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Willkillforfood 2011-10-18 08:19 AM

Weight Loss
Some of you have always guessed I was a fat ass, which I currently am :P. But I found an old photo of me before prom, which was one of the times when I spent a lot of time chatting with you folks:


Skinniest I've been in many years in that photo above. I'm currently 287 lbs. 2.5 months ago I was 320 lbs. Wish me luck! :D

Lenny 2011-10-18 08:27 AM

I like your dress. Post a photo of you wearing it again when you've slimmed down?

Good luck!

Willkillforfood 2011-10-18 09:12 AM

Thanks Lenny, lol.

Grav 2011-10-18 02:39 PM

I thought you lost a lot of weight around the same time I did? Anyway, good job.

D3V 2011-10-18 09:32 PM

I was fat and now I'm skinny. I win.

1dumMan 2011-10-20 02:45 PM

wanna talk about weight loss? Ive been in afghanistan since Dec 2010....i came in at 265, and been working my ass off and am now down to 218....was at 205 before RnR..but of course i went home and gained like 13lbs back....stupid fast food is so yummy...lol

!King_Amazon! 2011-10-20 05:12 PM

I don't know what fast food you are eating. Shit tastes like garbage. I don't eat healthy but I can't even eat fast food anymore. I mostly eat bar food and junk food. Sitting right around 180 where I have been for the past few years with the exception of when I was on adderall and dropped to 160.

WetWired 2011-10-21 09:00 AM

Does not taste like garbage:
Carl's (Six dollar burger items)
Taco Cabana

Hmm. I thought this list would be longer...

!King_Amazon! 2011-10-21 10:13 AM

I've never had Taco Cabana, but Carl's Jr is garbage. They don't even make the burgers right. Seriously, they put the veggies and such beneath the patty rather than on top, and it is messed up. Back when I used to actually eat that garbage I literally had to flip the burger upside down and eat it inverted like that.

What their burger looks like

What a burger should look like

Wed-G 2011-10-22 07:43 AM

Not to throw a wrench into the spokes of a damn fine, American, opinion on a burger... but the union on that second burger are under the patty. I guess 1 out of 3-4 isn't as bad as ALL on bottom, but alas...

-Spector- 2011-10-22 08:10 AM

I was skinny, now I've gained a beer gut. Was 140-150 for years, and in a month jumped up to 185, which is where I'm at currently.

!King_Amazon! 2011-10-22 11:33 AM

I can live with onions on the bottom. The rest is just mayhem.

Skurai 2011-10-23 03:19 PM

I'm... *blush* 158...

1dumMan 2011-10-23 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon! (Post 694879)
I don't know what fast food you are eating. Shit tastes like garbage. I don't eat healthy but I can't even eat fast food anymore. I mostly eat bar food and junk food. Sitting right around 180 where I have been for the past few years with the exception of when I was on adderall and dropped to 160.

haha....well the fast food i eat prolly only tastes so yummy considering im in afghanistan and i eat army food all the time...lol....

!King_Amazon! 2011-10-23 05:49 PM

Yeah that would probably make a big difference.

Skurai 2011-10-24 09:15 PM

Since college started, my diet is
>Ice Cream

Grav 2011-10-24 10:02 PM

Where do you attend?

Skurai 2011-10-25 01:50 PM

I get 30 credits at a Community College, before I can transfer to a University.
LLCC for 30 credits.
UIS for the teaching program.
Nothing spectacular.

Willkillforfood 2011-10-30 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Grav (Post 694866)
I thought you lost a lot of weight around the same time I did? Anyway, good job.

Grav, I did. I lost 105 lbs when I was 16 and got skinny (as seen in the photo above). And then somehow, through a lack of discipline and a very destructive 3.5 year relationship, I'm back here again. I know I can lose it, I have lost a good chunk already. It's just -much- slower this time, lol. Last time I lost it mostly in about 6 months, with losing 60-70 of it in 3 months or so. It's rough!

Grav 2011-10-30 09:53 AM

What are you doing to lose it?

!King_Amazon! 2011-10-30 10:42 AM

Use Adderall, it works like a charm.

-Spector- 2011-11-03 02:26 PM

Or meth.

!King_Amazon! 2011-11-03 03:04 PM

Adderall is legal with a prescription and has been prescribed for weight loss before.

Skurai 2011-11-03 03:06 PM

My friend accidently did Meth and his mom made fun of him for it. Recently, as a matter of fact.

!King_Amazon! 2011-11-03 05:52 PM

How exactly do you accidently do meth?

