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[00:02] System: micdawg12 has joined the chat
[00:02] micdawg12: penis
[00:08] System: micdawg12 has left the chat
[00:23] -Spector-: kagom
[00:23] KagomJack: Spector
[00:24] -Spector-: I'm going to ask you a question
[00:25] -Spector-: Most people don't like talking about this shit
[00:25] -Spector-: but I'm gonna ask anyway
[00:25] -Spector-: k?
[00:25] KagomJack: Shoot
[00:27] -Spector-: Do you believe in god?
[00:27] KagomJack: Yes
[00:29] KagomJack: I just don't know if it's the Christian god, the Muslim god, the Jewish god, etc.
[00:30] KagomJack: I have my own concept of who and what god is
[00:33] KagomJack: I actually like the subject of god and religion
[00:33] KagomJack: It's fascinatin
[00:33] KagomJack: *fascinating*
[00:43] KagomJack: So what brought that up?
[01:05] -Spector-: you still there?
[01:07] KagomJack: Yeah
[01:07] -Spector-: Alright
[01:07] -Spector-: Sorry I wasn't responding
[01:07] KagomJack: s'alright
[01:07] -Spector-: I was actually writing a post about the topic
[01:08] -Spector-: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­showthread­....­d­=­1­#­post630203
[01:08] -Spector-: Last post
[01:08] -Spector-: Tell me what you think about it
[01:08] -Spector-: please
[01:12] KagomJack: gimme a sec :)
[01:13] System: Draco2003 has joined the chat
[01:13] Draco2003: It was quite the read, but I do agree
[01:14] Draco2003: about the soup/god thing
[01:14] -Spector-: soup?
[01:14] Draco2003: and I think I saw that same show...
[01:14] Draco2003: the primordial soup or what have you...
[01:14] Draco2003: the creation of man
[01:15] Draco2003: Although I also saw this trippy demonstration (possibly from here) about evolution...
[01:15] Draco2003: I think it was on youtube or something
[01:16] KagomJack: Good post
[01:17] -Spector-: I changed the last paragraph
[01:17] -Spector-: to
[01:17] -Spector-: What fucks with me about that scenario is that if you are a Christian, you're not supposed to sin. Lieing is a sin. So putting your heart and soul and everything you have to fight against sin, you are actually working for it!
[01:17] -Spector-: not the last, but close
[01:18] KagomJack: It's quite interesting a theory, that one
[01:18] KagomJack: The life that you've been leading, pushing for all is for some sadistic being who has been lying to you and has been using you for the Great Lie just to see if you'll do it.
[01:19] KagomJack: Actually, I believe god is a woman and that she is, very much, a sadist.
[01:19] KagomJack: but has her acts of kindness
[01:19] -Spector-: interesting
[01:19] -Spector-: why a woman tho?
[01:20] KagomJack: Y'know
[01:20] KagomJack: I believe only a female being could create a world so vibrant and diverse and colorful, yet have so much weird shit going on
[01:20] -Spector-: ?
[01:20] -Spector-: ahh
[01:20] -Spector-: I see
[01:20] -Spector-: interesting
[01:20] -Spector-: but the question then would be, where did the woman come from?
[01:20] KagomJack: Good question
[01:21] KagomJack: I've no answer =)
[01:21] KagomJack: I would like to forumlate a hypothesis as to where she came from or whether she was created, but then I do realize that the answer could, ultimately, be way too complicated for me to understand, no matter how many times I try to simplify it.
[01:22] KagomJack: I love this forum
[01:22] KagomJack: It's a grand combination of rational and abstract thought
[01:22] -Spector-: lol why?
[01:23] -Spector-: ah
[01:23] -Spector-: yes
[01:23] KagomJack: scientific and the metaphysical
[01:23] -Spector-: It's mainly a group of intelligent people
[01:23] -Spector-: Alot of members here don't think I'm intelligent what so ever
[01:23] KagomJack: Intelligent people who act stupid :B
[01:23] -Spector-: but I actually have alot of interesting thoughts stored up in my head
[01:23] KagomJack: everyone does
[01:23] -Spector-: and I finally posted one lol
[01:24] KagomJack: some, however, are so afraid of questioning what they think they know for fact that they keep it to themselves
[01:24] KagomJack: Pity, really.
