Zelaron Gaming Forum

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RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 02:58 PM

At what point did you guys become moderators... something the admins decide or what?

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 02:58 PM

...doobah... SHAZBOT!

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-04-24 02:59 PM

When you are good. Be good and you will be a mod... suck my dick and you will get gold tho.. :p

lol j/k

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 02:59 PM

I miss my Tribes game.. too bad it's on the POS computer I sold to my cousin.

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-04-24 02:59 PM

Sucks to be you

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 03:00 PM

Guess that counts me out for being a mod.. :D... I'm probably the biggest spammer. :spam:

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-04-24 03:00 PM

Absolut is the biggest... you're by far the lamest tho... lol j/k btw, wanna buy my eternal soul? Check my thread out!

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 03:00 PM


RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 03:01 PM

I raised... the bid to -$50.99!

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 03:02 PM

In other words... you give me $51 for it.

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 03:02 PM

I'd get a profit out of "buying" your soul! Pwnage... :D

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 03:03 PM

Whee... I'm close to getting gold for all my posts... :fire:

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 03:04 PM

Burn, damn it, burn! SPAMMAGE INFERNO! Burn,damn it, burn!

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 03:04 PM

And by the way... I AM THE LAMEST... I try... :D

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 03:05 PM


RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 03:07 PM

Woo... someone bring up something to discuss intelligently... we can have meaningful spam.

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 03:08 PM

Damn it...

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-04-24 03:08 PM

Bob Dole. He's cool. Bizob to the Izzo.... :)

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 03:09 PM


RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 03:10 PM

Bob Dole Fact:
"Bob Dole" can be used as the punchline for any joke... or even be used to answer any question and IT'S FUNNY.

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