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[00:03] System: Senesia has joined the chat
[00:04] System: Senesia has left the chat
[06:46] System: D3V has joined the chat
[06:46] D3V: Alright confucious, why don't you tell your ass to quit typing on the computer.
[06:54] System: D3V has left the chat
[08:06] System: Wed-G has joined the chat
[08:06] Wed-G: Hmm. Albums to look forward to: Oh, Sleeper - Son of the Morning, Threat Signal - Vigilance,
[08:06] Wed-G: Born of Osiris - A Higher Place
[08:06] System: D3V has joined the chat
[08:06] D3V: aye
[08:08] System: D3V has left the chat
[08:14] System: Wed-G has left the chat
[08:17] System: Senesia has joined the chat
[08:25] System: D3V has joined the chat
[08:25] D3V: so, I get to bring in a Bob Marley poster tomorrow to work =]
[08:26] Senesia: Making thread.
[08:34] System: D3V has left the chat
[09:02] System: Mantralord has joined the chat
[09:03] Mantralord: SENESIATA
[09:05] Senesia: Hi
[09:06] System: D3V has joined the chat
[09:06] D3V: tight just put my order in for an iphone
[09:07] Senesia: What order?
[09:11] D3V: from the internet
[09:11] D3V: I bought a phone*
[09:12] Senesia: ooo
[09:12] Senesia: I read that as
[09:13] Senesia: You put your order in from an iphone.
[09:13] Senesia: That was dumb..
[09:14] System: D3V has left the chat
[09:21] System: FatIonSurged has joined the chat
[09:21] FatIonSurged: mantralord!!
[09:22] FatIonSurged: you used to be a programmer
[09:22] FatIonSurged: now you're a strrange cookie.
[09:23] System: FatIonSurged has left the chat
[09:28] Mantralord: hey you know what i just figured
[09:28] Mantralord: the wikipedia servers are right here in florida
[09:28] Mantralord: i should drive over to tampa and just set them on fire
[09:28] Mantralord: and all the backup servers too
[09:29] Mantralord: and watch as millions of eurotrash and pasty faced teenagers die in horror as all their work gets burned up
[09:29] Mantralord: and laugh hahahah
[09:35] Senesia: Sounds evil.
[09:35] System: D3V has joined the chat
[09:35] D3V: WELL HAI THAR!
[09:35] D3V: mantra, <3
[09:36] D3V: ill meet u in tampa
[09:40] Senesia: That place is heavily guarded
[09:43] System: D3V has left the chat
[09:47] System: D3V has joined the chat
[09:47] D3V: against mortars?
[09:48] System: D3V has left the chat
[09:50] Senesia: "My intent wasn't to damage the board or the users, my intent was to find out if you had balls, chruser, since you never ban me for anything. "
[09:57] System: jamer123 has joined the chat
[09:57] jamer123: have ant of you heard of: trogan horse generic 13.begh
[10:06] System: jamer123 has left the chat
[10:09] System: Willkillforfood has joined the chat
[10:09] Willkillforfood: I got an A in tax
[10:09] Willkillforfood: fuck yea :D
[10:10] Willkillforfood: jamer, you should buy better condoms
[10:17] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[10:17] HandOfHeaven: What in teh world?
[10:17] Willkillforfood: sup nigga
[10:18] Willkillforfood: I got an A in my tax class, I'm set up pretty well for an internship now ^_^
[10:19] Senesia: Are you bragging
[10:19] Senesia: Bragging is not a way to stop hatred.
[10:20] HandOfHeaven: Good job
[10:20] HandOfHeaven: If I can one-up you I got a 99.1% in my Marketing class last month
[10:20] Willkillforfood: I'm not bragging, I'm happy
[10:20] HandOfHeaven: : P
[10:20] Willkillforfood: good job
[10:20] Willkillforfood: How much longer do you have for your degree?
[10:21] Willkillforfood: and are you stopping with your 4-year degree?