[01:25] KagomJack: I have my own thoughts and theories, but I just never really post 'em because I'm so used to people being bored to tears by them or just not caring or thinking I'm hot winded
[01:25] KagomJack: mostly the first two
[01:25] Draco2003: although I don't post much, I do visit often and read most of the threads
[01:25] -Spector-: Yeah me and my dad talk alot of this shit actually
[01:25] -Spector-: I enjoy the topic very much
[01:25] KagomJack: My friends usually just had questions about relationships and love
[01:25] Draco2003: so do post some of your thoughts
[01:25] -Spector-: but like you said, I can't find many people to talk to about it
[01:26] KagomJack: Draco: I will when I get back from my upcoming hiatus
[01:26] -Spector-: who draco? me?
[01:26] KagomJack: Spector: Yeah, it sucks.
[01:26] Draco2003: both really...
[01:26] KagomJack: To be honest
[01:26] Draco2003: i find that reading other peoples thoughts is quite....relaxing
[01:26] KagomJack: I prefer talking one-on-one about my thoughts
[01:27] -Spector-: Do you talk to yourself alot?
[01:27] KagomJack: Me?
[01:27] -Spector-: I dunno if I'm just wierd, but I'm always talking to myself
[01:27] KagomJack: I do talk to myself a lot
[01:27] -Spector-: I was watching the discovery channel and they said people who talk to themselves tend to be more intelligent for some reason
[01:27] KagomJack: It's kinda funny :D
[01:27] KagomJack: Heh
[01:28] KagomJack: My ex gets mad when I talk to myself
[01:28] -Spector-: lol;
[01:28] Draco2003: why?
[01:28] KagomJack: He thinks it's weird :D
[01:28] KagomJack: and creepy
[01:29] Draco2003: lol, like hunched over in a corner and giggling kinda talking to yourself?
[01:29] KagomJack: No
[01:29] Draco2003: that would be kinda creepy
[01:29] KagomJack: Just kinda randomly saying things to yourself while you're moving about or working
[01:29] KagomJack: I just don't think about it
[01:29] KagomJack: I once had a conversation with myself on the origin of the earth, but the thing is I think I'm thinking it to myself when in reality I'm saying it aloud
[01:30] Draco2003: I do that, but I use different voices to simulate different people...
[01:30] Draco2003: but its usually just jibberish
[01:30] KagomJack: I don't do that
[01:30] KagomJack: Sometimes I do different voices to be silly and kinda get a feel for how I want characters in my stories to sound
[01:31] Draco2003: I think I do it, just to see my range of voices because I would like to be a voice actor...
[01:31] -Spector-: I think
[01:31] KagomJack: I can do Mickey Mouse
[01:31] -Spector-: Its like for example
[01:31] KagomJack: and Kermit
[01:31] -Spector-: your body talking to your mind
[01:31] -Spector-: try this
[01:31] KagomJack: Spector: I think that's what it is
[01:31] -Spector-: Try speaking out loud every thought you have in your head while doing something
[01:32] KagomJack: Oh god
[01:32] KagomJack: I did that once
[01:32] KagomJack: It got annoying
[01:32] -Spector-: Your mind will respond to what you said while your saying it
[01:32] KagomJack: yeah
[01:32] -Spector-: and then your liek fuck, im not saying all of my thoughts outloud
[01:32] KagomJack: gah
[01:32] KagomJack: I feel apprehensive
[01:33] Draco2003: lol, ill have to try that some time...
[01:33] Draco2003: for some reason I feel that everything is an excercise, so I have to ask
[01:33] Draco2003: would that be an excercise in how fast you could process speech?
[01:34] Draco2003: or how fast you can think of a follow up response to what is being said?
