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hovind 2008-08-08 08:05 PM

Eviloution is fiction. God created us in his divine image
We did not come from monkeys. If we came from monkeys why is it that a monkey doesn't produce A human now? Obviously monkeys only make other monkeys. We couldn't have come from monkeys. How anyone can believe in the crap theory of evilution? Think for yourself people...dont just believe everything they tell u in school. Question everything.

KagomJack 2008-08-08 08:22 PM

Obviously you do not know the first thing about evolution.

Evolution does NOT teach that we came from monkeys, rather, that we changed and adapted in order to survive over the millenia. Survival of the fittest, etc. And evolution is seen around us all the time. Bacteria and viruses change and adapt to the antibiotics and antivirals we create every year so that a new one is needed to counteract the new strain.

I firmly believe in evolution and creation, so you know that I'm not some random atheist. But if anything, you need to pull your head out your ass and re-examine the theory of evolution, because you look uneducated and no one here will take you seriously. You are the one who needs to think for himself, seeing as how you do NOT understand a thing about evolution.

Also: "evilution?" What the hell, man? Seriously, did it take you all day to come up with that crap? A kindergartener is quicker than you on the draw. (Sorry to flame, but that was asking for it, seriously!)

Wed-G 2008-08-08 08:24 PM

Saying that evolution is fiction is a little far fetched. There is strong scientific evidence of evolution present in many things. I do agree with you on a few things, though. I believe that we were created by God. I also agree that if we did evolve from monkeys, where is that definitive evidence? That missing link. I see large quantities of dinosaur/bird links but not many monkey/man links. And if we evolved from monkeys, why haven't the monkeys died out like the dinosaurs with birds?

But, to paraphrase Stan off of South Park, maybe evolution is the answer to how and not why?

EDIT: (I would like to state for my own safety, I'm referring to the evolution he's thinking of. I understand the theory itself. For example, humans have evolved from needing wisdom teeth given we do not need to chew untenderized meat. Or whatever the devil they're for.)

hovind 2008-08-08 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by KagomJack (Post 646370)
Evolution does NOT teach that we came from monkeys, rather, that we changed and adapted in order to survive over the millenia.

But all the evilutionists will tell you that we did come from monkeys. Have you not seen the lineages?

[QUOTE[And evolution is seen around us all the time. Bacteria and viruses change and adapt to the antibiotics and antivirals we create every year so that a new one is needed to counteract the new strain.[/QUOTE]

I'm not saying that things don't change and adapt. Definately bacterias and viruses change and there our mutations and stuff, but when a bacteria or a virus makes a person then you come talk to me.


I firmly believe in evolution and creation, so you know that I'm not some random atheist.
You can't believe in both evilution and creation in the way that it is taut by the bible. From the sond of it you do seem like some random athiest.


You are the one who needs to think for himself, seeing as how you do NOT understand a thing about evolution.
I understand plenty of evilution. Having things change from something they are not. Just tell me the last time that one thing was seen giving birth to something totally different. Show me once when a dog changed into a platypus and I'll believe you.

Also, EVILoution leads to lawlessness and genocide. If only the strong are supposed to survive, why don't we just kill of all the weak ones? Your THEORY is EVIL so I'm going to call it eviloution.

hovind 2008-08-08 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Wed-G (Post 646371)
There is strong scientific evidence of evolution present in many things.

Scientific evidence is nothing compared to biblical evidence and the glory of God.

KagomJack 2008-08-08 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by hovind (Post 646372)
But all the evilutionists will tell you that we did come from monkeys. Have you not seen the lineages?

I've not met a person who is for evolution who teaches that or even agrees with that statement. I've read that we have a lot in common as far as how our chromosomes are made up. I can see how you'd be confused by the two.


I'm not saying that things don't change and adapt. Definately bacterias and viruses change and there our mutations and stuff, but when a bacteria or a virus makes a person then you come talk to me.
Then you do understand THAT is the theory of evolution, right? Has nothing to do with us coming from monkeys.


You can't believe in both evilution and creation in the way that it is taut by the bible. From the sond of it you do seem like some random athiest.
No, I am a homosexual (heretical) Sufi Muslim. And you can believe in evolution and the creation. Allah can implement evolution in the creation of the universe, world, and man.


