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Posted 2005-09-20, 11:57 PM in reply to Dar_Win's post "Offically the shittiest day of my life."
First I'll test if I can post, then I'll post. I'm tired of writting a lot only to find out a thread's closed.

Alright, now that I've found out I can, let me start writting something for you... Mind you, I like to speak what's off the top of my mind, so it can get long.

This is the story of Momo, a schoolgirl whom enjoyed swimming, unfortunately her skin tanned quite easily and the crush she had earlier in her life, from what a friend told her, prefered girl with light skin. This crushed her and her hopes as well, and within the newer days at her new school, she had made friends with another girl, someone by the name of Sae, one whom seemed sweet as an angel and had the looks of one.

Though as time grew, Sae seemed to be more and more strange, copying Momo's tastes and style, or behind her back, taking away good deals at shops and whatnot, thus getting more and more attention whilst Momo would still look as displeasing as she has always, since where she is those with light hair and tanned skin such as her are often thought to be beach bunnies.

Toji, Momo's crush from years past, was to this school as well, and in thus finding about it, Sae moved in for the kill, placing distance between the two as she found out Toji had an eye for Momo as well since long past. After a few incidents and misunderstandings, they finally were capable of admitting their feelings to one another, Momo and Toji that is, and went out together, even though they witnessed each other's first kiss taken away by another which was not themselves (I'll explain later)

But, Sae convincing the poor idiotic lug into a few compromising situations(Such as taking his first kiss in a lame attempt/excuse that a girl dislikes a guy without any experience in such matters, kinda forcing his hand too), she managed to drive a wedge between Momo and Toji, through the implementation of rumors and whatnot, scandals here and there, lies about Momo's attitude also began to appear (such as bullying and the likes). As comparing one to another was like comparing a fierce lion to a deer... But if you know, deers can give quite a mean kick.

Momo's first kiss was also stolen by accident by a seemingly playboy by the name of Kiley, bringing this up to Toji through Sae, this drove Toji to disbelieve Momo more and more as time grew. The class she was in began to see her in darker and darker light, wishing nothing good for her and taking revenge for someone whom seemed defenseless for false accusations. The lies reached the ears of Toji and through the piling of rumors and lies and stories, he could no longer bear Momo's presence.

The two broke up painfully, the pain is what had caused Toji to further fall ill then what he already was at the time, being away from class gave ample space for sae to work her charm.

If I am incorrect, this situation is similar to yours in some manner am I not correct? What you lack though is someone to personify Kiley... The wild coyote, the skirt chaser he was, though he flirted and though he stole Momo's first kiss and caused her trouble, he truthfully wished only but good for her.

One of the only ones to pierce through the lies and the deceptions, he was capable of seeing through it all, and instead of taking revenge for her, he decided to rather reveal whom Sae was to the open light. With more then enough proof and witnesses gathered, Kiley whom was much better of a manipulator of events, was capable of getting Toji to interrupt a classroom which had turned into a mob, seeing a wounded Sae from Momo whom had hit her in reflex against the mean things she had said about a friend of hers whom supported her, Kiley to be exact.

With that said, what you need to do if you want your girl back is to show her whom to trust truthfully, to show her the truth of the situation... The problem though, is to show what kind of a lying ass your friend is if he is a lying ass. Like how Sae temporarily stole Toji, your friend might be on the same goal, to take your ex from you. But one should not jump to conclusion.

Clear what's wrong first, redefine your trust with her or wait for time to heal the wounds and show her you are a man of your word and worthy of trust. Whatever method you choose, just remember not to be afraid to be hurt once again, for all relationships start with trust, and if you cannot trust your heart to be in the hands of another... Then you are not truly ready to be in a relationship just yet. Wait for your wounds to heal up a bit, wait till you can trust someone again, and do not worry about being harmed, for if one trusts another mutually, it can become one of the best things...

Just remember, if you get back with her or another, do not always believe the stories told to you about them, best learn from what happened to you and immunize yourself from such manipulations, correct?

Sorry for talking so much and so needlessly. The story I speak of is Peach Girl, have fun looking for it, and don't judge a book by it's cover.

Last edited by Paradox_Knight; 2005-09-21 at 12:13 AM.
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Paradox_Knight is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenParadox_Knight is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between