[10:21] Willkillforfood: Senesia, don't hate
[10:21] Willkillforfood: :(
[10:21] HandOfHeaven: I have 2 more years
[10:21] Willkillforfood: I'll tell Grav and KA not to give you anymore booty
[10:22] Willkillforfood: Cool HOH
[10:22] HandOfHeaven: I may stay an extra 2 just to get an MBA, because it has the same business core
[10:22] Willkillforfood: yea
[10:22] Willkillforfood: My friend's about to get his MBA
[10:22] Willkillforfood: I gotta take my GMAT sometime
[10:23] HandOfHeaven: good luck with that
[10:23] HandOfHeaven: My GPA is kind of shitty right now
[10:23] Willkillforfood: thx
[10:23] Willkillforfood: Only thing that really matters is my accounting gpa
[10:23] Willkillforfood: That's all I have to put on my resume
[10:23] Willkillforfood: :D
[10:23] HandOfHeaven: Ha
[10:23] HandOfHeaven: I have a 2.6 right now, which doesn't reflect my marketing GPA
[10:23] Willkillforfood: Although my accounting GPA and overall GPA are both the same, weirdly enough
[10:23] HandOfHeaven: that's a 3.65
[10:24] Willkillforfood: nice
[10:24] Willkillforfood: Do you have to put overall on your resume?
[10:24] Willkillforfood: If so that's kind of silly
[10:24] HandOfHeaven: not sure
[10:24] Senesia: You don't.
[10:24] Willkillforfood: My friend can't get into the nursing program because he did horribly at the community college, although he has kept a 4.0 at his new university.
[10:24] HandOfHeaven: I doubt it, but it's just because my freshman year I didn't go to class much
[10:24] Senesia: Unless you're trying to brag.
[10:24] HandOfHeaven: this past year I did a lot better
[10:25] Senesia: The interviewer might ask you casually for your GPA, or something like "How did you do in school?"
[10:25] Senesia: If s/he is interested to know
[10:25] Willkillforfood: yea
[10:25] Willkillforfood: If it's really good it can't hurt to include it
[10:25] Willkillforfood: but if not, leave it off and hope they don't notice :D
[10:25] Senesia: If it's really good, ya.
[10:26] Willkillforfood: I got fucked over because my thyroid went out on me one semester and I was in the hospital a couple times
[10:26] Senesia: But just keep in mind some people might have no idea what a good GPA is.
[10:26] Senesia: Like they might think 4 GPA is good.. and everything lower that that is not.
[10:26] Senesia: Because they're ignorant.
[10:26] Willkillforfood: yea
[10:26] Willkillforfood: Not in accounting
[10:27] Willkillforfood: 3.6-4.0 is really good
[10:27] Willkillforfood: 3.0-3.6 still pretty decent
[10:27] Senesia: Depends on who sort through the resume though.
[10:27] Willkillforfood: 2.5-3.0 average
[10:27] Senesia: The person who sort it might be dumb.
[10:27] Senesia: But oh well.
[10:27] Willkillforfood: 3.6-4.0 is about what it's gonna require to get the best jobs, plus interviewing well.
[10:27] Willkillforfood: They like preppy kids, tbh
[10:27] Willkillforfood: Well at least the largest recruiters do
[10:28] Willkillforfood: And they hire a lot of women
[10:28] Willkillforfood: lol
[10:28] Senesia: :)
[10:28] Willkillforfood: It's reverse sexism now. The profession WAS so sexist that it was like 90% men
[10:28] Willkillforfood: now they're trying to make up for it
[10:28] Willkillforfood: and believe me they are.
[10:29] Willkillforfood: Makes it harder for joe blow white guys like me :(
[10:29] HandOfHeaven: there yah go WKFF
[10:29] HandOfHeaven: you can get a job now, woman : P
[10:29] Willkillforfood: lol
[10:29] Willkillforfood: Sadly, I still have a dick, not a vagina
[10:29] Senesia: Men get the promotions though usually.
[10:29] Willkillforfood: So no easy street for me.