I understand plenty of evilution. Having things change from something they are not. Just tell me the last time that one thing was seen giving birth to something totally different. Show me once when a dog changed into a platypus and I'll believe you.
That is not evolution. Again, you know naught of evolution. It's about changing and adapting to your everchanging environment in order to survive and excel as a species.


Also, EVILoution leads to lawlessness and genocide. If only the strong are supposed to survive, why don't we just kill of all the weak ones? Your THEORY is EVIL so I'm going to call it eviloution.
What the hell is that? Where do you even GET that from? Evolution in no way, shape, or form leads to lawlessness and genocide. Evolution is a neutral thing. Man makes his own decisions.

Wed-G 2008-08-08 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by hovind (Post 646373)
Scientific evidence is nothing compared to biblical evidence and the glory of God.

Disagree with the first, agree with the second. The bible provides historical documentation and faith inspiring passages. As I stated before quoting South Park, couldn't evolution be the answer to how and not the answer to why? Maybe God furthered the advancement of his creations through evolution and not design to destroy?

Then again, there's evidence of man walking beside dinosaurs in fossilized records.

Jessifer 2008-08-08 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Wed-G (Post 646376)
Disagree with the first, agree with the second. The bible provides historical documentation and faith inspiring passages. As I stated before quoting South Park, couldn't evolution be the answer to how and not the answer to why? Maybe God furthered the advancement of his creations through evolution and not design to destroy?

Theistic Evolution is the term for what you're describing. The belief that there was a higher being helping us/everything to evolve. It's what I personally believe in.

Draco2003 2008-08-09 12:22 AM

I think it's funny how all super-god-is-teh-1337 people think evolution is making something completely different.

Willkillforfood 2008-08-09 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by random jesus freak
Also, EVILoution leads to lawlessness and genocide.

The holocaust was not a creature of Adolf Hitler's mind, but of the Catholic church. Even Protestant's famed Martin Luther hated jews with a passion and preached about killing them. The crusades were based off religion. A lot of native americans were killed or turned into slaves unless they converted.

Kazilla 2008-08-09 09:45 AM

my opinion is this. You all are arguing over 2 theories. evolution and god. what honestly makes sence to you? some almighty being out in no mans land was capable of creating everything here. knows your every move - knows that at the exact second you read this you will start to think of what you could respond with. (doesnt make much logic to me) or that somehow, someway - we got here. there is no definite answer but in the mean time, im going to live my life the way i want to, believe in what i want to, and be who i want to be.

hovind 2008-08-09 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by KagomJack (Post 646375)
I've not met a person who is for evolution who teaches that or even agrees with that statement. I've read that we have a lot in common as far as how our chromosomes are made up. I can see how you'd be confused by the two.

If u look up "human evolution" on wikipedia or any biology textbook you will see a bunch of trees showing how humans came from monkeys, apes, gorillas, etc.


Then you do understand THAT is the theory of evolution, right? Has nothing to do with us coming from monkeys.
That may be PART OF the theory of evilution. What about macroevolution? What about the stuff that says that one animal can give birth to a totally different type of animal?


No, I am a homosexual (heretical) Sufi Muslim. And you can believe in evolution and the creation. Allah can implement evolution in the creation of the universe, world, and man.
The Quran is a heretical book. Look to the bible if you want real answers.


That is not evolution. Again, you know naught of evolution. It's about hanging and adapting to your everchanging environment in order tosurvive and excel as a species.
Then why do so many textbooks show evilution as one species changing into another? Why does it always say that humans came from apes?


What the hell is that? Where do you even GET that from? Evolution in no way, shape, or form leads to lawlessness and genocide. Evolution is a neutral thing. Man makes his own decisions.
What about people like Darwin's own cousin who tried to use his theory to promote eugenics?



Originally Posted by Wed-G (Post 646376)
Disagree with the first, agree with the second. The bible provides historical documentation and faith inspiring passages. As I stated before quoting South Park, couldn't evolution be the answer to how and not the answer to why? Maybe God furthered the advancement of his creations through evolution and not design to destroy?

Then again, there's evidence of man walking beside dinosaurs in fossilized records.

How can God make the world in seven days and evilution be right? The scientists say it took millions and millions of years? The Bible is the inerrant word of God. It can't be right and evolution be right.



Originally Posted by Draco2003 (Post 646386)
I think it's funny how all super-god-is-teh-1337 people think evolution is making something completely different.

Isn't that what the theory of evolution says? Doesn't it say that we were once mud, and then lightning struck the ground and we became these living cells and then the cells just decided to stop being cells and they became more complicated organisms and then they became human?



