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Demosthenes 2006-05-08 05:59 PM

How did the universe begin?
I'm going to start resurrecting one old thread a week that had good, intelligent activity, and see if maybe that can spark up some good conversation again, so here it is from this week:

I want your personal theory on this. Did god create the universe? Was there something else. Has it always been here? State which side you're taking (i.e. scientific, theological etc.) and try to support it as best you can. Lets try to not turn this into a debate. If you want to comment on someone elses theory, fine, but try to keep this thread from turning into an all-out debate about religion.

So, what do you think?

KagomJack 2006-05-08 07:01 PM

A female god was bored, decided it'd be funny to let living creatures that aren't omnipotent and omniscient suffer and go through life.

Sovereign 2006-05-08 07:12 PM

Scientific. Something started the universe somehow, and something will somehow end it.

EDIT: Something being gravity, anti matter. Nothing religious.

!King_Amazon! 2006-05-08 08:34 PM

Scientific-theological. Something/Someone caused the "Big Bang" and the universe evolved from there. Every planet seems to have it's own story. Ours was just one of the ones that had the right stuff to create life(carbon etc).

gruesomeBODY 2006-05-08 10:18 PM

ill be the first to say god, but because he wanted peopel to worship him. Not because he just felt like it

!King_Amazon! 2006-05-09 12:07 AM

Every time I try to think of a non-religious explaination for what started it, it comes down to "there had to be some sort of supreme force or being that started it", if Gravity started everything, who/what put Gravity into place? And Who/what put that person/thing into place? It's a never-ending question of creation.

JRwakebord 2006-05-09 12:10 AM

Big bang theory, personally.

Sum Yung Guy 2006-05-09 12:12 AM

Yea the big bang theory... where did the material come from to make a big bang? Oh it was from the previous big bang? The universe expanded then eventually retracted and formed up into a giant mass, and that exploded creating the universe.... All I want to know is where did the material that formed up to create a big bang come from?

JRwakebord 2006-05-09 12:14 AM

Possibly a multi-trillion year cycle. Big bang, universe expands, then eventually gravity does it's thing and the universe compresses down to a singularity again, only to result in yet another big bang.

!King_Amazon! 2006-05-09 12:54 AM

But someone or something had to put these things into existance. Where did the singularity originally come from? The big bang theory only explains what happened(huge mass "bangs" and expands into the universe), it doesn't explain how the mass got there.

Raziel 2006-05-09 12:39 PM

Creationism. Too many facts of existence go unexplainable by conventional scientific theory, such as the argument stated by King above.

Kaneda 2006-05-09 03:31 PM

If we go creationism you could just as easily apply the same principles. If there is a supreme being where or from what did it come from? Ect, ect.
I'm pretty sure Blizzard had something to do with it.

Medieval Bob 2006-05-09 04:07 PM

In the Ender's Game series, it's theorized that existence always has been and always will be. Time is explained as the radius of a sphere. The center of the sphere is the beginning of time, of things, of mass, of existence. We're at a certain radius on the sphere, and, as the universe expands, the radius increases. It's a really interesting explanation (though, greatly rooted in fiction I'm sure) if anyone is interesting in reading. (The books kick ass too.)

Demosthenes 2006-05-09 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Medieval Bob
In the Ender's Game series, it's theorized that existence always has been and always will be. Time is explained as the radius of a sphere. The center of the sphere is the beginning of time, of things, of mass, of existence. We're at a certain radius on the sphere, and, as the universe expands, the radius increases. It's a really interesting explanation (though, greatly rooted in fiction I'm sure) if anyone is interesting in reading. (The books kick ass too.)

I've read the entire Ender and Bean series, but I don't recall that. Mind telling me which book that's in?

Sum Yung Guy 2006-05-09 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Medieval Bob
In the Ender's Game series, it's theorized that existence always has been and always will be. Time is explained as the radius of a sphere. The center of the sphere is the beginning of time, of things, of mass, of existence. We're at a certain radius on the sphere, and, as the universe expands, the radius increases. It's a really interesting explanation (though, greatly rooted in fiction I'm sure) if anyone is interesting in reading. (The books kick ass too.)

I vaguely remember that... its been a few year tho.

Medieval Bob 2006-05-10 06:21 AM

It's in Xenocide, near the end of the book. They're trying to find a way to do the impossible, several times over, and this is one of the results of that research.

Ganga 2006-05-16 01:45 PM

We name our god - Budda.

Grav 2006-05-16 08:33 PM

May I remind you all that this forum is strictly on-topic.

pr0xy 2006-05-17 10:09 PM

I believe in both creation and evolution. There are many facts that support evolution however when the question of where it all came from comes up, there dont seem to be any answers. I personally believe the smallest life forms were created by a supreme being, and as time went on they evolved. I mean, evolution is already proven.

Draco2003 2006-05-19 12:55 AM

I dunno....call me a nerd, but I say we are all digital people in a large video game...why else would there be so much violence and stuff?

Maybe we are all just large blocks of well written artificial intellence that have begun to notice our "reproductive errors" and decided to start fixing them. God and science are boring...and both are wrong...God is just one "player's" interpretation of who programmed us... He/she probably saw it in the sky, and it was really P.O.C....which is Programmer of Creation. In our world of things that he programmed, the clouds are how he communicates with his people...and when they asked who created them, he/she (P.O.C) replied. They saw it upside down and backwards so they read God....i dunno...my theory has more holes than swiss cheese....but it makes life more interesting than thinking some holy dude was bored and made slaves that would eventually die off and he could use their souls, after they are aged to perfection, to feed his "holy miracle machine".....

Nah, but for real...I don't care how it started, as long as it doesn't plan on going anywhere soon....while I am still alive.....O.O

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