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Posted 2005-03-08, 08:16 PM in reply to zonalon's post starting "First of all, let me tell you that..."
zonalon said:
First of all, let me tell you that people of Whiteness are being discriminated (examples - I was reading on a twin message board and they were talking about "Wimpy White Boy Syndrome" which they say is what Dr and nurses in the NICU say about premature white boys because they say they do the worst (black girls do the best supposedly). These Drs and nurses even tell white women of premature boys this to their faces.) If these were people of "color they were talking about (got to be PC about this LMAO) then they would have gotten sued. If anything, you should try to stop racism towards our own kind. Can you tell me how all races are created equal? How can anyone even state such liberal BS lies? SOURCE: http://www.americancivilrightsreview...101facts1.html
{I bet that forum is a bunch of fantastic, wonderous BULLSHIT. As for racism against white people? I'd treat it the same as I would with racism against a black person. Races are created equal because we are given the same basic natural rights: the right to breathe, eat, drink, reproduce, love, and think. Every kind of race has this. Also, I highly doubt your source is really useful to this.}

"If our buildings, our highways, and our railroads should be wrecked, we could rebuild them. If our cities should be destroyed, out of the very ruins we could erect newer and greater ones. Even if our armed might should be crushed, we could rear sons who would redeem our power. But if the blood of our White race should become corrupted and mingled with the blood of Africa, then the present greatness of the United States of America would be destroyed and all hope for civilization would be as impossible for a Negroid America as would be redemption and restoration of the Whiteman's blood which had been mixed with that of the Negro."
(Senator Theodore G. Bilbo, of Mississippi in 1947)

It's true. I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. Of course you dont, since you've been Mediafied. (can't say that dreaded J word -- gotta be PC)
{You know why I don't agree with this guy? Ain't got anything to do wiht being "mediafied" but the fact that this is a senator from my homestate from the 40's saying something about african americans. Odds are: HE ABSOLUTELY HATED BLACK PEOPLE. I can't respect someone like that.}

IF SCOTLAND'S MAJORITY IS NO LONGER SCOTS, THEN WHY CALL THE COUNTRY SCOTLAND? Why do you think third-world minorities are moving into White countries in drones? It's because they know our countries are better than theirs! Just look at this -- US bashes Ireland for "discrimination"
{Let me say this now: we have a right to bash them for discrimination. Why should they give ANYONE equal rights? Because that's the right thing to do. But stop trying to pull away from the focus. We're talking about America, not Ireland, not Scotland, not Africa, and not Germany (in case you were thinking about Germany). As for them moving into white dominant countries? There's no reason in it. They move to our country because they are being persecuted and hated. They get here, it's toned down some, but still there}

Why should Ireland, an island for the IRISH, have to give IMMIGRANTS their rights? Shouldn't the US mind her own business? You don't see Whites moving into Africa or Mexico now do you? {The US should mind her own business in certain things. Iraq wasn't doing jack shit. We put our nose in there for oil. Now, say Hussein was gassing Kurds again. That would've been our right to go in and bash them and attack. To free the Kurds from the racist psycho of a dictator at the time. But nothing was going on. So we should mind our own business if no one is being mistreated and oppressed.}
M'kay, more {}'s
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