Originally Posted by Willkillforfood (Post 646389)
The holocaust was not a creature of Adolf Hitler's mind, but of the Catholic church. Even Protestant's famed Martin Luther hated jews with a passion and preached about killing them. The crusades were based off religion. A lot of native americans were killed or turned into slaves unless they converted.

Hitler was a atheist. And the wrong-doing of a few people doesn't mean that the whole religion should be held accountable.


The tiny bombardier beetle could not possibly have evolved. His defence mechanism is amazingly complicated, and could only have been created with all the parts working together perfectly. From twin ‘exhaust tubes’ at his tail, this beetle fires into the face of his enemies boiling-hot noxious gases with a loud pop.

How can this be? German chemist Dr Schildknecht discovered that the beetle mixes two chemicals (hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone) which would usually form a dirty ugly mixture. The well-designed beetle uses a special ‘inhibitor’ chemical to keep the mixture from reacting. How then can the explosion instantaneously occur when needed?

Dr Schildknecht discovered that in the beetle’s specially designed combustion tubes are two enzymes called catalase and peroxidase which make chemical reactions go millions of times faster. These chemicals catalyze the extremely rapid decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen and the oxidation of hydroquinone into quinone, causing them to violently react and explode—but not so soon as to blow up the beetle, of course!

Common sense tells us that this amazing little insect cannon which can fire four or five ‘bombs’ in succession could not have evolved piece by piece. Explosive chemicals, inhibitor, enzymes, glands, combustion tubes, sensory communication, muscles to direct the combustion tubes and reflex nervous systems—all had to work perfectly the very first time—or all hopes for ‘Bomby’ and his children would have exploded!

Edited by Lenny 
We have an EDIT button for a reason. Use it. This is your only warning. Multi-post on this scale again and you will be banned.

Willkillforfood 2008-08-09 05:21 PM

You're saying atheists cause war and shit. The leaders of said religions hated jews and preached hatred to them. They persecuted the jews long before Hitler did. They were NOT atheists. And I'm not entirely sure Hitler was either.

hovind 2008-08-09 05:35 PM

is there a list of rules or something



Originally Posted by Willkillforfood (Post 646419)
You're saying atheists cause war and shit. The leaders of said religions hated jews and preached hatred to them. They persecuted the jews long before Hitler did. They were NOT atheists. And I'm not entirely sure Hitler was either.

well, make another post about it...but that section is for evilution

Jessifer 2008-08-09 05:39 PM

I suggest you read "The Evolution of a Creationist" by Jobe Martin. It's the only reason that I can't simply believe Evolution as it stands by most Evolutionists. It actually goes into the lack of "Missing Links", as you would put it, naming off and describing creatures such as, as you mentioned, the Bombardier Beetle, as well as Giraffe's and others.

Lenny 2008-08-09 05:46 PM

To address your question first:


is there a list of rules or something



Go on, use the watch-in-the-desert analogy, this thread is crying out for it!


Evolution is not something that happens instantly from generation to generation. A monkey did not give birth to a fella with a top hat, suit and briefcase and man was born, ho no. Evolution happens on a genetic level, through tiny mutations in the genes that offspring inherit. Natural selection and "survival of the fittest" also plays its part - if the change in the organism caused by the mutated gene(s) is not right, that organism more often than not doesn't survive.

Take the peppered moth. The vast majority of peppered moths are white, or have light colouring. During the English Industrial revolution, the light coloured lichens on the trees that the moths rested on died out, and the trees became blackened by soot, leading to many of the moths dying out. A random mutation in the gene that controls the colouring of the moths leads to some moths being born black, or with dark colouring. When the lichen thrived, they died out due to predation, and the population of dark peppered moths was very low. When the lichens went, however, the white peppered moths were the ones who started to die out due to predation, and the black variation thrived. These days, with pollution levels being lower than they were a hundred years ago, the white moth is becoming more popular.

That is a form of evolution. Tell me, did your God step in an change the colouring of the moths with his magic finger?


And to address some of your other points:


I understand plenty of evilution. Having things change from something they are not. Just tell me the last time that one thing was seen giving birth to something totally different. Show me once when a dog changed into a platypus and I'll believe you.

You obviously don't. A dog giving birth to a platypus is not evolution. Try again.



