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RoboticSilence 2004-08-03 08:54 PM

ilovebees.com gets hacked
I have no clue what the real significance of this website is but apparently it appeared in trailers for Halo 2 instead of the official Halo 2 website and it now appears to be hacked. However odd it is, I find this to be immensely hilarious. Brose through the menus to see all the weird shit.

Check it out: www.ilovebees.com

Grav 2004-08-03 08:56 PM

What the fuck? Must be part of the ad campaign.

Penny_Bags 2004-08-03 10:46 PM

Okay someone get up in here and sticky this, we need to figure this shit out!!!!

!King_Amazon! 2004-08-03 10:54 PM

Old news, I don't know what it's about but I've known about it for days.

Shining Knights 2004-08-04 01:08 AM

It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose.

D3V 2004-08-04 01:24 AM

Lets see.

The release date for HALO2 is Nov. 9th.

That's exactly 11 Weeks from Aug 24th.

11 ... 7? 117? Wtf , there's code in it. I say sticky it, major discussion can come from it.

Here's some facts from it:

The mayday person is a girl
she was in a shipwreak
she can navigate
she has been through some type of training
the crew is lost if not dead
She has some connection to Sand
she has something to do with spiders
the site has approx 5 main pages
she was on a ship disuised as a cruize ship
This chart was found on one of the pages listing information


length: 120 meters
crew: 40
cover: pleasure yacht
hair color: brown

each page has 3-4 MAYDAY statements with exception to the main page, which points to aug. 24th

I agree with Penny, sticky it!

D3V 2004-08-04 02:41 AM

Last week, the halo 2 trailer hit movie theatres across the country... Head scratching began when observent gamers noticed that the Xbox logo was their and the xbox.com link was briefly replaced with www.ilovebees.com. The site is an amateur site about honey bees.. but it appears to be victim of a hacker attack as to when you go to the site, you get a black screen after a while, and says the following "HALT - MODULE CORE HEMORRHAGE. Control has been yielded to the SYSTEM PERIL DISTRIBUTED REFLEX. This medium is classified, and has a STRONG INTRUSIVE INCLINATION."
Below that is a countdown, which initially said "in [variable] days, network throttling will erode" before changing to "PHASE 1 COMPLETE: Network throttling has eroded" on July 27. After that is a countdown that ends on August 10 which read, "In [variable] days this medium will metastasize." This is followed by the words "COUNTDOWN TO WIDE AWAKE AND PHYSICAL," beneath which is nestled a countdown clock that ends August 24. The section ends with the ominous words, "Make your decisions accordingly."
The countdown clock's termination date has caused many to speculate that Halo 2 will ship on August 24, two months before its scheduled November 9 release. Other observers concluded www.ilovebees.com is a marketing scam using a bizarre approach to spark word-of-mouth and get free press
Alternate reality games have been used to hype video games--by none other than Halo 2's developer, Bungie Software. First came the infamous Marathon Gold hoax e-mail in 1998, which the company downplayed as a practical joke. Then there were the "Cortana Letters," a series of oddly worded e-mails that started going out in 1999, purportedly from the AI named Cortana that would eventually help the Master Chief on Halo's titular ringworld. However, the wording of the e-mails sounded a lot more like Durandal, the crazed AI from the classic Marathon series.
At first, the connection was only the brief flash on the Halo 2 trailer and the fact the contact e-mail for Margaret's Honey--ladybee777@hotmail.com--contained the number "7" which the staff of Bungie historically have a predilection for hiding in their games (343 Guilty Spark in Halo, etc.). Also of note is that the August 24 date is 77 days before November 9, the day Halo 2 is scheduled to be released.
However, since the "network throttling has eroded" message appeared on ilovebees.com--interestingly, on the same day the Microsoft Meltdown developer conference started--the site's connection to Halo 2 has become much more obvious. [WARNING: potential spoilers ahead]
First is the appearance of snippets of dialogue on ilovebees.com that sound like they could be lifted from a Halo 2 cutscene. Scattered across the site in hidden and visible chunks, the dialogue appears to be between crewmen in a futuristic navy much like Halo's United Nations Space Command. One section, spliced together the newly hatched ilovebees.com Wikipeidia, reads as though it has been "overheard" from the bridge of the UNSC ship that discovers the Covenant's plan to invade Earth.
1st Lt. Sorenson: Oh my God. If the decrypt is right-
Capt. Greene: I know.
1st Lt. Sorenson: We have to drop the mission. We have to bug out of here right now and get word back to HQ. An evac on this scale they need every second. Jesus. I was stationed on Troy.
Capt. Greene: I'm not... I'm not sure.
1st Lt. Sorenson: Ma'am?
Capt. Greene: There's a bigger picture, Rolf. Several.
1st Lt. Sorenson: The mission... This mission is more important than millions of lives? Oh my... god.
Capt. Greene: I'm just saying, the choice isn't as easy as you might think.
1st Lt. Sorenson: You know, I was so curious when you got your orders...
Capt. Greene: And then there's the strategic view.
1st Lt. Sorenson: For the first time, I'm not sure I want to know what's in them.
Capt. Greene: Even leaving aside our particular mission, there's the issue of letting them know we've broken their codes. If we bug out and scramble home to warn HQ about Troy, people like Standish will say we've already compromised a huge tactical advantage, and that mounting a big evac operation will completely give the game away.
1st Lt. Sorenson: Not even Standish would let them glass a planet if he knew it was coming. ... Oh my God.
Capt. Greene: I am not privy to strategic conversations at that level. But if we run home and present the decrypt, we put them in a tricky situation. If they act, they risk letting the enemy know we have a toehold in their C-and-C. If they decide that strategic advantage is too great to risk and don't act, then you know Section Zero will be all over them. Zero's wanted Standish forever.
1st Lt. Sorenson: I...I understand. It's so much easier for everyone if we don't tell them. But...wait a second. Don't you have family on Troy?
Capt. Greene: That can't be part of the equation, Rolf. You know that.
1st Lt. Sorenson: Jesus.
Capt. Greene: I think we have to report it. Our job is to gather intelligence: it's HQs job to decide what to do with it.
1st Lt. Sorenson: God, I'm glad it isn't me making that call.
Capt. Greene: Don't feel too sorry for them, Rolf. Even Admirals have to earn their pay.
Another conversation between two lower-level crewmembers, ONI tech Kowalski and Midshipman Arrelts, talk about a computer program as though it were a person.

