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[00:04] System: Skurai has joined the chat
[00:04] Skurai: My IQ is 121
[00:08] System: quikspy67 has joined the chat
[00:08] System: Skurai has left the chat
[00:08] quikspy67: lol mines 124
[00:33] System: Xenn has joined the chat
[00:33] Xenn: is that that thing where you multiply your age by 100
[00:33] Xenn: or 10
[00:34] Xenn: the timestamp on this thing sucks
[00:34] Xenn: it only shows the most recent message and its not in real time
[00:39] System: Xenn has left the chat
[00:40] quikspy67: xenn
[00:40] quikspy67: noooooo
[00:40] quikspy67: he left
[00:43] System: kyeruu has joined the chat
[00:43] kyeruu: that sucks...
[00:55] kyeruu: taking down retarded fan girls, is as easy as stealing candy from a baby
[00:56] kyeruu: you feel worthless after you destroy them, but you just want to do it again
[00:57] System: kyeruu has left the chat
[01:01] quikspy67: who are you?
[01:06] System: quikspy67 has left the chat
[03:38] System: Willkillforfood has joined the chat
[03:38] Willkillforfood: bitches
[03:53] System: quikspy67 has joined the chat
[03:53] quikspy67: sup
[03:53] Willkillforfood: nm
[03:54] Willkillforfood: I've found a lot of brown recluse in my house, even after it was sprayed, so I didn't sleep well :p.
[03:54] Willkillforfood: Little fuckers were everywhere, haha
[03:54] quikspy67: lol
[03:56] Willkillforfood: hmm
[03:59] quikspy67: what lvlk are you?
[04:00] quikspy67: lvl*
[04:00] Willkillforfood: I've got a 63, a 26, a 37, and a 13
[04:00] quikspy67: jeasus ive been playing guild wars and star ocean haventtouched d2
[04:00] Willkillforfood: d2 is all I've been playing for a week+ now
[04:02] quikspy67: nice
[04:02] Willkillforfood: yea
[04:03] Willkillforfood: I really need a mf char
[04:03] Willkillforfood: my hammerdin doesn't cut it
[04:03] quikspy67: yeah i used to have a sorc with tal rashas rap for mf
[04:06] Willkillforfood: yea
[04:06] Willkillforfood: is NM meph worth doing for drops?
[04:06] Willkillforfood: my friend's been trying hell and it's pretty hard
[04:09] quikspy67: i just did NM untill i was strong enough to do hell
[04:09] quikspy67: yeah so just keep doing nm untill your ready
[04:09] quikspy67: no use losing exp over it
[04:13] Willkillforfood: yea
[04:14] Willkillforfood: He found titan's revenge off hell meph the first run
[04:14] Willkillforfood: he's died 50+ times, no joke
[04:14] Willkillforfood: running it one day.
[04:14] Willkillforfood: lol
[04:14] Willkillforfood: normally 4-5 times a run
[04:14] quikspy67: lol
[04:14] quikspy67: i hate dying that much
[04:14] quikspy67: im not a fan
[04:15] quikspy67: do you have instant messaging?
[04:15] Willkillforfood: yes
[04:16] Willkillforfood: willkillforfood8 on aim
[04:16] quikspy67: which?
[04:18] Willkillforfood: aim
[04:18] quikspy67: i cant remember my aim password
[04:18] quikspy67: lol
[04:18] Willkillforfood: what else do you have/
[04:18] quikspy67: you dont have icq or msn?
[04:19] Willkillforfood: willkillforfood87­@­hotmail­.­com for msn
[04:19] Willkillforfood: but I'm not on msn as much as aim
[04:20] quikspy67: dosent exist
[04:21] Willkillforfood: willkillforfood87­@­hotmail­.­com
[04:21] Willkillforfood: what's yours?
[04:22] quikspy67: quikspy67­@­hotmail­.­com
[04:54] System: quikspy67 has left the chat
[05:20] System: Willkillforfood has left the chat
[06:01] System: WetWired has joined the chat
[06:01] WetWired: You guys reallize that there's a chatbox archive and that Google craws it?
[06:02] System: WetWired has left the chat
[06:06] System: quikspy67 has joined the chat
[06:06] quikspy67: lol no
[06:13] System: quikspy67 has left the chat
[07:29] System: jamer123 has joined the chat
[07:29] jamer123: i didnt know ether
[07:52] System: jamer123 has left the chat
[07:52] System: jwiles13 has joined the chat
[07:52] jwiles13: ...................­...
[07:52] jwiles13: ///////////////////­///////////
[07:52] jwiles13: '''''''''''''''''''­'''''''''''''
[07:53] jwiles13: bored­,./?><~`!@#$%^&*()­_­+=-}{|":;'\][
[07:55] System: jamer123 has joined the chat
[07:55] jamer123: lol nice
[07:56] jamer123: -------------------­-------------------­-------------======­============-=-=-=-­=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=­-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-­=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=­-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-­=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=­-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=­-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=­-=-=--=-=-=-=-
[07:58] System: jwiles13 has left the chat
[07:59] System: jamer123 has left the chat
[07:59] System: jamer123 has joined the chat
[08:10] System: jamer123 has left the chat
[09:49] System: Wallow has joined the chat
[09:49] Wallow: Squirrels are annoying creatures they are
[09:58] System: Wallow has left the chat
[10:01] System: Willkillforfood has joined the chat
[10:01] Willkillforfood: wallow
[10:01] Willkillforfood: I will kill yew
[10:06] System: quikspy67 has joined the chat
[10:06] quikspy67: lmao
[10:07] Willkillforfood: Quik, do you ever sleep? :P
[10:11] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[10:11] Thanatos: oh boom shaka laka boom
[10:12] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[10:12] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[10:13] System: quikspy67 has left the chat
[10:13] Thanatos: got mah stimulus check back
[10:13] Willkillforfood: send some my way
[10:14] Thanatos: hellllll no. im gettin some coke and strippers son
[10:14] Willkillforfood: lol, a wise investment.