Also, EVILoution leads to lawlessness and genocide. If only the strong are supposed to survive, why don't we just kill of all the weak ones? Your THEORY is EVIL so I'm going to call it eviloution.
I'm sorry, evolution leads to lawlessness and genocide? The Jews have been hunted for nearly two thousand years because of political and religious actions. Hitler didn't want to exterminate an entire race because of evolution. The Tutsi population in Rwanda was not massacred in 1994 by the Hutu population because of evolution - the two communities were at political odds, stretching back hundreds of years. The genocide carried out by Serb forces in Srebrenica in 1995 was for cultural reasons.

Explain to me, without ambiguities, how evolution leads to lawlessness and genocide.



Scientific evidence is nothing compared to biblical evidence and the glory of God.
Evidence is used to determine or demonstrate the truth of an assertion. Show me your evidence for Creation, and I'll show you the evidence from the Scientific world for evolution.



If u look up "human evolution" on wikipedia or any biology textbook you will see a bunch of trees showing how humans came from monkeys, apes, gorillas, etc.
From Wikipedia, the Human Evolution article:


Dayumm! Those monkeys sure were randy buggers.



That may be PART OF the theory of evilution. What about macroevolution? What about the stuff that says that one animal can give birth to a totally different type of animal?
I'm sorry, have you been snorting something? Show me.



Then why do so many textbooks show evilution as one species changing into another? Why does it always say that humans came from apes?
Again, show me.



What about people like Darwin's own cousin who tried to use his theory to promote eugenics?
I'm impressed - you've provided an actual fact.

Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, drew from Darwin's early work to formulate the modern field of eugenics. It can be described as:

A social philosophy which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention.

Evolution, on the other hand, is:

The process of change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms from one generation to the next.

To use evolution to promote eugenics is foolish. Evolution is a natural process which involves gene mutations, and natural selection. Eugenics is designing a human based on what you want. Evolution would not lead to a tiger with bright pink skin and sky blue dots, but eugenics would lead to its creation.



How can God make the world in seven days and evilution be right? The scientists say it took millions and millions of years? The Bible is the inerrant word of God. It can't be right and evolution be right.

OK then, tell me, how old is the earth?



Isn't that what the theory of evolution says? Doesn't it say that we were once mud, and then lightning struck the ground and we became these living cells and then the cells just decided to stop being cells and they became more complicated organisms and then they became human?

I ought to record this and play it whenever you claim things: "Show me."



Hitler was a atheist. And the wrong-doing of a few people doesn't mean that the whole religion should be held accountable.

Hitler was by no means the first to try to wipe out the Jews.

Read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_antisemitism

Hitler was one of the more recent persecutors in a long line of persecutors, stretching back to the Egyptians - the Jews have enjoyed around 4000-5000 years.

As to whether Hitler was religious or not, it's a matter of debate: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_H...igious_beliefs. His hatred for Jews came from more personal experiences rather than religious ones, though.


I miss MJ. :( :cry:

KagomJack 2008-08-09 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by hovind (Post 646414)
If u look up "human evolution" on wikipedia or any biology textbook you will see a bunch of trees showing how humans came from monkeys, apes, gorillas, etc.

You can't really take a lot of what's put on Wikipedia to be serious. Anyone can edit entries and evolution is a hot topic and liable to be changed. And my biology textbook told me it had to to with changing and adapting to survive, not that we can from primates. I would LOVE to see the textbook you're reading, though.


That may be PART OF the theory of evilution. What about macroevolution? What about the stuff that says that one animal can give birth to a totally different type of animal?
I've not heard of things like that. It's something that's highly improbable, as to give birth to something entirely different in species of animals would mean that the chromosomes somehow could match and all that jazz.


The Quran is a heretical book. Look to the bible if you want real answers.
I do not insult the Bible and condemn it as a "heretical" book. Why do you condemn the Qur'an? How does that help your argument in any sort of way? I used to be Christian--Catholic, in fact. I have read the entire Bible and I used to know it like the back of my hand (sadly, no more since I left the faith years ago). I believe that al-Islam has more answers than Christianity does and ever will. So I believe I have the book for the real answers, thank you.


Then why do so many textbooks show evilution as one species changing into another? Why does it always say that humans came from apes?
Again, I would REALLY love to see the textbooks you're reading. No biology textbook I've come across says that at all. It's suggested that we possibly evolved from primates, but it's not stated as fact.


