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Wallow 2008-07-25 08:28 AM

Gay marriage
I forgot to post about this I think a week ago when I saw it on the news but... California legalized gay marriage
That just pisses me off, it seems like another step until all of the US's states will follow the same path as California

Thanatos 2008-07-25 08:41 AM

Why are you opposed to gay marriage?

quikspy67 2008-07-25 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Wallow (Post 645122)
I forgot to post about this I think a week ago when I saw it on the news but... California legalized gay marriage
That just pisses me off, it seems like another step until all of the US's states will follow the same path as California


Wallow 2008-07-25 08:46 AM

Yes, I am in fact opposed to gay marriage, what are you for it?

KagomJack 2008-07-25 10:14 AM

Thanks Wallow. As one of the few gay members on this forum, I would like to say it's always a wondrous sight to see people like you who say shit like this. Why are you against it? What would gay marriage even do to you? It hasn't changed the family structure in the places that it's been allowed. It hasn't turned a mass of children gay, it hasn't demoralized those areas, the slippery slope argument of "then we should allow bestiality/pedophilia" has been shot down and not even been acknowledged in those countries/states/etc.

It's not as if someone is going to put a gun to your head, tell you to make out with some random dude and marry him and never be able to be with a woman. What is so incomprehensible to me in this world filled with hate, avarice, genocide, and complete inanity is that people still hold onto these core beliefs that gay people shouldn't be granted the same rights as everyone else in the world. What's your excuse for not wanting it? Really, tell me. Oh, and don't give me the bullshitted "gays can marry people, just of the opposite gender," that excuse is contrite and weak. And the slippery slope retort I mentioned earlier is out. I don't hear much about people in South Africa banging little kids or the monkies around as I don't hear much about Californians and people in Massachusetts doing the same.

So explain yourself.

Thanatos 2008-07-25 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Wallow (Post 645128)
Yes, I am in fact opposed to gay marriage, what are you for it?

I'm not for it, nor am I against it. I think people should have the right to do as they please marriage-wise. Why should we deny two people in love the right to marriage? Because the bible says homosexuality is a sin?

Well, I guess you'd have to believe in the bible then. Oops.

KagomJack 2008-07-25 02:46 PM

I'm still waiting for Wallow to half-assedly defend his position.

!King_Amazon! 2008-07-25 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Wallow (Post 645128)
Yes, I am in fact opposed to gay marriage, what are you for it?

I'm against it myself. I can't believe all of those god damn homos want to get gay with each other in the privacy of their own homes. What if my children hear that people are getting gay? What will happen to the family structure?!?!


I don't particularly care if homosexuals are allowed to marry or not. I don't think marriage is really the issue to me. The issue is that homosexuals cannot get the same rights that heterosexuals can, from marriage. I've heard horror stories of homosexuals having one partner end up nearly dying, be in the hospital unconsious, and the hospital not let their partner in because they're not "family."

There are a lot of legal benefits of marriage that homosexuals are denied, and it causes a lot of problems for them. Sure, you can argue that homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to marry because it's a holy union between two people of the opposite sex and homosexuality is a sin and blah blah whatever the fuck else that homo at your church tells you, but there's no way you can make a valid argument that homosexuals should be DENIED the same rights that heterosexuals get from marriage.

hotdog 2008-07-25 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon! (Post 645161)
I'm against it myself. I can't believe all of those god damn homos want to get gay with each other in the privacy of their own homes. What if my children hear that people are getting gay? What will happen to the family structure?!?!


I don't particularly care if homosexuals are allowed to marry or not. I don't think marriage is really the issue to me. The issue is that homosexuals cannot get the same rights that heterosexuals can, from marriage. I've heard horror stories of homosexuals having one partner end up nearly dying, be in the hospital unconsious, and the hospital not let their partner in because they're not "family."

There are a lot of legal benefits of marriage that homosexuals are denied, and it causes a lot of problems for them. Sure, you can argue that homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to marry because it's a holy union between two people of the opposite sex and homosexuality is a sin and blah blah whatever the fuck else that homo at your church tells you, but there's no way you can make a valid argument that homosexuals should be DENIED the same rights that heterosexuals get from marriage.

Actually they found out that marriage crap was added in by a group of nobles who bribed the church to turn bonding into some holy piece of shit. Why would someone do that? Turns out some of the bastards had it turned into a church affair because they were afraid of potential brides marrying women and not carrying on their royal line as even back then they knew two women could not make a baby.

@ Wallow. Cling to your faith like a little baby suckling his mothers teat. Your political tactics are forfeit to me!

