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D3V 2007-07-02 05:44 PM

Presidential Vote '08
Who's going to get your vote?..

There's so many Numb-skulls to choose from, yet again!

I'd just like to get a feel of who everyone is going to be swinging for in the next prez election still like 20 months away......

edit: Well Damnit I can't edit IN a vote, and I can't delete this one either, so could a Mod/Admin/whatever toss up a poll for me and throw in these canidates....

-Hilary Clinton
-Barack Obama
-John Edwards
-Bill Richardson
-Joe Biden

-Rudy Giuliani
-John McCain
-Jim Gilmore
-Mike Huckabee
-Mitt Romney

-Thanks :)


Upcoming Debates

• July 23: South Carolina
• September 17: Florida
• November 15: Nevada
• December 17: Boston

'08 CNN Hosted..
• January 24: South Carolina
• January 30: California
• January 31: California

Dar_Win 2007-07-03 01:52 PM

If it's between all of these idiots? No one. I hate just about everyone of them.

Btw, you should've made a poll for this.

D3V 2007-07-03 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Dar_Win
If it's between all of these idiots? No one. I hate just about everyone of them.

Btw, you should've made a poll for this.

Wow this post did stil show up, I posted it last night when I guess Zelaron's server reset, hold on let me fix it up.

Lenny 2007-07-03 02:11 PM

Presidential Vote '08
Poll added.

Thanatos 2007-07-03 02:44 PM

If I had that selection to choose from, Obama gets my vote.

D3V 2007-07-03 03:26 PM

Definately, most of the Republicans that are trying to represent are making themselves look like asses in the debates etc, because they can't back their own kind president, but then again they never offer a solution, where there are a few select Dems that actually step up.

For McCain, he just needs to give it up, his ass only made like 7 mil for the contributions in this past quarter, while Obama set a new record for 31mil, and Hilary rounded up 27mil with the help of her husband, either way money doesn't always equal votes.

I don't necessairily like John Edwards either, I sat down and watched a debate focused around Religion before, and he never really seemed to have a clear head on what he was talking about, and with Hilary it seemed to planned out, all in all Obama got most of my attention and as usual, made me turn against the other two big cats he's running against...

I just hope, I PRAY, we don't end up with another president like Bush that doesn't listen to the people, is independently profiting off our his own citizens and it's hapily about to get out of office unscaved and uncharged because he's been covering his tracks since day one, in all honesty we need to just impeach the stupid arrogant redneck fucker that hasn't taken responsibilty for any of his actions since 9/11, which is why I'm so excited to be seeing him go, once the election is here...

Dar_Win 2007-07-03 04:26 PM

How is he independently profiting off his of us?

What has he done as president that he needs to cover up?

Impeach him for what?

Texas isn't a "redneck" state.

What hasn't he taken responsibility for?

Demosthenes 2007-07-03 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Dar_Win
Impeach him for what?

- Pre-emptive war
- War Crimes
- Warantless NSA surveillance
- Violation of the War Powers Clause
- distortion of intelligence reports to gain support for war
- extradition for torture
- maltreatment of detainees

just to name a few


Texas isn't a "redneck" state.


For McCain, he just needs to give it up
Actually, if I could vote McCain may have a shot at getting mine. From what I know right now, he would be my #2 or 3.

D3V 2007-07-03 04:54 PM

Basically MJ summed it up, there are many, MANY other speculations against him, and only a few that've actually been brought up by congress, etc.

My only problem with McCain, is that he tries to make everyone happy, too much, that and he brings up the fact he was a detainee about 5-6 times during EVERY SPEECH. We get it old man.

Dar_Win 2007-07-03 05:01 PM


Warantless NSA surveillance
If you aren't doing anything wrong, who cares? I'm one of those people anal about my rights never being violated no matter what, and I don't care. It's helping to protect me.


distortion of intelligence reports to gain support for war
That was the intelligence they had at the time.

- extradition for torture
- maltreatment of detainees
Look what they're doing to our soldiers. Torturing them, and then beheading them. I think our people who are captured are treated far worse then theirs.


Truth. I've been to a lot of places there.