What about people like Darwin's own cousin who tried to use his theory to promote eugenics?
Do not people use religion to promote eugenics? Do people not use religion to promote hatred, intolerance, and war? Anything can be misused so that evil can be done unto our fellow men. People, my dear hovind, are the corrupt ones, not science, not religion, not music, etc.

Goodlookinguy 2008-08-09 06:09 PM

Well, everyone already beat me to line for pretty much every line I wanted to attack, besides one!


Originally Posted by hovind (Post 646367)
Think for yourself people

It's interesting how you tell us to think for ourselves. I love the fact that you're not thinking for yourself, but instead thinking how the Bible tells you how you should speak, think, and act. Watch yourself before you go throwing around stupid lines like that.

Also, the Bible is bullshit. It was written long after the birth of Jesus, blah, blah, blah. I can't believe in one God, I can't believe in Multiple Gods, and I can't believe that we appeared through some weird theory. I stand on the grounds in the middle of all of you, as an agnostic thinker.

hotdog 2008-08-09 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by hovind (Post 646414)
The Quran is a heretical book. Look to the bible if you want real answers.

What answers would that be? These answers? The ones I obtained simply by paying attention to what I was reading? I didn't even see this site before I started to shoot down half the crap in the bible. I gotta admit though this site makes it easier. Props to voodookobra.

The Bible isn't the greatest story ever told.

" It honestly pisses me off when Bible-thumpers try to claim that "the Bible is the greatest story ever told" and then refuse to accept that it's a work of fiction. Besides that, The Epic of Gilgamesh is miles more fascinating than the Holy Bible. I recommend that anyone with enough spare time reads it; it's a good read. Which leads into the next item on my checklist of ass-kickery: "

Much of the Bible is "borrowed" from other ancient religions.

" Here's some historical perspective for you: Easter was a pagan celebration[2] and much of the story of Jesus's life was plagiarized from the Zoroastrian god Mithra[3][4][5] as well as other ancient savior gods.
In addition, there are many parallels to the Torah (which is the first 5 books of the Bible) and the previously-mentioned Epic of Gilgamesh[6].

If there was any truth behind these absurd beliefs, it was stolen from older religions."

The Bible offers little advancement in morality.

"Despite the historical plagiarism and lack of evidence in favor of Christianity, church leaders try to avoid the issue by saying that the church (not just the Catholic Church, either) promotes general morality and is therefore a necessary part of life.
The reality is that these people are so full of shit that their eyes are brown."


The Bible is not a source of advice or wisdom.

" In God's Debris, Scott Adams wrote: "People think they follow advice but they don't. Humans are only capable of receiving information." Since the Bible was written thousands of years ago when people believed the Earth was flat and the moon emitted light (by the way: the moon only reflects light), the information it contains is archaic and, in most cases, not applicable to modern society."

The Bible is full of historical inaccuracies.

" There's too many historical inaccuracies in the Bible to list them all, but here's a start: "

" Jesus didn't walk on water.
http://www.exitmundi.nl/bible/web-co...erwalking.html "

" The Exodus probably didn't happen.
http://www.exitmundi.nl/bible/web-co...os_exodus.html "

" The Ten Commandments are, well, a bit screwy.
http://www.exitmundi.nl/bible/web-co...ommandmts.html "

" The walls of Jericho never fell.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_...ho#Historicity "

" Three of those links are on a website called The Other Bible; the best starting place for verifying the historicity of the Bible that I could find.
http://www.exitmundi.nl/bible/ "

"Biblical wisdom is an oxymoron."

"Before anyone bothers to send me a hate-filled email to curse me and threaten me with being immolated for eternity by your kind and loving God, check all the sources I cited and do a little research (after all, one source is never enough)."

" To the Catholic Church: Who's a bigger threat to your insecurities and your lies now: Dan Brown or me? Go ahead and tell all of your worshipers to boycott my website if that's what gets you guys off (y'know, other than children)."

To my main man voodookobra at kobras corner. I love you. Keep on kicking ass. This is his works.

!King_Amazon! 2008-08-09 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by hovind (Post 646367)
We did not come from monkeys. If we came from monkeys why is it that a monkey doesn't produce A human now? Obviously monkeys only make other monkeys. We couldn't have come from monkeys. How anyone can believe in the crap theory of evilution? Think for yourself people...dont just believe everything they tell u in school. Question everything.

Troll better.


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