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Bloodkrawller 2003-05-20 01:10 PM

countdown to my return..........
:fire: Hi, it's me again, ]3lood]{rawller! No I am not back yet but I thought I would let you guys know on how I am doing (like any of you care, it doesn't surprise me). I made it to red deer two months ago and since then things haven't gotten too good. Yes me and my girlfriend/fiancee are doing fine on a relationship level, however her family doesn't seem to be taking things too well.

:mad: First of all my fiancee asked me to stay home and take care of her daughter (my new step-daughter) instead of going to work in red deer (yay more D2 time!). But now we have her mother-of-all-bitches mother and our now ex-roomate try to get us evicted and called child wellfare. Not only that but her ex husband of 15 yrs. wants to take custody of my step-daughter-to-be and we aren't sure if we can really trust him or if he is working for her mother too. It seems her entire family are (create your own censored word here) and none of them want to support her side. We have already decided that we are going to move back to my hometown in Ontario but we don't have the money or the opportunity to go just yet. My family is supporting us any way they can and we hope that we can get out of red deer soon. If any of you have any advice on what we can do about our situation, or even if there are some legal reps out there that play D2 can help us, it would greatly be appreicated.

:flamer: On the the D2 front, I am dropping my plans on making calculators or any other programs for now. A friend of mine is watching my accounts and I should hear from him soon on what is still there that I can use. If my main mf char is still functional when I get back online, I am going to start doing mf runs for people and will except gems and items (of unique value) as payment. You can start putting in your orders to me now by pming me here but I would most likely won't start doing it till the near end of next month depending on how fast I can get myself back together when I finally get back online. Good items get quicker responses.

So until then I will have to say ado till next time. I will try to make it on again later this week or next but I am unsure when.


:companger: P.S. please don't be dissing about me posting this. If you don't care about what happens to me then that is your opinion but don't ruin it for the people that might actually care.

platnum 2003-05-20 06:09 PM

welcome back er.........

krakken 2003-05-20 07:37 PM

Hi welcome back... I wish I could help you but I have no advice but stick in there.... True love can only be over come by impatientness.... A quote from myself... (Long Story)

Titusfied 2003-05-20 08:23 PM

Who are you? Sorry, I don't remember you, but welcome back anyway. Good luck in the future. :)

SynDR 2003-05-20 10:40 PM

This isn't meant to be dissing you or anything like that. I don't know you but I reckon you should maybe concentrate on getting a good job and changing your circumstances not sitting at home playing D2 or stuffing around.....put the girl in preschool or whatever. I just moved out of home with my girlfriend of two and a half years, I used to sit on my arse all day adn play D2, UO, NWN, QA3 etc just last year I dropped all except D2 and Q3A, I got a good job at IBM and are trying to get a better education (I left highschool when I was fifteen). Games ain't everything and I'm sure when it comes down to it noone here really gives a shit about you, especially since over half of them are pimply preteens.

Good luck


Bloodkrawller 2003-05-21 05:42 PM

:fire:No Syndr, I don't think you are dissing me, you do make a good point. But the reason why I am home is cause my fiancee had asked me to stay home and play the mother of the family and be there to take care of her daughter when she can't get off from work early enough. Believe me I was ready to work when I got up here.

But now for the big decision we made. last night it was decided that we had enough of her family and wanted nothing to do with them. So we are going to move back to Ontario and my family is supporting us all the way. we should be moving back at the end of this summer (end of august). But Do still appreciate any advice to help us, it's okay too if you just want to shout out your support too. It's been a long hard road but our love is stronger than ever.

Thanks for the support peeps!

Mantralord 2003-05-21 06:21 PM

Wow...I like the way you begin each paragraph with some kind of red smiley...let me try:

:mad: Aww dang yo, I shit my pants in public and then I got arrested for indecent exposure. I guess I shouldnt have wiped my ass in public. But on another note, the guy in jail finished wiping my ass for me...though it hurts now for some reason.

:fire: I also ate my kitty! Eat your fucking kitty. I enjoy kitties with a dash of essence and some gaaarlic! BAM!!

Titusfied 2003-05-21 06:23 PM

Yeah..... that was..... interesting..... or something..... errrr......

badboy 2003-05-21 07:36 PM

Well ... uh ... that was intresting. You probably did do that. ;)

Bloodkrawller 2003-05-22 12:19 PM

:fire: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooookay??? now now matralord we must'in use fowl language, they might be innocent virgan eyes watching what we are saying online! hehehehe. I just like the that smiley and everyone has got to have his or her own style of writing right?? I mean I could have a pic of you doing your cow of a mother at the beginning of my chats but it seems they they where all sold out of those. I hope the money you get from them helps you get that brain and penis transplant you have been wanting so you can finally think with the head on your shoulders. hahaha just kidding. You know I am just playing for jokes. I could use a good laugh right now with all the bull that is going on around here. no offence dude.

