somewhat, and to give the gunner the best angle and time to kill the little bastard. And if you guys ever see me driving like a madman it's usually to get out of danger, dodge rockets(yes it's possible), run over people, get to an advantageous spot quickly, or simply to get to a spot quickly(i.e. the enemy base). Very rarely will I drive like a madman and have no motive(but it does happens sometimes when I just want to try shit out like barrel rolls and let off some steam). Seriously the warthog is a tool of destruction and transportation that used effectively is one of your teams most valuable assets. Used poorly, well, you've all seen what happens.

Halo 3 vehicles are even more sturdy, and shots that hit the vehicle do not at all damage the people within or their shield refill time. So be ready for some warthog ownage on Halo 3.

One thing we should practice is flag pickup too. Whereas it seems to take anywhere from one to two full seconds for flag carriers to find the passenger seat when it should be nearly instantaneous(this was easier in halo 1 when you didn't have to hold x). This can mean the difference in life or death in a hot situation and especially a situation that involves snipers. As compared to other things that take a lot of practice to perfect, I think with just a little practice we could get a standard for picking up flag carriers that would prove invaluable to our team. And with the addition of the mongoose, well, you guys know we need some sort of practice.

Damn I'm rambling the fuck on

I wanna drive that thing in the picture though. Now.
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S2 AM shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeS2 AM shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life