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Willkillforfood 2008-07-27 11:13 AM

There are homosexual animals, Wed-G. What do you think about that? Also, out of all the people, I am surprised that you're just talking about penises and vagina. Is intercourse your utmost concern with your relationship with your girlfriend (it's surprising if so, she seems to be the really religious type)? If so you really should reevaluate things. Yes, it's a fun and important part of a relationship, but if that's the best part of your relationship then you really should get a little deeper. If it isn't, and feelings and having a good time with your significant other are, then you should be able to empathize that there's something MORE than sex that's even MORE important, so if you're gay you might be more concerned with being happy with your significant other than getting vagina :).

Marriages should be called civil unions by the government and be given the same benefits whether homosexual or heterosexual. Anything else is utter discrimination and should be illegal. Homosexuality, in reality, is natural. It is found in the animal world and although it is somewhat rare, it is a part of the natural order of things. Yes, same-sex couples cannot reproduce, but us humans do not always form couples to reproduce. We form couples because of what we feel for another individual. And because we're horny fuckers. Anyone who wishes to deny those rights to a homosexual should, indeed, be castrated/have cement packed in their respective areas and be cast into the ocean.

Wallow, when you grow up a little and expand your mind you'll learn that your parents are a lot of times WRONG. They're older, more closed-minded, and although they have a lot of wisdom, they're wrong as fuck on some ideas and will not admit otherwise. It's because they're old and feel like because they've done the arduous deed of LIVING, they deserve more respect and that their words carry more value. In fact, their words don't a lot of times, and in areas where they have not developed expertise they're not any more reliable than a 15-year-old girl's gossip. Sure, with families, normal tasks of day-to-day life, and their jobs, they are very reliable. However, with respecting another culture or sexuality, a lot of "old school" people are ignorant and grew up in less understanding times. Don't perpetuate their hatred. You seemed mature enough to have learned this lesson, but apparently not. Or perhaps you're just not a very good debater and just wanted a dumb excuse for your unfounded belief.

!King_Amazon! 2008-07-27 11:26 AM

Wallow and Wed-G are both asshats. LOL.

Jessifer 2008-07-27 01:40 PM

Hell, at the very least just think of it as population control.

!King_Amazon! 2008-07-27 01:42 PM

Genocide is population control. Clearly you approve of the genocide of homosexuals.

Willkillforfood 2008-07-27 01:42 PM

Agreed. Females are evil.

Jessifer 2008-07-27 01:43 PM


Willkillforfood 2008-07-27 01:43 PM

And vaginas are pits of death.

Jessifer 2008-07-27 01:44 PM

And oddly enough, pits of life as well!

!King_Amazon! 2008-07-27 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Jessifer (Post 645376)
And oddly enough, pits of life as well!

You just blew my mind.

Jessifer 2008-07-27 02:08 PM

That's what I'm here for. Glad I could be of service.

Willkillforfood 2008-07-27 04:07 PM

What else do you blow? Kyeruu makes good money and needs a good time.

Wed-G 2008-07-27 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon! (Post 645357)
Wallow and Wed-G are both asshats. LOL.

Fuck you.

And secondly


Originally Posted by Wed-G
I will say that denying a homosexual couple rights is against what's right

but, followed up to say


Originally Posted by Wed-G
I think we evolved/were created as male and female for a reason

That reason is procreation. You should have every right to marry the person you love, male or female. All I was saying was homosexuality seems to go against the flow of of the evolutionary process. Our basic instinct is to survive and without that transfer of genes to a future generation, we cannot guarantee the continuation of our species.

Furthermore, I don't put much emphasis on sex, relationship wise. I just had a rather crude way of stating my above argument.

I think gay marriage should be allowed by law, but in my heart I don't think it's right so I'm not going to vote for or against it.

!King_Amazon! 2008-07-27 05:24 PM

I can respect your opinion a bit more, then. I think your first post was stated wrong or something. You're saying that your personal opinion is that it's wrong, so you wouldn't vote for or against it, which is the winning point for me.

I don't particularly have any problem with someone's opinion, but when they force their opinion on others, it becomes a problem. You think gay marriage is wrong, but you wouldn't vote for or against it, which makes that alright to me. Gay marriage has no effect on you, so saying that you'd vote against it because you think it's wrong would be equally wrong or moreso.

Willkillforfood 2008-07-27 07:36 PM

Yea Wed-G, I guess I didn't understand you the first time. That's cool.

Wallow 2008-07-27 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Wed-G (Post 645388)
Fuck you.

And secondly

but, followed up to say

That reason is procreation. You should have every right to marry the person you love, male or female. All I was saying was homosexuality seems to go against the flow of of the evolutionary process. Our basic instinct is to survive and without that transfer of genes to a future generation, we cannot guarantee the continuation of our species.

Furthermore, I don't put much emphasis on sex, relationship wise. I just had a rather crude way of stating my above argument.

I think gay marriage should be allowed by law, but in my heart I don't think it's right so I'm not going to vote for or against it.

Nice sermon WKFF a couple of posts above
BTW, I made up that excuse about my parents because so many of you were pestering me for an answer. The truth is I've always believe that gay marriage shouldn't be allowed. That's the last think I'll say

Willkillforfood 2008-07-27 07:50 PM

I don't think it should be called marriage do to religious pretenses, but it should have the same legal rights.

KagomJack 2008-07-27 08:56 PM

Why are you dancing around? Why do you think it shouldn't be allowed. Because you just don't? I told you, man, I won't hassle your beliefs if you have a solid reason, but if it's one of those "just because" responses, then you deserve to be heckled a little.

quikspy67 2008-07-28 02:24 AM

Still a terrible reason. (Wed-G is not an asshat)

Wallow 2008-07-28 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by KagomJack (Post 645406)
Why are you dancing around? Why do you think it shouldn't be allowed. Because you just don't? I told you, man, I won't hassle your beliefs if you have a solid reason, but if it's one of those "just because" responses, then you deserve to be heckled a little.

ugh, I don't know what to tell you! In my eyes, it's wrong. I have the solid belief that marriage has been and always will be for the union of a man and a woman. I don't know how else to support it. I think that way. I think if we were talking about gays in general and about illegalizing civil unions, you would require more of a reason, but it's just marriage.

quikspy67 2008-07-28 03:58 AM

But the thought of it angers you.

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