Dmaster 2003-05-22 01:16 PM

In your situation where you guys are not making enough money and you having to stay home, I'd say, you stay home and watch your step daughter and get a job you can do at home for extra money. Jobs you could look into would be Web design, telemarketing, or even programming for private individuals, small companies or small organizations that need that field of expertiese.

Hope that helps, good luck.

Bloodkrawller 2003-05-28 11:14 AM

:fire:thanks I will think of that. and ya we re-thought about it and decided that we will still wait and see until end of august about moving. we do have alot of people to pay off and we are going to see about buying a car instead of paying tickets to grayhound. and we can move more stuff too. but if things conitue to breakdown, we may have no choice but to leave.

Doofus_AW 2003-05-28 04:09 PM

You obviously have a computer and internet access, there are all kinds of ways to make money with those. Hell, do some e-bay auctions of D2 items. Or start a pyramid scheme, its more respectable then selling D2 items :) And good luck to you.

Bloodkrawller 2003-06-01 06:30 PM

:fire:well we do have a comp at home right now but it the internet thing that's the prob. we don't have enough money to get it right now. but by the middle of this month it looks like we are going to get it. if things start to look up financhially (sorry about spelling). well gtg, take care and hope to be back in business by the end of the the week of the 15th.

Bloodkrawller 2003-06-04 09:58 AM

:fire:Good news! my fiancee had her birthday this past monday and her dad gave her some money. We have called the cable company and we are going to get internet at home on the 16th of this month if all goes well.

Other good news is that she also bought me Warcraft III as a gift to me, YAY! Well that's the latest update.

-Spector- 2003-06-04 09:22 PM

....you could of used that 30-50 dollas to buy next weeks groceries...

Bloodkrawller 2003-06-08 07:32 PM

:fire: Funny spec, but it was my hunny's wish that we get it now. And what she wants, she gets, lolz.

Titusfied 2003-06-08 08:43 PM


*Titus runs from the sounds of whips snapping all around him form reading the last post*

(^_-) 2003-06-09 02:17 AM

gl with ur life man!Hope everything goes well.

Bloodkrawller 2003-06-12 12:29 PM

:fire: just my luck eh? turns out we have to pay the previous charges onthe cable account so it might take a little longer then the 16th to get back online. But we still want internet and cable back. It's all due to the &%$%$ that left the house with a $150 cable bill and didn't pay it. Say if anyone lives in the state of texas (near San Antonio) and they know of a 38 yr. old guy but the name of Carl that lives with his ex-wife melva in a trailer park (no lie here folks), then kick his roo-dy-poo candy &*%$#@ for me. Anyways peace out for now my D2:exp and Wc3 Breathren!!

P.S. the reason how I am able to talk to you guys now is cause I am at the library. Just in case if you were wondering.

J_Frog 2003-06-13 12:38 AM

I know that I am new and all but sorry for all of the Sh*t that is happening to you and welcome back.

danny180000 2003-06-13 01:04 AM

lol i work for the cable company!!

and i know how to get free cable and beleave it or not free internet.lmao

but it is all top secret

Ganga 2003-06-13 03:20 AM

Ya... top secret. Oo I know I know, YOU WORK FOR THE CABLE COMPANY!!! duh.

Eddie_Perez 2003-06-13 05:13 AM

Well, the other day I heard that rdram is better than ddr what should I believe?

Mr.Lee 2003-06-13 05:26 AM

We have really gone off-topic... close or move please.

Bloodkrawller 2003-06-16 11:10 AM

:fire: Lee, I was just about to ask the same question. How does rdram have anything to do with this post? Please stick the the subject at hand. Anyways, it looks like this thurs-fri I will be back in biz but I just read that Bnet close any accounts associated with mephbot or maphack. So I don't know if my accounts are still okay. I guess I shouldn't really worry about it though right? I mean with the 1.10 patch coming up and the new synergies/revampings going on, we will most likely have to think of new strats on how to build better characters. But can anyone tell me if they closed all accounts in relation to the hacks, or was it just those that were online at the time that they could find??

Anyways, I am out again. and I am sorry for being a pain if this thread is causing to much of a prob. Oh and Danny, it's nice that you work for the cable company, but it doesn't help me much when it's not in Red Deer Alberta, lolz. Take care guys.

Bloodkrawller 2003-06-18 11:03 AM

:fire: I JUST CANNOT &%#*@# WIN!!!!!!