KagomJack 2008-07-25 08:08 PM

Still waiting for that rebuttal.

Vault Dweller 2008-07-25 09:24 PM

Homosexuals should have the right to be as miserable as any other married couple out there.

For me, there shall be no marriage of any sort.

Unless, of course, I find that one beautiful, intelligent woman who is not opposed to a Ninja/Pirate/Zombie wedding theme.

Wallow 2008-07-26 12:30 AM

This is hilarious, I'm sorry, but everyone is getting worked up over nothing. I started this thread really because this forum hasn't had some decent discussion in a while. This was an experiment really, to see what people would say when I stated that gay marriage is bad. I thought that there would be two sides, opposed to gay marriage and for it. But so far everyone has either been neutral or for it. Now for my opinion explained, I'm not against gays or anything like that, I just don't think that they should be married. I think that civil unions should be kept intact, and marriage should be kept between a female and a male (not crossdressers). No, I'm not some sort of religious freak as all of you have depicted me, I just think gay marriage is wrong (my opinion again).

HandOfHeaven 2008-07-26 12:46 AM

Why ?

quikspy67 2008-07-26 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by Wallow (Post 645184)
This was an experiment really, to see what people would say when I stated that gay marriage is bad.


Originally Posted by Wallow (Post 645184)
I just think gay marriage is wrong

Expermiment? At the end you you say you actully think it's wrong, why do you think it's wrong?


Originally Posted by KagomJack (Post 645137)
Why are you against it? What would gay marriage even do to you?


Originally Posted by KagomJack (Post 645137)
It's not as if someone is going to put a gun to your head, tell you to make out with some random dude and marry him and never be able to be with a woman.

Seriously why?

Wallow 2008-07-26 08:51 AM

Dude, you can't change my opinion. I just don't like gay marriage, that's all. As I've said before, I'm not against gays in any way.

hotdog 2008-07-26 09:34 AM

The question is not, "What can we do to change your opinion?" it's, "WHY?". Huge difference dude. Don't know how you can believe something without a reason. That is essentially what you are saying. You have no reason to not want it but you still don't. People want to know why. Answer the question or they will just think you are a religious zealot since only a religious freak would have belief without reason.

Belief without reason is clearly a sign of either brainwashing or brainwashing. Pick one religious nutjob.

quikspy67 2008-07-26 10:20 AM

No shit where do you get "Dude, you can't change my opinion." from "why"?

KagomJack 2008-07-26 10:39 AM

Can you just answer a simple question? WHY is it wrong? WHY are you really against it? What is your basis in thinking it's wrong?

No one's trying to change your opinion.

Wallow 2008-07-26 10:42 AM

Ok, my parents raised me that way, happy?

quikspy67 2008-07-26 10:44 AM

So they just told you to get angered when the thought of gay marriage enters your mind?

KagomJack 2008-07-26 10:49 AM

...are you serious? Are you fucking kidding me? "Because my parents raised me that way" is one of the most ASININE reasons I have ever heard for being against gay marriage. What the hell, man? Think for your fucking self. I went through the stage of doing shit because that's how my parents raised me, but you need to think about what you're saying.

Your idea of civil unions for everyone, but marriage between man and woman is echoing the separate, but equal idealologies that were VERY popular pre-Civil Rights movement era. No, you're not clamoring for the gays to have their own drinking fountain and have them sit in the back of the bus, but you are trying to say that they don't deserve to get the full shabang that straight people are entitled to.

I've said all I have to say.

HandOfHeaven 2008-07-26 10:54 AM

Well, sometimes we were all naive like that. I was raised that way, but I'm not my parents. So I have different opinions.

Wallow 2008-07-26 11:02 AM

See, every reason I would give would just be critiziced and flamed, so what was the point of giving an excuse? I don't like gay marriage. KJ, you're exaggerating it. Giving the civil rights era was a bad example, it's just marriage. Why can't they just keep a civil union?

KagomJack 2008-07-26 11:05 AM

How am I exaggerating? I used the mindset of "separate, but equal" from pre-Civil Rights movement era to show your thinking because that IS what you are doing. Civil unions: Okay! Marriage: aw hell nah niqqa!

Why can't they just keep a civil union? Because that's not fair. I believe marriage should be allowed for both genders. I'm not saying we need to force religious institutions to marry two people of the same sex. If a religious institution doesn't want to, then they don't have to. But as far as the rest goes, I think it's only fair to do both.

