Thread: bootinit?
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Posted 2004-11-27, 10:42 PM
; This is a comment
[ORG 0x7C00];This just tells the program where it is in the memory. Not important
[BITS 16];Not important too.

jmp start	; Jump over BIOS parameter block

start:;The label for the start of the actual program

push cs;Put cs onto the stack
pop ds;Take it out and put it into ds

mov si,Print_loading    ;Print loading message
call printstring  ;Call is like jump, but it goes back. Like a function

      ;The complicated bit: Loads the next program
mov ah,02h              ;When ah=, int13 reads a disk sector
mov al,4    	;Al is how many sectors to read
mov ch,0    	;The track to read from
mov cl,2    	;Sector Id
mov dh,0    	;Head
mov dl,0    	;Drive (0 is floppy)
mov bx,0x1000  	;Es and Bx put together are where to load the program too (see jmp 0x1000:0x00)
mov es,bx
mov bx,0x00
int 13h    ;Int 13 is all functions for disks

mov si,putdot          ;Print a ".".
call printstring

jmp 0x1000:0x00        ;Run Bootinit from stack.

printstring:           ;Print string routine.
mov ah,0eh  	;Mov ah into 0, so int 10 prints
stringloop:  	;The following code loads each seperate charcter so it can be printed
cmp al,00  	;If al =0, then the string has all been loaded
je endstring
int 10h    ;When int 10 is called, and ah=, it prints
jmp stringloop
ret    	;Ret returns

putdot        db '.',0
Print_loading db 13,10,'Loading Easy OS v0.01a...',0
times 425 db 0;wastes 425 bytes on purpose, so the sector is full (The program must be 512 bytes long)
I was looking at someone elses code, and right above printstring there is a jmp 0x1000:0x00. Why is it jumping there?

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