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Thanatos 2008-10-24 01:46 PM

Even after reading your rules AND watching the video I'm still not sure what the fuck I just saw.

Lenny 2008-10-24 05:55 PM

I'm incredibly surprised that few (if any) of you have not heard of Snooker!



Here's a map of Durham. I've circled my college, and where I have my lectures. And this is the view from one of my windows.


From my college to the P in square E3 it's about a mile - Durham is a fantastically small city (well, the town itself and the University campus. If you take the housing estates outside of the city into account, then it's probably a few times bigger, with a much larger area). The big city campuses like London, or Manchester, can have distances of three or four miles between Halls of Residence and Lecture Rooms/Departments.

Jessifer 2008-10-25 09:12 AM

Oh...now I want to play.

Lenny 2008-10-25 08:17 PM

I played again tonight - a slight improvement, too! 45 minutes. :D

Usual bar activities preceeded, as did the capturing of various drunken activities on film (well, memory card).

Jessifer 2008-10-26 11:00 AM

Drunken activities are fun. Like drunken Guitar Hero. Or drunken Rock Band.


Willkillforfood 2008-10-26 01:51 PM

Alright. That's not that bad then. It's over half a mile from where I park to my classes. How big is your college? Mine is like 27,000 students.

Asamin 2008-10-26 03:22 PM

Holy shit! The other guy never even got up!

Lenny 2008-10-26 03:24 PM

Around 15,000, I think - 3,500 of whom are Postgrad (PhD).

There are about 250 students in my year in my college, with probably 1,000 students in total. There are 16 colleges in total.


A maximum break can do that to a man, Asamin. One of the greatest things to see in a Snooker game.


Tonight has been... interesting. We started by catching up on various TV things we've all missed, and then someone dislocated his knee. :) The ambulance came, the Paramedics gave the guy oxygen, and then the fun started! I got a lot of photos, but wish I'd recorded it - some of things he was coming out with! The best was when we stood around the ambulance and a girl mentioned that it was cold. He stopped puffing on the oxygen, sat up, and said, "I'll tell you what isn't cold, Kat - your mum!".

Jessifer 2008-10-27 08:47 AM

How the hell does one go from watching TV to dislocating their knee?

Lenny 2008-10-27 04:30 PM

Attempted rape (wellllll, wrestling because he wouldn't give a girl a chocolate finger), chasing after the victim, foolishly trying to use his left leg, topple.


Big Band practice tonight. Was good. :)

Jessifer 2008-10-28 09:52 AM

Chocolate strikes again.

Grav 2008-10-28 11:11 AM

Chocolate finger = anal rape ?

Lenny 2008-10-28 04:13 PM

A biscuit, actually.


We indulged in some chocolate hanky panky tonight. It was so good that I indulged twice! The rest of the meal was pants, though - the starter was a foul French cheese, and the main course was beef. Bad beef.

Willkillforfood 2008-10-28 07:59 PM

Chocolate hanky panky? Did it involve fudge?

Jessifer 2008-10-29 10:00 AM

Sounds kinky to me.

Grav 2008-10-29 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Lenny (Post 658245)
We indulged in some chocolate hanky panky tonight. It was so good that I indulged twice! The rest of the meal was pants, though - the starter was a foul French cheese, and the main course was beef. Bad beef.


Lenny 2008-10-29 06:26 PM



I was thrown out of my first bar tonight. :D

Our corridor rep took us (the corridor) on a college bar crawl, and we decided to play a different drinking game in each one. The third we got to was a college called St. Marys which, until two years ago, was exclusively a girls college. Anyway, we were all sat down in a tiny bar (can't have been more than eight feet by fourteen feet), drinking, and playing What the Fuck. After ten minutes, the bar staff walk over to us, take our drinks away, and tell us to leave... which we did, out through the high, echoey halls, chanting Mildert Ranger* (our college song).

**Mildert Ranger

A typical call and repeat chant - one person calls out the line, and everyone repeats it back, at the top of their voices.

I want to be a Mildert Ranger
I want to live a life of danger
I want to be a scuba diver
I want to have a sixty-niner
There was a girl I liked the best
Many times I sucked her breasts
I fucked her standing
I fucked her lying
If I had wings
I'd have fucked her flying
Now she's dead
But not forgotten
I'll dig her up
And fuck her rotten
Mildert Ranger!
Mildert Ranger!
Mildert Ranger!

Jessifer 2008-10-29 06:55 PM

Best college song ever?

-Spector- 2008-10-29 07:52 PM

That song rocks.

Necrophilia ftw!

Jessifer 2008-10-30 08:49 AM

Lenny should get a voice clip of people singing it.

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