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[00:00] HandOfHeaven: I need to get some rest
[00:00] HandOfHeaven: Peace out
[00:01] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[00:01] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[00:01] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[00:01] System: Willkillforfood has left the chat
[00:01] System: Xenn has left the chat
[00:01] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[00:01] System: Willkillforfood has joined the chat
[00:01] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[00:01] System: Xenn has joined the chat
[00:01] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[00:01] KagomJack: YES REALY
[00:01] KagomJack: *REALLY*
[00:02] System: Willkillforfood has left the chat
[00:07] System: Xenn has left the chat
[02:31] System: PureRebel has joined the chat
[02:31] PureRebel: you have furry pictures? :S
[02:32] System: PureRebel has left the chat
[02:33] System: PureRebel has joined the chat
[02:34] KagomJack: I do
[02:36] PureRebel: XD
[02:37] KagomJack: What?
[02:37] KagomJack: Fursuiter came over with his suit and car
[02:37] KagomJack: It was cool :)
[02:42] System: PureRebel has left the chat
[03:19] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[03:59] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[07:54] System: tiety has joined the chat
[07:54] tiety: GET A JOB
[07:55] System: tiety has left the chat
[07:55] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[07:55] Thanatos: gtfo
[08:04] System: D3V has joined the chat
[08:04] D3V: hell yeah, just got my new phone.
[08:04] Thanatos: what'd you get??
[08:05] D3V: Sidekick 3, lol.
[08:05] D3V: I had a nokia 6133 beforehand and my girlfriend gracefully snapped it in half.
[08:09] Thanatos: bahaha
[08:09] Thanatos: prob deserved it
[08:10] Thanatos: i just got a new phone last week too
[08:13] System: D3V has left the chat
[08:15] System: D3V has joined the chat
[08:15] D3V: hell yeah
[08:15] D3V: brb
[08:16] System: D3V has left the chat
[08:18] System: D3V has joined the chat
[08:19] D3V: yo, we went to Pinks - All out on saturday, fuckin' fun out there, i'ma throw up some pics later .
[08:33] System: D3V has left the chat
[08:47] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[08:53] System: D3V has joined the chat
[08:53] D3V: meh
[08:59] System: D3V has left the chat
[09:28] System: D3V has joined the chat
[09:28] D3V: lubch
[09:29] System: D3V has left the chat
[10:54] System: D3V has joined the chat
[10:54] D3V: bbl
[10:55] System: D3V has left the chat
[10:57] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[10:57] HandOfHeaven: Glazed donuts
[11:00] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[11:20] System: D3V has joined the chat
[11:20] D3V: mm, do you guys have Krispy Kreme up there?
[11:23] System: D3V has left the chat
[11:32] System: Willkillforfood has joined the chat
[11:32] Willkillforfood: sup dawgs
[11:33] Willkillforfood: krispy kreme isn't shit
[11:33] Willkillforfood: we've got a local bakery that kicks its ass
[11:36] System: D3V has joined the chat
[11:36] D3V: meh.
[11:36] D3V: prove it!
[11:39] Willkillforfood: lol
[11:39] Willkillforfood: Sure
[11:39] Willkillforfood: I'll send some to jacksonville
[11:40] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[11:40] HandOfHeaven: Lol, they were just a box from a local gas station
[11:40] HandOfHeaven: Plus, Kwik Trip glazers are better than Krispy Kreme
[11:42] System: D3V has left the chat
[11:42] System: D3V has joined the chat
[11:42] D3V: helll yeah.
[11:43] D3V: damn, the Krispy Kreme down here is okay, but they've been closing down everywhere, Dunkin Donuts is still pretty prominent.
[11:43] D3V: that, and starbucks is just fucking everything up.
[11:43] D3V: they're like the walmart of dount and coffee shops, they open up everywhere and drive the other bussinesses out of town.
[11:45] Willkillforfood: Fo reelz
[11:45] D3V: but yeah.
[11:47] HandOfHeaven: But Starbucks is 'environmentally friendly'
[11:47] HandOfHeaven: http­://­msn­.­foxsports­.­com­/­nfl­/­story­/­8055528­?­MSNHPHMA I lol'd
[11:48] D3V: L M F A O
[11:50] HandOfHeaven: 'I'm a colts player!'
[11:50] HandOfHeaven: What a dumbass
[11:51] Willkillforfood: niggahz
[11:51] HandOfHeaven: Bush kills hundreds of our troops indirectly. 'But I'm the president!'
[11:51] D3V: Oh I just lol'ed at something that happened at work
[11:51] D3V: and felt it was thread worthy.
[11:52] *HandOfHeaven goes and slits wrists*
[11:54] D3V: lol
[11:56] HandOfHeaven: Finally a good day out, and now it is raining
[11:56] HandOfHeaven: It was 63 at 1030, now it is 1 and 48
[11:58] D3V: lol, that sucks man.
[11:58] D3V: move to Florida.
[11:58] D3V: beach weather all weekend, again. And going to be warm and dry all week.
[11:59] Willkillforfood: my gf gets jealous because I have a lot of female friends
[11:59] Willkillforfood: haha
[11:59] D3V: does she? so does mine, i'm at the point now in my relationship where I just like to make her jealous so that she's nicer to me...
[12:00] Willkillforfood: LOL
[12:00] Willkillforfood: awesome.