ONI tech Kowalski: (coughs) Anyway, she shouldn't feel that slowness through Nav & Comm. anymore.
Midshipman Arrelts: Great. You know what they say: Happy ship
ONI tech Kowalski: Happy crew. Yeah. (coughs) Yeah, I know a lot of about these systems.
Midshipman Arrelts: That's great, what with it being your job and all.
ONI tech Kowalski: fr'instance - know what the single [...] best correlate is for these babies, in terms of matching personality to service designation? Favorite game.
Midshipman Arrelts: Favorite game?
ONI tech Kowalski: You know, from before. Tag - that's regular navy, like destroyers. Command HQ is usually Truth or Dare, something like that. Red Rover -
Midshipman Arrelts: Light [...] picket?
ONI tech Kowalski: Couriers, too.
Midshipman Arrelts: (laughs) I never would have thought... So what about her?
ONI tech Kowalski: The Operator? (coughs) File's classified.
Midshipman Arrelts: [...] Even for you?
ONI tech Kowalski: Well, of course, I know, but I really shouldn't
Midshipman Arrelts: Come on! I won't tell!
ONI tech Kowalski: Well...
ONI tech Kowalski: Well... (whispers) Spin the Bottle.
Midshipman Arrelts: (laughs)
ONI tech Kowalski: (laughs)
The conversation is laden with clues Halo fans will pick up on. First is the designation of Kowalski as a technician for the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), the espionage arm of the UNSC. Besides being in charge of Covenant surveillance and R&D programs like the SPARTAN project that created the Master Chief, ONI is also in charge of creating and maintaining AIs like Cortana.
While the ilovebees.com alternate reality game probably won't reach its conclusion until August 24, the next update will occur when the "medium will metastasize" on August 10. However, two conclusions about Halo 2's plot can already be drawn. First is the certainty that a UNSC colony called Troy will be attacked by the Covenant before they invade Earth. This is clear from the references to the "millions of lives" in the Lt. Sorenson/Captain Green dialogue.

It is also likely that a new AI will be introduced in Halo 2. Given the parallels between hoax e-mails used to introduce Cortana before Halo and the AI rants on ilovebees.com, it is likely the "Queen" and the "Widow" either both be two new AIs or an AI with a split personality. Readers of the Halo novel First Strike will also remember how Cortana battled a Covenant AI, which may also be a possibility.

One non-game-related conclusion can also be reached in the wake of the ilovebees.com affair: viral marketing is effective, especially when applied to an audience starved for information. For the fraction of the cost of a national TV blitz, Bungie and Microsoft have generated a monstrous amount of buzz (no pun intended) amongst Halo 2 fans. The ilovebees.com site has become a self-perpetuating phenomenon, spawning thousands of discussion threads on hundreds of forums and unquantifiable office-cooler banter. For every cynic decrying it as a marketing hoax, there are two Halo 2 and/or ARG fans spending hours trying to uncover the clues hidden inside ilovebees.com. Somewhere, an advertising executive is laughing all the way to the bank.

!King_Amazon! 2004-08-04 02:54 AM

Sex .

Sovereign 2004-08-04 02:59 AM

Spam .

KagomJack 2004-08-04 06:46 AM

very interesting...

undeadzombieguy 2004-08-04 07:39 AM


KagomJack 2004-08-04 07:53 AM

I still say the countdown is for when SkyNet becomes self-aware :D

D3V 2004-08-04 12:28 PM

ilovebees.com is a fake site. It was setup by Bungee... Wtf you people can't see!

KagomJack 2004-08-04 02:01 PM

I know it's a fake site. I still just feel like saying that it's a countdown to the end of the world.

D3V 2004-08-04 02:12 PM

No, the countdown goes to August 24th. That is exactly 11 weeks before the release of Halo2. 90 days maybe?

If they planned this out, they are friggin' brilliant. There have been like over 10,000 posts over the 'net about this. It just gets people AMPED about Halo 2 and wanting it more and more. And they did it with some crappy ass website that was advertised through their trailer.

http://www.xbox.com/en-us/xboxtv/def...&v=86179&bw=hi Look, you can see ilovebees.com flash up there ....


KagomJack 2004-08-04 02:14 PM

You just wanna suck the fun out of this for me, don't you?

!King_Amazon! 2004-08-04 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by KagomJack
You just wanna suck the cum out of this for me, don't you? ==D

. .

Sovereign 2004-08-04 06:06 PM


KagomJack 2004-08-04 06:37 PM

:( I will assrape you in the future...and you will enjoy it or I'll cute off your eyelids :D

D3V 2004-08-05 12:16 AM

Uh... NO.

ilovebees.com is the HQ for Halo2 Productions, we just don't know it!

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