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S2 AM 2007-05-20 09:50 AM

Halo 3
Gar - bage

Titusfied 2007-05-20 11:03 AM

What do you mean? How dare you insult the game of Teh Haloz!

gruesomeBODY 2007-05-20 12:05 PM

how is it garbage. I think it is awesome

S2 AM 2007-05-20 05:26 PM

I've been waiting since Halo 1 to be able to pick up the energy shield from the jackals. Where's it at? I've been waiting since Halo 1 to have the flamethrower. Where's it at? I've been waiting since Halo 1 to be flown in a pelican over an extremely large terrain passing over a battlefield of more than 64 players and being dropped with the jeep behind the enemy base. Our squad of 8 evacuates the pelican just as it lifts off and it's right engine is taken out by a rocket. It struggles to fly without it's right engine only to have another rocket hit it, and it goes down and hits a cliff besides us. I jump into the warthog in a hot LZ with my designated gunner and passenger who's carring a rocket launcher. Our sniper, finally with his bearings, shoots the person who was hitting our pelican. A team of two come at us but are easiliy mowed by our warthog's .50 caliber gun. We drive to the enemy's base to capture the base, and win the game but are stopped short when a human tank comes rolling around a large rock, obviosly laying in wait. We all evacuate the jeep, but the gunner isn't fast enough, as the blast blows the passenger and myself about twenty feet, the other members of our squad are all trying to find cover. Crack, one of our teammates drops to a sniper on high ground. We all try to find where it's coming from as my former passenger launches a rocket at the tank. Crack, just before the second rocket leaves the tube he's sniped. Then another Crack, our sniper takes the enemy sniper from the top of a building, he falls and comedically lands on his buddy's tank. There's a small skirmish firefight as two more members of our squad are killed by a four man flanking team. The only ones left are myself, the sniper, and our demolitions expert, all behind cover as the tank advances on our position. Our sniper drops two of the flanking team and our demolitions expert sprints for the rocket launcher. The tank launches a shell, but it miraciously misses. Our demo guy has a rocket into the tube and out before I can blink and the tank is demolished. With everything seemingly clear we begin to move with our crippled squad to the enemy base which is very much in the open. While in the open an enemy banshee flies toward our sniper. Our sniper uses his quick reflexes to board the enemy banshee and kicks the enemy from it. As soon as our sniper has boarded to banshee a mounted .50 cal starts to fire at it. How ironic that our sniper is in the banshee. Another rocket is launched at the turret, but it's too late for our sniper in the banshee as the turret and it's operator are blown to pieces. The enemy that was kicked from the banshee has fallen right beside me and I quickly sprint to him and beat him down with my rifle. Just then two more enemies come from the base with battle rifles and we begin a firefight between us. The demo guy drops as I one of the enemy also drops. We I kill the last enemy and continue making my run for the base. I'm nearly there when the last thing I hear is a loud whoosh as a wraith's plasma mortar lands right on top of me. Respawning in 10...9...8...

But we don't get that. We get a spartan laser and a four wheeler. Whoopty freakin' doo.

Look it's nice, especially if you're a halo fan. And I am. But it's definitely nothing great or ground-breaking from what I've seen. That being said I will still play the hell out of it.

gruesomeBODY 2007-05-20 06:03 PM

You understand that this is the beta right. Not the final product. THere are many new vehicles, weapons and characters that bungie has not released yet. The purpose of this beta is to make sure that MM and other little things work. Also, to see how the Halo community likes the direction they are heading in.

I do not thing that they are going to add in flamethrowers and jackel shields, but it will be pretty much similar to halo 1 and 2. Thats what works for them and works for the thousands of gamers. I still think that the multiplayer for hte beta is awesome, ive been raping pretty good.

Hey, we cant make judgment calls until we actually play right?

MightyJoe 2007-05-20 09:35 PM

Ask Volls to forward your complaints to the Bungie employees that he knows.

S2 AM 2007-05-20 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by MightyJoe
Ask Volls to forward your complaints to the Bungie employees that he knows.

So they can personally reprogram the game engine because I think it's mundane.