Dar_Win 2007-07-03 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by D3V
For McCain, he just needs to give it up

If I decide to vote, I would vote for second to Rudy.

D3V 2007-07-03 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Dar_Win
If you aren't doing anything wrong, who cares? I'm one of those people anal about my rights never being violated no matter what, and I don't care. It's helping to protect me.

Look what they're doing to our soldiers. Torturing them, and then beheading them. I think our people who are captured are treated far worse then theirs.

Truth. I've been to a lot of places there.

Look Darwin, you're arguing the wrong points. Just because you aren't doing anything, doesn't give the right for the government to spy on you unknowingly, that's a VIOLATION of our constitution. It isn't helping keep us more safe, when they are using it for their own benefits. I mean seriously,.. what good has it brought other than what is going on in the white house?... Hmm?

You can't turn the argument around, and say well, oh well, THEY DID IT FIRST! It doesn't make it right. Just because somebody comes up to you, and robs you dry, does that give you the right to mug an old lady on your way home? No.

And Texas, is full of steers and queers, case closed, just look at Bob! But that isn't even the case here, I was more-so refferring to bush as being a redneck, and if you've ever, EVER listened to him talk, and told me that he wasn't a redneck, you're spewing shit directly out of your own mouth.

Just go read up a bit on oil profiting in the middleast, Cheney's good 'ole Haliburton is up in the BILLIONS in profit alone this year already, the same with Bush's families independent companies they hold stock share with the Saudi Arabians.. who also, attacked us during 9/11, But that's a whole different debate.

The president's approval rating and war rating are both under 30% now, if you want to be on the losing side, go ahead and stay there.

Demosthenes 2007-07-03 06:34 PM

Regardless of whether you think those are morally right or wrong, they are still ample grounds for impeachment.


Originally Posted by Dar_Win
Truth. I've been to a lot of places there.

I live there. I win.

Honestly, though, I'm not sure where all you've visited but from what I've seen this is a fairly backwards redneck state.

slaynish 2007-07-03 06:48 PM

Yeah, lol.

I was going to post something about how you live there. That was funny :P

And, I would vote for Obama. (Voted before I knew everyone else would vote for him)

I thought bush had some kind of ties with the oil companies, and was making cash off the gas prices rising..?

Dar_Win 2007-07-03 07:54 PM


Just because somebody comes up to you, and robs you dry, does that give you the right to mug an old lady on your way home? No.
That's completely different. It's middle easterners that are attacking us, and it's middle easterners that are in these jails. It's not like we're holding Indians in these jails.

And if you're saying we're in Iraq for oil, why am I shelling out at least $3.00 a gallon at the pump?

Demosthenes 2007-07-03 07:58 PM

I have no problem with holding P.O.W.'s in jail as long as it's done humanely. Neither does the constitution, come to think of it.

Vollstrecker 2007-07-03 09:16 PM

I've only read on Obama so far, however his positions seem to be very, very sensible.

Also, impeaching Bush won't do a whole lot of good as it would just put Cheney in office. While he may be less of an idiot, I don't imagine the status quo would significantly change.

Demosthenes 2007-07-03 09:55 PM

I don't mean to advocate actually impeaching Bush, I just meant they have more than enough to do so if they wanted.

khwiii 2007-07-04 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Dar_Win
That's completely different. It's middle easterners that are attacking us, and it's middle easterners that are in these jails. It's not like we're holding Indians in these jails.

Wow. It is not 'middle easterners' that are attacking us, it's radical extremest Muslims. I don't see you detaining all the extremist Christians. They've killed their fair share of Americans.

BTW... if 90% of the hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia, how come we didn't go there?

KagomJack 2007-07-04 11:42 AM

OPEC is why you're shelling out $3 a gallon.

Dar_Win 2007-07-04 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by khwiii
Wow. It is not 'middle easterners' that are attacking us, it's radical extremest Muslims. I don't see you detaining all the extremist Christians. They've killed their fair share of Americans.

BTW... if 90% of the hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia, how come we didn't go there?


It is not 'middle easterners' that are attacking us, it's radical extremest Muslims.
Where are those extremest Muslims from? That's correct. the Middle East.