[10:14] Willkillforfood: What kind of return does that give?
[10:15] Thanatos: i return my semen into their mouths
[10:15] Willkillforfood: lol
[10:15] Thanatos: open yo mouf biatch!!
[10:15] Willkillforfood: That's always fun
[10:16] Willkillforfood: Quik, I'm just gonna use zelaron
[10:16] Willkillforfood: Too many people are messaging me.
[10:16] Willkillforfood: Don't wanna bother with it.
[10:17] Thanatos: He's not even in here
[10:17] Thanatos: stupid
[10:17] Willkillforfood: He's probably going to read it eventually. I just logged off msn abruptly and I was talking to him.
[10:17] Willkillforfood: Been up since 4:30 a.m.
[10:17] Willkillforfood: God, I reversed my schedule.
[10:18] Willkillforfood: Was staying up til 9-10 a.m.
[10:18] Willkillforfood: brb
[10:18] Willkillforfood: thanatos, you should play d2
[10:19] System: Colon has joined the chat
[10:19] Colon: yo
[10:19] System: Jessifer has joined the chat
[10:19] Jessifer: o.O
[10:20] Colon: sup, it's D3V... lol
[10:21] Colon: chruser told me the other day that the ban had no reason to still be in tact, but it was that K_A doesn't want me to come back which is why I am not unbanned...
[10:21] Willkillforfood: yo d3v, lol
[10:21] Willkillforfood: hi jessifer
[10:22] Willkillforfood: you two are bff, d3v.
[10:23] Thanatos: D3V's name is Colon?
[10:23] Thanatos: ahahahaha
[10:23] Colon: notta lotta lets see ill sum up my past month: I got my stimulus check, have school being paid off right now, my girlfriend and I broke up (two years down the drain).. Ive been playing beer pong the past two weekends, i'm back living at home, my buddie's girlfriend is totally hitting on me but she's underage and my birthday is this saturday
[10:23] Colon: no, I registered another name.
[10:23] Thanatos: DUDE
[10:23] Thanatos: d3v
[10:24] Thanatos: my birthday is next wednesday
[10:24] Colon: dude
[10:24] Thanatos: so you'rs has to be monday?
[10:24] Thanatos: if it's the 14th
[10:24] Colon: you haev no idea ive been so excited
[10:24] Colon: no
[10:24] Colon: mines on saturday the 12th
[10:24] Jessifer: DUDE
[10:24] Jessifer: I don't care.
[10:24] Jessifer: :P
[10:24] Colon: SATURDAY is my fucking 21st birthday
[10:24] Thanatos: DUDE!
[10:24] Thanatos: lol
[10:24] Colon: how awesome is that shit
[10:24] Thanatos: My mom just sent me this e-mail
[10:24] Jessifer: Lol
[10:24] Thanatos: "You've got a 10 passenger stretch limo reserved for 7/19 from 9 to 12:00 a.m.!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
[10:24] Colon: im going friday night to the local ABC liquour
[10:24] Colon: lol WAHAATTT
[10:24] Thanatos: hell yeah!
[10:24] Colon: dude your mom is tight
[10:25] Thanatos: I know right?
[10:25] Colon: yo nig we are both gonna be 21 then wtf
[10:25] Thanatos: yup
[10:25] Colon: were gonna turn into titusfied and be playing guitar hero in our basements.
[10:25] Thanatos: My life is over as I know it
[10:25] Thanatos: I don't really expect to live past 21.5 years of age
[10:25] Colon: I really dont have much more to live for
[10:25] Colon: I have never expected to live past 21 either
[10:26] Colon: like I could see myself up to this point but I dont know about after it.
[10:26] System: Skurai has joined the chat
[10:26] Skurai: 'sup Gangstuhz?
[10:26] Skurai: lol
[10:27] Colon: yeah, or not.
[10:27] Colon: and i'm single now, sarah broke up with me lol :(
[10:27] Thanatos: she was the one that broke up with you?
[10:28] Colon: lol. . . yeah I know right..
[10:28] Colon: she said she needed a break and she wasn't ready "to have a relationship"...
[10:28] Thanatos: wow
[10:28] Colon: yeah I had gone into depressed mode for like a whole week... I wasn't expecting that at all...
[10:30] Thanatos: after all the shit she was spewing she went and cut it off
[10:30] Thanatos: hah
[10:30] Colon: and I guess I foudn out that she had met some guy while she went out clubbing with her friends, which makes it fucked up even more,... but whatever, I've been talking to every female i've ever met the past few days and it's been awesome
[10:30] Thanatos: i mean that sucks for you but it's kinda funny
[10:30] Thanatos: lol
[10:30] System: quikspy67 has joined the chat
[10:30] quikspy67: who are you colon
[10:30] Thanatos: rebound ass is great
[10:30] Thanatos: im tellin you
[10:30] quikspy67: indeed
[10:30] Colon: dude its like when you are about to quit a job, and you get fired
[10:30] System: Lenny has joined the chat
[10:30] Colon: that's what happened... yeah I need some strange fo sho
[10:30] Thanatos: After me and my ex split up, I had sex with 4 girls in like 2-3 weeks
[10:30] Jessifer: Lennyyyy!
[10:30] Skurai: OH DEAR GOD!!
[10:31] Thanatos: and one of em was a 3some.. seriously hit up some rebound pussay
[10:31] Colon: man that's awesome

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