[12:02] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[12:02] D3V: http­://­youtube­.­com­/­watch­?­v­=­_rrXcyi­-­HZ0
[12:02] HandOfHeaven: LOL
[12:03] HandOfHeaven: I could see him doing that during a presidential speech if elected
[12:04] D3V: Haha, that shit is tight
[12:05] Willkillforfood: lol
[12:05] Willkillforfood: that's funny stuff
[12:06] Thanatos: obama is a pimp
[12:09] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[12:09] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[12:10] D3V: lol
[12:11] HandOfHeaven: casinos are almost worse than drugs
[12:16] System: D3V has left the chat
[12:17] System: D3V has joined the chat
[12:17] D3V: hey TR, here's lebrons jam from the other night
[12:17] D3V: http­://­youtube­.­com­/­watch­?­v­=­P_eCOt5TKpI­&­feature­=­bz303
[12:18] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[12:21] Thanatos: yeah I saw that happen live
[12:21] Thanatos: dude's amazing
[12:33] D3V: yah no joke, I dont doubt he's going to pass Kobe when you compare their careers and ages.
[12:35] System: Willkillforfood has left the chat
[12:36] Thanatos: I think once everything is said and done and he retires, he's going to replace Jordan as the best b-ball player to ever play
[12:37] Thanatos: barring he stays injury-free
[12:41] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[12:41] System: D3V has left the chat
[12:45] System: D3V has joined the chat
[12:45] D3V: yeah, true.
[12:45] D3V: His pure talent even in high school was fucking amazing, and he's lived up to every bit of the hype since then.
[12:52] D3V: http­://­www­.­youtube­.­com­/­watch­?­v­=­c3G3n­...&­feature­=­bz301
[13:01] System: D3V has left the chat
[13:10] Thanatos: I just got eric gordon's cell number heh
[13:18] System: D3V has joined the chat
[13:18] D3V: Lol
[13:20] Thanatos: know who that is?
[13:20] System: Coffeedagger has joined the chat
[13:20] Coffeedagger: hey everyone
[13:21] D3V: sup dude
[13:21] D3V: i thought he was a guard for IU but i may be wrong
[13:21] Coffeedagger: whats up d3v?
[13:21] D3V: nothin much bud, work as usual :( what you up too
[13:22] Thanatos: yeah that's him
[13:23] Coffeedagger: not much here either
[13:23] D3V: awesome man lol how'd you get it.
[13:23] Thanatos: well it's probably illegal..
[13:23] Thanatos: but my law firm covered the kelvin sampson case
[13:24] Thanatos: so I was copying shit and noticed that there are all these cell numbers of b-ball players
[13:24] Thanatos: eric gordon's being one of them
[13:24] D3V: LOL
[13:24] D3V: dude, don't fucking tell us that, you could lose your job
[13:24] System: Atnas has joined the chat
[13:24] Thanatos: lol
[13:24] Thanatos: its not like im going to post it anywhere
[13:24] Thanatos: but i called it
[13:24] D3V: LOL idk if college bball players are that important, but seriously lol.
[13:25] D3V: the number the same?
[13:25] Atnas: lol Coffee I gotta write my english essay
[13:25] Thanatos: and I got the voicemail, and it said you have reached the voice mailbox of... "Eric Gordon" ....
[13:25] Atnas: And I got Mr. Spina to look for the glasses screw XD
[13:26] Coffeedagger: oh cool
[13:26] Coffeedagger: good luck on your essay
[13:26] D3V: lol Tr that's funny man, if I had that i'd be so tempted to prank call it
[13:27] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[13:27] HandOfHeaven: I used to have Tommy Lee's
[13:27] System: Asamin has joined the chat
[13:27] Asamin: You lost the loser status! Congrats d3v!
[13:27] HandOfHeaven: My friend actually called it, and he almost hung up
[13:28] Thanatos: if he found out who it actually was though I'd be canned in an instant
[13:28] Thanatos: eh, it's just cool knowing hah
[13:28] Coffeedagger: d3v's not a loser anymore? cool
[13:29] Coffeedagger: oh god today Why asked how old some people here are
[13:29] Coffeedagger: he though talented was 16
[13:29] Asamin: .....
[13:29] HandOfHeaven: She's 17 =D
[13:29] Coffeedagger: yeah i said shes like 18
[13:29] HandOfHeaven: I'm 17 to high school girls, and 19 to everybody else
[13:30] Coffeedagger: and he said "Even better!"
[13:30] Coffeedagger: i was like "whoa dude that really creepy"
[13:30] HandOfHeaven: I bet he jerks it to Katie's pics
[13:31] Coffeedagger: hopefully he can't find them for her sake
[13:31] D3V: LOL HoH
[13:31] D3V: No joke I'm 20 in reality but to high school chicks i'm almost 18.
[13:31] Thanatos: what? fuck that
[13:31] HandOfHeaven: Right?
[13:31] Thanatos: high school chicks dig older dudes
[13:31] Thanatos: tell em ur 24
[13:32] HandOfHeaven: Nah, 27
[13:32] Asamin: 15
[13:32] Coffeedagger: i'm 8
[13:32] Asamin: no your not
[13:32] Thanatos: seriously, high school chicks love older dudes...
[13:32] HandOfHeaven: I know
[13:32] HandOfHeaven: The raunchy ones
[13:32] Coffeedagger: what? i am 8 years old

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