I don't see you detaining all the extremist Christians. They've killed their fair share of Americans.
Did extremist Christians hijack planes and crash them into buildings? No. As you said yourself, they were from the Middle East.


BTW... if 90% of the hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia, how come we didn't go there?
We used to be friendly with Saudi Arabia. Apparently that friendship has gone downhill in the last two years, but we are still somewhat friendly with them. But the main reason is that Osama Bin Laden was/is hiding in the mountains in Afganastan. We then got intel. that Osama had been having talks with Sadam, and that Iraq now had WMD.

Lenny 2007-07-04 12:40 PM


Where are those extremest Muslims from? That's correct. the Middle East.
Not entirely true that all extremist Muslims are from the Middle East. There have been a few failed bombings in London recently, a flaming Jeep drove into Terminal 1 at Glasgow airport a few days ago - carried out by English Muslims. The 7/7 bombings in London a few years back were also English Muslims.

I guess that a number of extremist Muslims in the US were born and raised in America, and had the idea planted in their heads to attack by visiting Muslims, or those that went over to live in the US.

khwiii 2007-07-04 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Dar_Win
Did extremist Christians hijack planes and crash them into buildings? No. As you said yourself, they were from the Middle East.

Wow. Explain to me how your response makes sense? I said if we treat extremist Muslims one way, we need to treat extremist Christians the same,... Your response was ^ that?


Originally Posted by Dar_Win
We used to be friendly with Saudi Arabia. Apparently that friendship has gone downhill in the last two years, but we are still somewhat friendly with them. But the main reason is that Osama Bin Laden was/is hiding in the mountains in Afganastan. We then got intel. that Osama had been having talks with Sadam, and that Iraq now had WMD.

HA... What weapons of mass destruction? The ones that Scooter Libby and Dick Cheney made appear out of nowhere? Good thing we are in Iraq, things have REALLY calmed down there. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

D3V 2007-07-05 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Dar_Win
Where are those extremest Muslims from? That's correct. the Middle East.

Did extremist Christians hijack planes and crash them into buildings? No. As you said yourself, they were from the Middle East.

We used to be friendly with Saudi Arabia. Apparently that friendship has gone downhill in the last two years, but we are still somewhat friendly with them. But the main reason is that Osama Bin Laden was/is hiding in the mountains in Afganastan. We then got intel. that Osama had been having talks with Sadam, and that Iraq now had WMD.

The Middle East is a big fucking place, you can't just generalize them into one "persona"...

Not ALL of the Hijackers we're muslim, they though however, we're involved with Al Qaeda.

We've ONLY been friends with Saudia Arabia because of Prez Bush #1, Daddy Bush.. Dar_win you are completely false. We NEVER got "intel" that Osama was having talks with Saddam, it was though however that the CIA sent an oprative down to Jordan in africa to see if any trade we're going on down THERE between the two, and NOTHING was apparent, the CIA mission was organized by Cheney and his staff, BEFORE going to war with Iraq.

And finally, the WMD has been blown so far out of the water you extremist "republicans" can't even argue about anything anymore, just admit that the president that you love so much is the biggest failure in the history of our country and that you are sorry for arguing with the sensible community for this duration period of time, admit that you we're wrong, and supporting a president that is only stabbing you in the back using fear and terror to rise up his own personal bank accounts was and has been completely oblivious to you, just admit that, and we can call this case.. closed.

Dar_Win 2007-07-05 01:57 PM


I said if we treat extremist Muslims one way, we need to treat extremist Christians the same
I was saying that Christian extremists have never done anything as catastrophic as kill over 2,000 people in one day.