As if things weren't bad enough, now we gotta pay $400 by tomorrow or we get kick out onto the street. &%^%#^! I do everything that is asked of me, I do what my fiancee needs me to do and yet we still get $h!t on. I feel broken. I am going to be out on the street. I can't take this anymore. So in case I do end up homeless and/or dead I would just like to say this:

1. First of all, thankyou Zelaron, Chruser and all moderators for allowing me to use this thread/message board for stating my thoughts and telling my story without closing it on me.

2. Thankyou all those that showed your support by writting your opinions and ideas about any help that I could get.

3. Thankyou Blizzard for making such awsome games.

And finally................


As for this thread, keep it open for a while longer. Things might change and if they do I would like to be able to talk about them still. I don't know how or if it will, be we shall see.

Ganga 2003-06-18 11:19 AM

errr Good Luck... Don't know what else to say.

Bloodkrawller 2003-06-18 11:26 AM

:fire: Your silence speaks volumes already, lolz just joking. take care!

Bloodkrawller 2003-06-20 03:54 PM

:fire:OKay, we got evicted. We are out on the street, this isn't no joke ppl. But as luck may have it, out of all of the friends my fiancee has, one out of 20 actually had the heart to take us in. At the price of $150 and we can only stay for a week and a half. So we took it and we are out looking for a new home. My wife to be is getting paid on the 30th and by that time we should have a new place. So now comes rebuilding time. I will keep you posted. gtg

Shining Knights 2003-06-20 04:36 PM

It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose.

immortal_king 2003-06-21 02:58 PM

wait a min first he says my fiancee and 2 sentences later he goes my wife...so either ur makin a mistake or u have a wife and ur engadged to someone else...errr.....
im sorry for your misfortunes, but yes everyone posting is right, get a job instead of sittin at home thinking bout d2...

-Spector- 2003-06-22 05:06 PM

Hey i just noticed that...hmmm lol

Bloodkrawller 2003-06-23 04:25 PM

:fire: your right your right. My bad on that part. At least I know you guys are actually reading what I am saying. Anyways the reason why I did that is cause even though we aren't "Officially" married, we still like calling ourselves Husband and Wife". Sorry about the confusion. And yes I have been looking for a job but nobody wants to hire me right now. I am still looking but it's going to take some time.

immortal_king 2003-06-24 09:00 AM

well if ur so good at d2 and bliz are lookin for jobs all the time...make the connection yet??????????????
if ur at the library, then why dont u auction some of ur items off on ebay i know ppl make like $400 a month there...

Bloodkrawller 2003-06-26 01:47 PM

:fire: okay king, here's a question about your idea about ebay. WHAT *&$^# ITEMS!!!! all I got is just enough to have a good enough char to do mf runs and most of that stuff is bugged. And with blizz cracking down on stuff like that i don't think I have much worth selling. And I never said that I was so good at d2. I am just like everyone else and know how to play.

Anyways, we re at our wits end and have decided to go back to my home of Ontario. My family there is willing to help us. We just don't know when that is going to happen. Probably either in this or next month.

badboy 2003-06-26 08:45 PM

Maybe you should get your parents to help, I mean it's better than dieing. And don't tell me you can't get a job at a fast food place or something. And then look for a better job.

immortal_king 2003-06-27 06:59 AM

He's right

Bloodkrawller 2003-06-29 04:46 PM

:fire:My parents have been helping. We just recieved $100 from them last week. But with my sis getting married soon and my parents had already agreed to help her with it, they don't have much to spare for me. none of us expected this to happen. But now things have gotten to extreme worse. We had to give up our step-daughter (my soon to be step-daughter after the marriage) to my finacee's Mother-of-all &!*#^ $'s mother because Child Welfare said that they were coming to get her and take her away. So we had to make a contract to hand over the parenting right's to the grandmother of the child. So now it's just my fiancee and me.

If there are any player's with families out there reading this then you know how hard it's hitting us that our children are gone. So now we can't go back to Ontario nor can we leave Alberta until we get them back. But there is one good shining light in this. At least now we don't have to worry about our daughter not having a place to sleep or something to eat. And I can concentrate on getting a job.

Bloodkrawller 2003-07-08 11:10 AM

:fire: OKay, now this is pissing me off. Now we have to go to court to give her mother child support payments and we have to stay in Red Deer and get our selves turned around in 6 months. We are trapped. What's pissing me off even more is that I can't get online to my d2 accounts cause we don't have computer or internet cause I don't have a place yet and I am missing out on checking out the 1.10 beta patch. DAMMIT!!!!!!

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