Also, I haven't flamed you. I got nippy, but I didn't flame you.

quikspy67 2008-07-26 11:05 AM

It's a very bad excuse.

Wallow 2008-07-26 11:08 AM

Well you still were going to criticize whatever I said.

KagomJack 2008-07-26 11:10 AM

Criticism is a daily factor of life. You take it with stride, examine the other person's point of view, then come to a decision after examining both sides of the coin. I've examined both sides before. Don't take it so personally.

quikspy67 2008-07-26 11:15 AM

Just give me an opinion worth respecting thats all I'm looking for.

Wallow 2008-07-26 11:15 AM

I'm not taking it personally, I just Identified the inevitable. You were all pestering me to identify an excuse when you knew that you would criticize whatever I said with your beliefs in a negative way

KagomJack 2008-07-26 11:17 AM

I don't always criticize an opposing viewpoint. If it had been a religious reason, I'd have been lax and less critical. I can understand that point and I do have respect for it. But when it's simply "I just don't like homosexual marriage," that begs a bit of criticism.

hotdog 2008-07-26 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Wallow (Post 645239)
Ok, my parents raised me that way, happy?

Ok, I'm against donuts because I don't have a TV set, happy?

You might as well have said that instead. Seriously man just answer the question why and answer it honestly. You are starting to act like Kyeruu except Kyeruu had and still has the balls to take it like a boy scout.

You shouldn't care so much about other peoples views. When you care too much you become the type of person who watches reality shows. I don't give a damn about what people think or say about health issues I stand by my statement that Neil Diamond and the CDC are a bunch of jackasses.

Jessifer 2008-07-26 02:13 PM

From Gay Rights to Nature vs. Nurture. Man, what a thread.

Honestly, I can see his side with the whole "Because my parents raised me that way" arguement. If you're told something since you were young, it's rather hard to think of it as anything but true. Children grow up thinking that their parents are always right. Of course, some people have the sense to actually think for themselves and realize that they aren't always right, and decide to form their own opinions.

hotdog 2008-07-26 02:38 PM

I personally thought my parents were dumbasses growing up and I still think my mother is stupid today. Along with my sisters that actually believe half the crap that comes out of her mouth.

!King_Amazon! 2008-07-26 04:21 PM

Wallow is a fucking dumbass. Yes this is a flame. I don't give a shit. LOL.

hotdog 2008-07-26 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon! (Post 645292)
Wallow is a fucking dumbass. Yes this is a flame. I don't give a shit. LOL.

I don't believe that because thats the way my parents raised me. :haha:

KagomJack 2008-07-26 09:27 PM

Hold up, y'all. Now, I may disagree with his beliefs and even the reason he is against gay marriage, but there really is no reason to flame him, at least not in this thread.

quikspy67 2008-07-26 10:44 PM

I'm sorry KJ it was so hard to resist.

Draco2003 2008-07-26 11:18 PM

I am opposed to gay marriages! Hell, I am opposed to straight marriages! Although, in recent times, marriage has become less about a bonding of two lives to be forever intertwined in the holy-ness of whatever god you happen to worship; and more about, "Hey, let's get married, we have a tax break once we hit the 6 month mark, and we even have other bonuses!"

Just so we're clear here, I am opposed to ALL marriage, no matter if it was if it was a KKK leader to Beyonce, or Brad Pitt to Tommy Lee!

I guess it would be nice to know that you have that option available, though...

I guess an easier way to look at it is like this: If you go to a store to buy an XBOX 360, but you already own a Playstation 3, you wouldn't be able to. You, as a person who purchased the PS3, are seen as 1.) less than a human by the cashier, who happens to own a 360; and 2.) You are expected to not want a 360, because of your immense hatred of the typical Sony fanboy for Microsoft.

I know you guys may think, "WTF? Were talking marriage and he's talking videogames.... what a *insert harsh uncalled for name here*!", but in my head, it all makes sense! And that's all that matters!

Wed-G 2008-07-27 12:21 AM

I'm not determined enough to read all of this. But, (edit)while(endedit) I will say that denying a homosexual couple rights is against what's right, I think we evolved/were created as male and female for a reason.

My reasoning?

Penis into vagina.
Shit out of ass.

Given that shit is waste, broken down bile and avoided by most reasonable people, I don't understand how people can consider that to be right. It seems to go against our species.

That's really all I'm going to say, so call me ignorant or whatever, I just don't plan on responding.

KagomJack 2008-07-27 09:49 AM

So...to deny gay people the righ to marry is against what's right, yet...I have no idea what I'm trying to get at :'C

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