Vollstrecker 2007-05-21 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by S2 AM
I've been waiting since Halo 1 to be able to pick up the energy shield from the jackals. Where's it at? I've been waiting since Halo 1 to have the flamethrower. Where's it at? I've been waiting since Halo 1 to be flown in a pelican over an extremely large terrain passing over a battlefield of more than 64 players and being dropped with the jeep behind the enemy base. Our squad of 8 evacuates the pelican just as it lifts off and it's right engine is taken out by a rocket. It struggles to fly without it's right engine only to have another rocket hit it, and it goes down and hits a cliff besides us. I jump into the warthog in a hot LZ with my designated gunner and passenger who's carring a rocket launcher. Our sniper, finally with his bearings, shoots the person who was hitting our pelican. A team of two come at us but are easiliy mowed by our warthog's .50 caliber gun. We drive to the enemy's base to capture the base, and win the game but are stopped short when a human tank comes rolling around a large rock, obviosly laying in wait. We all evacuate the jeep, but the gunner isn't fast enough, as the blast blows the passenger and myself about twenty feet, the other members of our squad are all trying to find cover. Crack, one of our teammates drops to a sniper on high ground. We all try to find where it's coming from as my former passenger launches a rocket at the tank. Crack, just before the second rocket leaves the tube he's sniped. Then another Crack, our sniper takes the enemy sniper from the top of a building, he falls and comedically lands on his buddy's tank. There's a small skirmish firefight as two more members of our squad are killed by a four man flanking team. The only ones left are myself, the sniper, and our demolitions expert, all behind cover as the tank advances on our position. Our sniper drops two of the flanking team and our demolitions expert sprints for the rocket launcher. The tank launches a shell, but it miraciously misses. Our demo guy has a rocket into the tube and out before I can blink and the tank is demolished. With everything seemingly clear we begin to move with our crippled squad to the enemy base which is very much in the open. While in the open an enemy banshee flies toward our sniper. Our sniper uses his quick reflexes to board the enemy banshee and kicks the enemy from it. As soon as our sniper has boarded to banshee a mounted .50 cal starts to fire at it. How ironic that our sniper is in the banshee. Another rocket is launched at the turret, but it's too late for our sniper in the banshee as the turret and it's operator are blown to pieces. The enemy that was kicked from the banshee has fallen right beside me and I quickly sprint to him and beat him down with my rifle. Just then two more enemies come from the base with battle rifles and we begin a firefight between us. The demo guy drops as I one of the enemy also drops. We I kill the last enemy and continue making my run for the base. I'm nearly there when the last thing I hear is a loud whoosh as a wraith's plasma mortar lands right on top of me. Respawning in 10...9...8...

But we don't get that. We get a spartan laser and a four wheeler. Whoopty freakin' doo.

Look it's nice, especially if you're a halo fan. And I am. But it's definitely nothing great or ground-breaking from what I've seen. That being said I will still play the hell out of it.

Just wanted to quote that in case someone's eyes didn't quite burst.

Willkillforfood 2007-05-21 06:08 PM

You're asking for too much I think. Wait a decade or two ... =P.

glory_gamer 2007-05-22 10:16 AM

Yeah and why cant i pick up hookers in the warthog? Also why doesnt my helm get HBO?

Titusfied 2007-05-22 03:41 PM

It's still going to be awesome. All they really need to do, IMO, is keep giving Halo 2 new MP maps, and I'll be happy forever. I'm hoping that the graphics are going to be more crisps and just overall more badass since they are releasing it on 360. Is that at least true? Are the graphics rediculous???

gruesomeBODY 2007-05-22 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Titusfied
It's still going to be awesome. All they really need to do, IMO, is keep giving Halo 2 new MP maps, and I'll be happy forever. I'm hoping that the graphics are going to be more crisps and just overall more badass since they are releasing it on 360. Is that at least true? Are the graphics rediculous???

Grpahics are nuts. The picture is extremely clear.

For S2AM, your flamethrower has been added to Halo 3. Here is the link to prove it. http://www.gamesradar.com/us/xbox360...00000000000350

gruesomeBODY 2007-05-22 07:08 PM

For all of u that cannot see that

A Halo modding community has accidentally made various hidden game files public, found by retrieving hidden data in the Halo 3 Beta code. They reveal new weapons, vehicles and equipment and also suggest new modes and rankings for the full single and multiplayer game.

Before we go any further, a warning: the following are in no way official or confirmed features of Halo 3, but they do appear in the Halo 3 Beta code in some form too complicated for us to comprehend or explain. We're just the messenger.

New equipment:
Smoke (suggested this might be a smoke grenade?)

New vehicles:

New weapons:
Claymore Grenade

New mode:
Infection (described as "Destroy the Flood or become infected. Score points for killing flood or big points for infecting a human. The player with the most points wins."