We NEVER got "intel" that Osama was having talks with Saddam
I found a link that dates pre-9/11 talks


And finally, the WMD has been blown so far out of the water you extremist "republicans"
I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I think Republicans are to interested in making money for themselves, and Democrats cry about everything and are to pussy to make something happen. To be honest, I hate both of them, and just about everyone in the government.


just admit that the president that you love so much is the biggest failure in the history of our country
I don't really like or dislike the president. I think he had a crisis on his hands, he was presented with information, and he had to act on the information he had at the time. Also, he isn't the biggest failure in the history of our country by a long shot. You sound like a 10 year old when you say that.


admit that you we're wrong
No one is right or wrong. This is only opinions.


stabbing you in the back using fear and terror
Using fear and terror? That's what Bin Laden is trying to do. I even never felt afraid from anything the president has ever said.


to rise up his own personal bank accounts was and has been completely oblivious to you
I believe I have stated before that I think just about all politicians are money hungry thieves and crooks. That long list includes George Bush.

khwiii 2007-07-05 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Dar_Win
I was saying that Christian extremists have never done anything as catastrophic as kill over 2,000 people in one day.


Dar_Win 2007-07-05 03:29 PM

Not one of those crusades was against America.

Willkillforfood 2007-07-05 04:41 PM

Your previous statement wasn't just tailored to Americans.

President Bush has commited treasonous acts, imo. He's turned much of the world even more against us and made us look like fools. Withdrawling from the nuclear test ban treaty (I believe that was it) and so many other things is retarded.

I have to make one comment though ...we're in a hopeless war where we should just leave and let them sort their own shit out. Sure, it sounds cruel ...but we've been there for years and there is still not solid iraqi military and so forth. It's all been a waste of tax payers' dollars and American lives. I sincerely doubt those that died on 9/11 wanted their President to abuse their memory to push his own agenda. I hope Bush enjoys hell when he goes there.

Dar_Win 2007-07-05 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Willkillforfood
we should just leave and let them sort their own shit out. Sure, it sounds cruel ...but we've been there for years and there is still not solid iraqi military and so forth. It's all been a waste of tax payers' dollars and American lives. I sincerely doubt those that died on 9/11 wanted their President to abuse their memory to push his own agenda. I hope Bush enjoys hell when he goes there.

I agree with everything in that paragraph except for the hell part.

Demosthenes 2007-07-05 05:59 PM

Yea, I would definitely change that last sentence to "I wish there was a hell for Bush to go to."

Dar_Win 2007-07-05 06:02 PM

Lol. If there really is a hell, and it's as bad as it sounds, then I don't think anyone deserves that. (Except for a handful of people.)

(Next post will be D3v or mjordan saying something along the lines of "George Bush is in the handful of people deserving that.")

Grav 2007-07-05 08:18 PM

George Bush is in the handful of people deserving that.

Predictable... yes.

Vollstrecker 2007-07-06 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dar_Win
I was saying that Christian extremists have never done anything as catastrophic as kill over 2,000 people in one day.

The Crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, The various Witch Hunts across America in the past few centuries, and the Holy Roman Empire which marched upon a fair portion of Germanic Europe.

A fair portion of wholesale slaughter in the past 2 millenia has been in the name of Christ.

Jessifer 2007-07-07 08:16 PM


Thanatos 2007-07-09 07:37 AM

Well, shit, let's elect him now!

Demosthenes 2007-07-09 08:33 AM

By the polls, it looks like Hillary Clinton is the democratic favorite, though.

D3V 2007-07-09 03:55 PM

For some odd reason, I'm not exactly sure what it is, pretty much positive it isn't sexism, But I can't STAND Hilary. I'm sure she's a good person, but the people that think they're going to be getting another Bill in office, are totally false, he will be IN the white house, but he's going to be macking, and not helping out his bitch wife what-so-ever.

Lenny 2007-07-09 03:57 PM

Hilary Clinton - Thatcher of the Americas! :rolleyes:

I haven't a clue about any of the candidates, but I have seen a couple in YouTube videos - quick interviews on news shows and whatnot. Judging from those, I wouldn't hesitate to vote for Obama.

Willkillforfood 2007-07-09 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Vollstrecker
The Crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, The various Witch Hunts across America in the past few centuries, and the Holy Roman Empire which marched upon a fair portion of Germanic Europe.

A fair portion of wholesale slaughter in the past 2 millenia has been in the name of Christ.

Hitler got every single one of his ideas from ordained Roman Catholic behavior too, btw.

Dar_Win 2007-07-10 11:28 AM

He was trying to get payback for what they did to Jesus.

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