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Kazilla 2011-01-30 11:37 AM

Im thinking about getting a macbook. From what I understand about macs is they are typically more media oriented (thats what I've always believed anyway). So I never considered getting one because I was so gaming oriented, lately I have been wanting to make some videos/montages and such, and love the lightweight look/feel of the macbooks.

The only problem is that I honestly have no idea what a mac does. I know that there are programs for windows and for mac. I know the keyboard shortcuts are different. I just dont know much about them at all.

Who can give some insight?

Grav 2011-01-30 11:45 AM

I just ripped a macbook apart with my hands and a screwdriver because they use non-standard screws. So that's my opinion.

jamer123 2011-01-30 02:14 PM

for the same price you can get a gaming laptop and still have better specs

Kazilla 2011-01-30 09:38 PM

Im not necessarily going to be using the macbook for any type of hardcore gaming.

jamer123 2011-01-31 04:36 AM

um and also the GPU barely has any power behind it .... it uses a shared memory probly with the ram and thats only 2 gb max for the ram itself

D3V 2011-01-31 08:31 AM

The only benefit you can get by getting a MacBook over any regular Notebook is being a smug asshole. Literally, there is no software better available on the Mac that you can't get, or doesn't come with your PC/Windows. The whole PC / Mac argument is crap, if you like video editing just use Vegas and GGFTW you can save $4-500 dollars and get an identical laptop.

My advice is to obviously save your money and get a notebook. Or shit, get a notebook and a desktop PC for the same price.

Kazilla 2011-01-31 04:01 PM

True or False

Macs are more secure then PCs

I have a complete hulk of a desktop, its just SO bulky.. I hate that. So many wires, I am ready for a laptop. Mac books to me honestly seem more professional, and yes I would look like a smug asshole, but frankly I don't really care. I like the minimalist look and feel of them, I guess there is a new one Mac Book Air which is 3lbs, you can't beat that!

Lenny 2011-01-31 05:57 PM

False. Most malicious software is written for Windows, simply because the majority of computer users run Windows. Macs being more secure is a misconception stemming from the fact that Macs don't get infected as much because there are fewer viruses and the like written for Macs.

It's the really clever stuff that transcends all boundaries - zero day flaws, PDF exploits, little bits of Javascript that run in the browser. They don't give a hoot what platform you're running on - they'll still getcha.

-Spector- 2011-01-31 06:15 PM

XSS injections do not discriminate!

Kazilla 2011-01-31 08:51 PM

I played on a mac tonight.. I must say, I was impressed

D3V 2011-02-01 10:24 AM


you can't beat that!
Those laptops are all within 2lbs, which let's face it, isn't a big deal. The 3lb gimmick is just that, a gimmick.

Samsung released their own about a month ago

And it only weighs 2.89lbs. Price tag: $1,600; Basically the apple is the same price, size, demisions. etc.

However, you aren't going to be gaming too much on these steroided-iPads.

I'd seriously recommend just getting a regular laptop, but one with some nuts for the same price and something more along the lines of a 17-18" screen and 2-3x the processing powah.

Kazilla 2011-02-01 04:38 PM

Touche, some of the features were really cool on the mac. A lot of stuff can be done on a PC for sure, and I do like the minimalist apprearance of that laptop. Idk, I'm just sick of this, and want something new I guess.

D3V 2011-02-02 09:47 AM

I only am against it because i've had two friends of mine actually go and get them when they were brand new, the macbook air exactly and they were disappointed after the infatuation wore off, is all.

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