New rankings:
The highest rankings are now Killpocalypse and Killionaire, instead of Double Kill and Triple Kill.

A reference to a map editor has also been found, a returning feature from Halo 2.

The information has since been removed from the forum in question.

S2 AM 2007-05-24 12:52 AM

I don't see why or how bungie could or would accidentally or intentinonally put hidden code fragments into a PLANNED beta release if not just for publicity. They know every little dorky CS major in every college around the United States is going to rip this code completely apart anyways. On top of that you have to realize you're not REALLY playing the beta. If they plan on adding as much as everyone says they are, then you're playing more of a publicity stunt, get over it. If they don't plan on adding anymore and this is it minus some levels, then damn I probably won't buy it. BUT if it was a game rumor on some random forum then it MUST be true. I mean, how many countless times has that proven itself to be a 90% of 100% of the time reliable no bullshit source. :rolleyes:

gruesomeBODY 2007-05-24 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by S2 AM
I don't see why or how bungie could or would accidentally or intentinonally put hidden code fragments into a PLANNED beta release if not just for publicity. They know every little dorky CS major in every college around the United States is going to rip this code completely apart anyways. On top of that you have to realize you're not REALLY playing the beta. If they plan on adding as much as everyone says they are, then you're playing more of a publicity stunt, get over it. If they don't plan on adding anymore and this is it minus some levels, then damn I probably won't buy it. BUT if it was a game rumor on some random forum then it MUST be true. I mean, how many countless times has that proven itself to be a 90% of 100% of the time reliable no bullshit source. :rolleyes:

happy birthday to u

Titusfied 2007-05-24 08:53 AM

Happy birthday you fag.

Vollstrecker 2007-05-25 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by S2 AM
I don't see why or how bungie could or would accidentally or intentinonally put hidden code fragments into a PLANNED beta release if not just for publicity. They know every little dorky CS major in every college around the United States is going to rip this code completely apart anyways. On top of that you have to realize you're not REALLY playing the beta. If they plan on adding as much as everyone says they are, then you're playing more of a publicity stunt, get over it. If they don't plan on adding anymore and this is it minus some levels, then damn I probably won't buy it. BUT if it was a game rumor on some random forum then it MUST be true. I mean, how many countless times has that proven itself to be a 90% of 100% of the time reliable no bullshit source. :rolleyes:

Do you even know what a Beta is? There are very few betas that ever show the game in its entirety, otherwise there's not a whole lot of incentive for the testers to buy the release version.

Betas often are to test network load, basic game mechanics, and to see a basic public reaction to what they're doing. It's basically test driving a car before you buy it.

Lenny 2007-05-25 04:45 PM

To be honest, I think it's both to test it, and as a publicity stunt - for something that's already as hyped as Halo 3, a public beta that is open to everyone (that is, the invites are available to anyone) will get the hype train rolling even more. From all accounts, Halo 3 is finished, and just needs a bit of tweaking and polishing here and there to make it the best game of the year. In this case, with a game that is the third in a trilogy, with an online feature that is probably built on it's predecessor, there's not that big a need for the network load to be tested, nor for them to see the public reaction - that's already pretty much known.

There are very few games I can think of that have had a public beta like this. Most seem to be things that specific people take part in (for example, the Sony Games Advisors Panel, or GAP), rather than something open to the masses.


There are very few betas that ever show the game in its entirety, otherwise there's not a whole lot of incentive for the testers to buy the release version.
The current Beta of Warhawk is apparently the full game. And those who are on it (once again, it's an open beta which, to be honest, is probaby Sony's response to the public beta of Halo 3) can play the whole thing... except it's only a month long.

Vollstrecker 2007-05-25 08:12 PM

I only went over basics, mate, I wasn't aiming to go into full blown detail.

Also, from my experience, games that are complete in beta are the exception, not the rule.

S2 AM 2007-05-26 07:07 PM

A beta is a full version of the game that isn't the release version. It's the version where all code testing, compiling, alpha testing, and the like have already been completed and are being tested for bugs. It would completely negate the purpose of beta testing were the game not fully complete already, because then if huge content was added then you'd just have to retest the game with that content as well. Halo 3 right now seems more like the alpha phase from what you guys are saying about what is still missing. It seems like the engine is there, and it's a compiled version with a few maps, weapons, and vehicles.

I'm sure they have a larger version with a rough single player campaign already worked up and all sorts of maps that they will definitely test separtely from this publicity stunt.

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