Zelaron Gaming Forum

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Wiccan][V][asta 2002-04-24 05:32 PM

thanks alot asshole... no gold 4 u :)

Randuin 2002-04-24 05:37 PM

but but but... i said gratz! :D

Randuin 2002-04-24 05:37 PM

but but but... i said gratz! :D

Unregistered 2002-04-24 05:45 PM

Give me one gold, Wiccan... you must have the golden 1337ness.

Unregistered 2002-04-24 05:45 PM

Give me one gold, Wiccan... you must have the golden 1337ness.

Unregistered 2002-04-24 05:45 PM

Err... what the hell?

Unregistered 2002-04-24 05:45 PM

Err... what the hell?

Unregistered 2002-04-24 05:45 PM

Unregistered.. wtf...

Unregistered 2002-04-24 05:45 PM

Unregistered.. wtf...

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 05:46 PM

Why the hell did that happen? I never log out.

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 05:47 PM

Ok... lemme say it again.. to regain the Golden 1337ness you can give me gold.. just one... :D

Randuin 2002-04-24 05:47 PM

he's not l337... he's 1338

Randuin 2002-04-24 05:47 PM

he's not l337... he's 1338

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 05:53 PM

Leeb... lmfao...

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-04-24 05:53 PM

leeb lol

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 05:54 PM

I guess since Zelaron changed whatever shit they changed... /index.php is no longer the logged in screen.

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 05:54 PM

Revel in your leebness... it just doesn't stick.

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 05:55 PM

Lmao.. fix it.

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 05:56 PM

And gimme some credit on your sig... I started the The Terrible Secret of Space trend in these forums... :cheater: Please sign here...

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 05:57 PM

Shit... :cheat: please sign here.

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