Skurai 2011-11-03 05:57 PM

That's pretty much the usual response.

Willkillforfood 2011-11-06 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Grav (Post 694965)
What are you doing to lose it?

Diet and exercise. Mostly diet. I was exercising 6 days a week, but the heat and sweating did wonders in promoting a MRSA infection on my leg, so I had to take like 6 weeks off my exercise regime to fight it, lol. Now I'm good and ready to exercise again, but my burning desire to exercise 6 days a week has fizzled. I often time work 60 hours a week, so going to the gym for an hour and a half a day really cuts into my free time and makes me feel like I'm working 24/7. But I'll have to do it once I'm skinner since my BMR will be lower, bleh.

I still eat horrible. Really horrible. I'm such a fucking picky eater, lol. I eat like 200 calories for breakfast, 500 for lunch, and then for dinner I'll eat like 500 - 1100 calories. Maybe a couple snacks in there, but no more than 200 calories in total, and not on days when I have big dinners. The bad thing is what I fill those calories with. For breakfast I'll eat some salty processed food, like ritz cheese crackers, lunch I will eat a ham and cheese sub and some chips, and dinner I'll eat like wendy's chicken nuggets (5) and a baked potato, or I'll get a breakfast from denny's (the 1,100 calories) or sometimes a steak with mashed potatoes and broccoli (not sure how much this one is, but a 7 oz. sirloin has a decent bit of calories in it, as does the potatoes).

The thing that's really -pushing- me to do it is a lack of self esteem and no luck with the ladies (that I want) at my current status :P. Ultimate goal is to get in good shape and get a lady that's into working out and being healthy so that I don't fall off the bandwagon again. I'll feed off her strength like the parasite I am :P.

Skurai 2011-11-06 10:34 AM

I used to be a little porker, until I did atkins. That shit works. But you seriously need to read the book and actually do it perfectly, for it to work.

!King_Amazon! 2011-11-06 10:35 AM

atkins is probably the worst diet ever

Skurai 2011-11-06 10:36 AM

But it works, regardless.

Grav 2011-11-06 11:51 AM

Yeah, sticking to your diet can be tough.

Skittles, what was your personal version of the atkins diet?

Willkillforfood 2011-11-06 11:56 AM

Grav, I just lost perspective. I was in a -very- destructive relatinonship for 3.5 years and I just let it go. I was eating LOADS of food. Everything I wanted. Everything. Bag of cookies? Sure. 2k calorie meal at a buffet? Why not!? It was the source of most of the joy in my life at that point, lol.

Grav 2011-11-06 12:00 PM

I'm not judging you, I did the same thing over the past year. Gained 40 or 50 pounds back that I shouldn't have due to emotional distress and being in a dysfunctional guilt-laden relationship. Now that I'm out of it, it's extremely hard to snap back into good habits.

Read this today. Seems a bit sensationalist but I certainly get twitch-eat behaviors even when I'm not hungry. If I could have it my way, all carbohydrates would be removed from the world I live in. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-1...f-science.html

-Spector- 2011-11-06 12:10 PM

I still want to hear skittle's story about accidentally doing meth.

Grav 2011-11-06 12:11 PM

He's pretty bad at following up on anything seemingly interesting while being quite proficient at blathering on about nothing.

Skurai 2011-11-06 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Grav (Post 695049)
Skittles, what was your personal version of the atkins diet?

It was a while ago, so I don't remember it exactly. It was basically ALL I ate was meat/cheese for a month or two, then slowly I added a single fruit a day (max) and about a month after that a single bread produce a day (max) OR a fruit a day. Then eventually, weekly I could have an additional bread/fruit/sweet a day.

Skurai 2011-11-06 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Grav (Post 695053)
He's pretty bad at following up on anything seemingly interesting while being quite proficient at blathering on about nothing.


Originally Posted by -Spector- (Post 695052)
I still want to hear skittle's story about accidentally doing meth.

If you really want to know....

My friend, let's call him Quincy, was off with his friends. They're all like "Let's do some speed" and he did. Little did he know it was meth. The end.

-Spector- 2011-11-06 12:37 PM

All lies. You're full of shit, shut the fuck up.

Grav 2011-11-06 12:47 PM

Hmmm. I've done ketosis diet before (same idea) and it really melts the fat off. But it's so extremely difficult to abide by... not to mention expensive. Blargh. Why do we live in the land of the carbs?

KagomJack 2011-11-06 02:18 PM

Good luck. You'll get there. If I could do it, you can too!

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