Thread: Need help
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Posted 2003-11-24, 09:05 PM in reply to Hades-Knight's post "Need help"
Can you add some comments and edit these to fit the criteria? kthx

#include <iostream.h>
int main() //Main function
int i; //Define variables
int previous = 0;
int num;
int total = 0;
int flag = 0;
int key = 0;
int repeat = 1;
char roman[50]; //defines roman char for input
char roman2[50]; //defines roman char for output
char pchar = 'z';

cout << "Enter the Roman numeral(in caps!!): "; //prompt for user input
cin >>roman;

for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) //count what the input value range is

if (roman[i] == 'M') //assigns 1000 to input M
num = 1000;
else if (roman[i] == 'D') //assigns 500 to input D
num = 500;
else if (roman[i] == 'C') //assigns 100 to input C
num = 100;
else if (roman[i] == 'L') //assigns 50 to input L
num = 50;
else if (roman[i] == 'X') //assigns 10 to input X
num = 10;
else if (roman[i] == 'V') //assigns 5 to input V
num = 5;
else if (roman[i] == 'I') //assigns 1 to input I
num = 1;
else if (roman[i] == '\0') //if input is 0 flag=1 for error
flag = 1;

/****************************Start Calculation for order of input******************/
/* If input has a value next to it, it checks to see if its more or less than first */
/* If it has less value than the one to the right, substract, if it has higher value add */
if (num == previous)
repeat = repeat + 1;
repeat = 1;

if (repeat == 4 && num == 1)

flag = 1;
if (repeat == 2 && num == 5)

flag = 1;
if (repeat == 4 && num == 10)

flag = 1;
if (repeat == 2 && num == 50)

flag = 1;
if (repeat == 4 && num == 100)

flag = 1;
if (repeat == 2 && num == 500)

flag = 1;

if (flag == 0)

if (num > previous)
if (key == 1)

i = 50;
total = (total - (2 * previous)) + num;
key = 1;
total += num;

previous = num;
num = 0;

i = 50;


cout<<total << endl; //Output the calculated number given that roman characters are calculated right
/*******************************START DOUBLING****************************************/
total = total * 2; //doubles the number you got from convertion
repeat = 1;

for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)
{ //Given then total in int , assign character to each int value

if (total >= 1)
roman2[i] = 'I';
if (total >= 5)
roman2[i] = 'V';
if (total >= 10)
roman2[i] = 'X';
if (total >= 50)
roman2[i] = 'L';
if (total >= 100)
roman2[i] = 'C';
if (total >= 500)
roman2[i] = 'D';
if (total >= 1000)
roman2[i] = 'M';
if (total == 0)
roman2[i] = '\0';

if (roman2[i] == pchar)
repeat = repeat + 1;
repeat = 1;

if (repeat == 4 && roman2[i] == 'I')
roman2[i - 2] = 'V';
roman2[i - 1] = '\0';

if (roman2[i] == 'M') // After getting the range value calculate exact value by substracting the value character to the left
total -= 1000; //and assign character to integer value , convertion.
else if (roman2[i] == 'D')
total -= 500;
else if (roman2[i] == 'C')
total -= 100;
else if (roman2[i] == 'L')
total -= 50;
else if (roman2[i] == 'X')
total -= 10;
else if (roman2[i] == 'V')
total -= 5;
else if (roman2[i] == 'I')
total -= 1;
else if (roman2[i] == '\0')
i = 50;

pchar = roman2[i];

cout<<roman2; //outputs the double value in roman characters

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Hades-Knight is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between