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xombie_love 2006-09-06 01:12 PM

say, what do you think about bush!?
i am just curious

Lenny 2006-09-06 01:20 PM

From a Brit's point of view - I don't like the fella.

Having a Bible-basher as President of a World Pwer like America is never a good thing. He and his administration are forcing religion upon many students in schools around the States, and a lot of his other decisions and laws and whatever have some kind of religious tie-in.

As for his war on terror - yeah, sure, after 9/11, anyone would have done something. But Iraq? Back to Afghanistan? [Probably] Soon to be Iran, or N. Korea?

I hate the way that Britain has done so much to help America (we went to war in iraq with them, and Afghanistan... and the two nations were the only one's that didn't truly support a ceasefire in the Isreal-Lebannon conflict a month ago), and he won't do anything in return. He refuses to sign the Kyoto agreement - to him, global warming is naught but a myth - and during the G8 summit last year he blatantly refused EVERYTHING that was proposed... even by US!

I'd be honestly surprised if he gets into office for another term. Blair is being called upon to go over here, so should Bush.

Thanatos 2006-09-06 08:15 PM

He can't get into office for another term. He's done after 2008, thank God. I seriously hate this country and how it is run. It's all about rewarding the rich and fucking over the poor. I'm sick of it. I'm moving to Canada when I can get enough money to support myself.

talentedhamster 2006-09-07 04:31 PM

OK, yea hes dumb, but thats one thing. He did not in fact skrew up with alot of the desisions he made, at least, he did not intend to. Hindsight is 20/20. He tried to help the current things, not what will happen after. Which in reality made the later things, which are now current, worse. Im not sure if i'm making any sense. but you get it. i hope.

Lenny 2006-09-08 09:51 AM

So he was A-OK with the short term problems, but just inflamed any long-term problems?

Mantralord 2006-09-08 05:10 PM

he was a-ok in simple math problems but not so good in hard ones

Atnas 2006-09-08 05:44 PM

I picked him over Kerry, no doubt. Bush. He's not Kerry.

Haha, I just remembered a joke I heard about the country being run by people named Bush, Dick, and Colin.

He's a bad president with bad desicions, but he was all I had, while keeping to the pro-life regimin. I stopped taking him seriously after he called my beloved internet the interwebs.

wilma 2006-09-08 06:34 PM

He's made terrible decisions, he's a bad president but lets face it, more than half of the country voted for him. If he was that terrible and that stupid in his first term, how did he get re-elected? This is the part that idiot Michael Moore always conveniently forgets. Why did no-one provide better opposition? It's simple, the man is a product of the times. It's becoming that you don't have earn a reputation through skill but simply buy or inherit it.

Could a president have gotten away with this kind of crap at any other point in history? No, because the people were more interested in the nations well being. Look at Nixon. Look at Andrew Johnson. Every modern day American has their own piece of the trainwreck.

The media, that I constantly hate on, has as much a role in this. Any source of information with a conscience behind it would expose these evils and misdoings, but, the American media doesn't have a conscience. Why would they do what they were intended to by providing accurate information to inform a population and prevent war when they could make a fortune by the continuous coverage during and the fearmongering afterwards. They have as much to gain from that jackass being in office as anyone so long as people tune in each day to see what cave dwelling, martyr Georgie has pissed off today.

Why do people wait until 2008? Why not get rid of him now?? As in, as soon as possible? The man continues to destroy the environment, the economy and international relations. The gap between the rich and poor widens. The education system is failing. The health care system is failing. Social services, immigration, trade, all are failing. The country has been at war for three years without progress. And yet, the man responsible for the creation of (or at the very least, the worsening of) these problems is still just as oblivious and still at the helm.

Like I said, every American has a part of this. Some more than others. People should expect more and not compromise when it comes to what's best for their nation. Really, what it comes down to is that the entire system should be reviewed. If anyone who makes such disastorous choices, is as unpopular and ill-equipped can gain, hold and exert power with such absolute authority, there is something terribly wrong.

Ummm so yah, me no likey.

JRwakebord 2006-09-08 11:08 PM

I don't like him, nor what he stands for, one fucking bit.

bewitched 2006-09-09 12:20 PM

I donĀ“t like him at all!!! :)

Original Sin 2006-09-12 03:48 PM

Oh....god...no.......shave please?

Anywho, yea, what a douchebag he is. He is such a shitlips.

Demosthenes 2006-09-13 01:06 PM


Thanatos 2006-09-13 03:36 PM

Oh my God. I was a complete retard back then lol. Bush is the worst thing that has happened to this country. Why did I like him back then!? Ewww!

HandOfHeaven 2006-09-13 05:25 PM

Bush isn't good at all. Fucking monkey. But honestly look who we had to choose from....

xombie_love 2006-09-14 05:20 AM

why...? what was wrong with kerry?

Lenny 2006-09-14 02:57 PM

From what I heard, he was weak. he can't rule that well. He'd end up selling out. And be walked over.

xombie_love 2006-09-15 03:35 AM

well, i think that bush cant rule that well either.... or maybe to well?!
i was hoping for kerry at the last elections, even though here in germany we didnt hear to much about him, but i just thought everyone else is better than bush!

Slim 2006-09-15 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by xombie_love
well, i think that bush cant rule that well either.... or maybe to well?!
i was hoping for kerry at the last elections, even though here in germany we didnt hear to much about him, but i just thought everyone else is better than bush!

Eh, Kerry would do and say basically anything to get another vote, too flimsy to be much of a leader. Bush on the other hand is pretty much the exact opposite, a rock hard pillar of stupidity. Choosing from the two extremes, unfortunately I'd have to go with the pillar of idiocy, you may not like what he stands for, but at least you know where he stands, Kerry varied from day to day.

xombie_love 2006-09-16 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Slim
Eh, Kerry would do and say basically anything to get another vote,

but dont do most people do that? well its to late anyways...
i just hope that next time, no bush will become president. i know that G W cant be anymore, but he still has a brother. and i heard here in the news that he wants to nominate for the next elections, i dont know if that is true or not?!

Lenny 2006-09-16 04:15 AM

Say wha? His brother?!

Is it just me or does Bush want some kind of Royal Family of Bushes instead of Presidents?

xombie_love 2006-09-16 04:28 AM

well i just found this:
Jeb Bush is in his second gubernatorial term, which ends in January 2007. His brother George ends his second presidential term in January 2009 and cannot run again.

"He'd be awfully good," the elder Bush said. "This guy's smart, big and strong. Makes the decisions. And you know, not without controversy, but he's led that state."

Sovereign 2006-09-16 08:21 AM

Has it really been only 2 years. Feels like forever ago that the election took place.

JRwakebord 2006-09-16 09:17 AM

That family should not be allowed to continue to pollute the gene pool.

xombie_love 2006-09-17 12:20 PM

that is right they really shouldnt!!!!!!!

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