Zelaron Gaming Forum

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JohnnyTAE 2002-05-01 07:09 PM

but its better to get rid of this aggravtion with a couple of red devil stomach donations

Randuin 2002-05-01 07:09 PM

that is low quality spam man..

Randuin 2002-05-01 07:09 PM

that is low quality spam man..

JohnnyTAE 2002-05-01 07:09 PM

so I might get rd'ed out or get knocked da fuck out

tacoX 2002-05-01 07:10 PM


tacoX 2002-05-01 07:10 PM


JohnnyTAE 2002-05-01 07:10 PM

but none of it really matters (like I said I'm a n00b)

JohnnyTAE 2002-05-01 07:11 PM

spam isn't learned it's instinct (which I lack)

JohnnyTAE 2002-05-01 07:11 PM

when will the madness stop

JohnnyTAE 2002-05-01 07:12 PM

because I'm starting to belive you all think I'm weird lol

JohnnyTAE 2002-05-01 07:13 PM

But I'm just bitching bout all the shit that went down today

Randuin 2002-05-01 07:13 PM

yes u can... wiccan never had instinct but now he spams perfectly

Randuin 2002-05-01 07:13 PM

yes u can... wiccan never had instinct but now he spams perfectly

Hellmonkeys 2002-05-01 07:13 PM

SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM....SUCKS. Never saw this chat forum here... Major spamfest huh?

Hellmonkeys 2002-05-01 07:13 PM

SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM....SUCKS. Never saw this chat forum here... Major spamfest huh?

JohnnyTAE 2002-05-01 07:14 PM

it was hella fugged up and it wont get better

EvilSteven 2002-05-01 07:14 PM

hey guys

EvilSteven 2002-05-01 07:14 PM

hey guys

EvilSteven 2002-05-01 07:15 PM

i like tea with ice cream

EvilSteven 2002-05-01 07:15 PM

i like tea with ice cream

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