[10:29] System: jamer123 has joined the chat
[10:29] jamer123: ya not funny
[10:29] Willkillforfood: Senesia, women and minorities are on fast track for promotions
[10:29] Senesia: I don't really see it as sexist like some feminists would claim.
[10:29] Willkillforfood: because they're very underrepresented on the Partner level
[10:30] HandOfHeaven: Make sure your job has a distinct job description though
[10:30] Willkillforfood: The only reason women might be slower with promotions is taking time away for families.
[10:30] Senesia: Yes.
[10:30] Willkillforfood: Otherwise they have every advantage at most firms.
[10:30] HandOfHeaven: that means you have criteria to be promoted by, not just 'I like him, let's promote him'
[10:30] Senesia: that's what I'm saying.
[10:30] Senesia: Im saying most women aren't really career-oriented.
[10:30] Willkillforfood: HOH, there's a lot of office politics from all sources I've seen
[10:30] Willkillforfood: Senesia, some are!
[10:30] Willkillforfood: :P
[10:31] Senesia: Some, but I doubt the number is the same as men.
[10:31] Willkillforfood: but they know their ovaries will eventually shrivel into little grapes so they have to make a decision relatively soon on kids, and it's often times in a crucial part of the career building
[10:31] HandOfHeaven: I know there are quite a bit of office politics, but being able to be promoted based on how well your fill that description, you know what is expected of you and how to go above and beyond
[10:32] Senesia: It also depends on how interested you are in the job
[10:32] Senesia: Like you need to show that you somehow
[10:32] Senesia: Want to be promoted
[10:32] Senesia: Some people just want a raise
[10:32] Senesia: Without the added responsiblity
[10:32] Senesia: (me)
[10:32] HandOfHeaven: True
[10:33] Senesia: I mean I'm at work now.. and I'm not doing much.
[10:33] Senesia: Haha.
[10:33] HandOfHeaven: They need to take Loyalty into consideration when giving raises
[10:33] HandOfHeaven: If you've been there for awhile
[10:33] Senesia: Can't really do that if I'm in a different position I don't think.
[10:33] HandOfHeaven: Ha
[10:33] HandOfHeaven: Where do you work at?
[10:34] HandOfHeaven: WHat exactly do you do?
[10:34] System: jamer123 has left the chat
[10:36] Senesia: Account payable
[10:36] Senesia: Lots of idle time..
[10:36] Senesia: The computer is not actually idle, but I am.
[10:36] Senesia: Like sometimes when I'm running a report
[10:36] Senesia: I can't too much to speed up the process
[10:37] Senesia: ..
[10:37] Senesia: do much*
[10:37] HandOfHeaven: I see what you mean
[10:37] HandOfHeaven: My bro gets to watch movies and shit while he's at work
[10:38] HandOfHeaven: He processes microfilm from the cold war era, and gets paid pretty well
[10:38] Senesia: Wow.
[10:39] HandOfHeaven: Yeah, sounds like easy street to me
[10:39] HandOfHeaven: I think he gets around 55k/yr
[10:39] HandOfHeaven: Not sure though cuz he just got a raise, and gets bonuses for getting projects done early
[10:40] Senesia: ..
[10:40] Senesia: Good for him
[10:41] HandOfHeaven: He does have a degree in accounting I think
[10:41] HandOfHeaven: I just paint houses : (
[10:43] Senesia: That's still better than not having a job.
[10:45] Willkillforfood: whoops
[10:45] Willkillforfood: sorry
[10:45] Willkillforfood: I had to go help put a trailer up
[10:46] HandOfHeaven: Ha nice
[10:46] Willkillforfood: I'm hoping to be making 80-100 in the next 7 yeras
[10:46] Willkillforfood: years^
[10:46] HandOfHeaven: nice
[10:46] HandOfHeaven: I make $400 for each single level house I paint
[10:46] HandOfHeaven: But haven't been able to paint because it has rained the past 4 days
[10:46] Willkillforfood: nice
[10:46] Senesia: How long does it take
[10:47] Senesia: to paint one?
[10:47] HandOfHeaven: Hmm....

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