[01:34] -Spector-: hmm
[01:36] Draco2003: I guessing this could train your mind to process witty retorts fairly fast
[01:36] KagomJack: God
[01:36] KagomJack: I want to get out of this crap >:E
[01:36] -Spector-: I don't think that's excercise, because exersicing is exerting and using energy, thoughts are (supposedly) electrical impulses within the synapse of a neurotransmitter
[01:36] Draco2003: i meant, like a training thing... but alright
[01:37] Draco2003: what crap KJ?
[01:37] -Spector-: oh sorry, I mis-interpreted your question
[01:37] KagomJack: Going to be sorta homeless, trying to score a job
[01:38] -Spector-: and yes, I do believe you can train your mind
[01:38] KagomJack: Being completely unsure if I'm gonna get with this guy I like :o
[01:39] Draco2003: as far as the job thing goes, alls I can do is hope for the best
[01:39] Draco2003: im not one for relationships, being as I have never had one
[01:39] KagomJack: Yeah
[01:39] KagomJack: pretty much
[01:39] KagomJack: Heh
[01:39] KagomJack: I think I have a good chance now :)
[01:39] KagomJack: I'm just
[01:39] KagomJack: pessimistic behind a facade of optimism
[01:40] System: Draco2003 has left the chat
[01:41] System: Draco2003 has joined the chat
[01:41] Draco2003: stupid interweb
[01:41] Draco2003: anywho...is it pessimism or realism?
[01:41] KagomJack: heh
[01:41] KagomJack: A bit of both
[01:45] KagomJack: avec c'est la vie, non?
[01:46] Draco2003: I heard that somewhere before, although I can't quite recall the meaning
[01:47] KagomJack: "But that's life, no?"
[01:47] Draco2003: oh....in that case, yes
[01:48] KagomJack: So, if you don't mind me asking, why no relationships?
[01:50] Draco2003: well, part of the reason is because I didn't have very high self esteem
[01:51] *KagomJack nods*
[01:51] Draco2003: I still don't really....
[01:51] KagomJack: Heh, that hurts things a lot.
[01:51] KagomJack: Hey man, me neither.
[01:51] KagomJack: I have a very low self-image
[01:51] Draco2003: but also, because, long story short, I never felt like I had time
[01:51] KagomJack: low self-esteem
[01:51] *KagomJack nods*
[01:52] Draco2003: But actually, there was one chick I TOTALLY coulda had...
[01:52] KagomJack: What stopped ya?
[01:52] Draco2003: but things didn't go.....well they just didn't go
[01:52] Draco2003: my own stupidness
[01:52] KagomJack: ah
[01:53] KagomJack: Well, dude, I'm sure you're a good looking guy and you got a good personality (you seem interesting thus so far)
[01:53] KagomJack: You'll find someone :)
[01:53] Draco2003: o.o
[01:53] Draco2003: sorry bout that
[01:53] Draco2003: i was lagging...
[01:54] KagomJack: No worries
[01:54] Draco2003: but what i was tryin'a say was I can't do one night stands either
[01:54] KagomJack: Just imagine I'm a woman and then it'll seem less awkward, k? ~_~
[01:54] KagomJack: I'm not saying do one-night stands
[01:54] KagomJack: In fact, I'm vehemently against those
[01:55] Draco2003: the eyes thing wasnt at you...i didn't mean to offend...
[01:55] KagomJack: The thing is
[01:55] KagomJack: oh
[01:55] KagomJack: No no
[01:56] -Spector-: Draco how old are you?
[01:57] Draco2003: 21
[01:57] Draco2003: Sept 30
[01:57] Draco2003: last sept that is
[01:57] -Spector-: gotcha
[02:01] KagomJack: I'm 20 :(
[02:01] Draco2003: lol
[02:02] Draco2003: honestly....being 21 is no different that being 20
[02:02] Draco2003: as far as driving jobs are concerned
[02:03] Draco2003: cause you still need to be 25 or else their insurance doesn't cover you
[02:03] KagomJack: I just can legally buy my booze

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