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[11:54] Randuin: I'm not even sure what A does
[11:54] Randuin: may be archives?
[11:55] Goodlookinguy: 乾酪の愛のグードルキンガイド!
[11:55] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[11:56] Goodlookinguy: Goodlookinguy loves cheese!
[11:56] Randuin: love of cheese?
[11:56] Goodlookinguy: Yes.
[11:56] Goodlookinguy: LOVE.
[11:56] Randuin: グードルキンガイドは乾酪を愛してる
[11:56] Randuin: that'd be more gramatically correct, no?
[11:57] Goodlookinguy: I suppose it would.
[11:58] Chruser: vBulletin Advance, it's a portal system.
[11:58] Lenny: Ah, I see.
[11:59] Lenny: What was used in the first test portal that WW did a few months ago?
[11:59] System: D3V has joined the chat
[11:59] D3V: meh
[12:00] Chruser: Sorry, vBulletin Advanced.
[12:00] Chruser: http­://­www­.­vbadvanced­.­com­/?­page­=­demo
[12:01] Lenny: Oh yeah. Looks like WW made use of vBA 3.6 for the test he did a while ago, then.
[12:01] Goodlookinguy: Maybe not グードルキンガイドは乾酪を愛してる­, I am impling that Goodlookinguy loves cheese in the third person. I think a more gramically correct version would be maybe this, 乾酪愛のグードルキンガイド。。。
[12:02] Goodlookinguy: The subject before the person.
[12:02] Randuin: no
[12:02] Randuin: also
[12:02] Randuin: from my vastly rich forum experience
[12:02] Randuin: ...
[12:02] Randuin: no one looks at a front page
[12:02] Randuin: in a largely forum based community
[12:03] Goodlookinguy: Front Page? What front page? I'm confused...
[12:03] Lenny: Portal.
[12:04] Lenny: I've got my F4 button set to load Zelaron in my browser. If we had a portal, I'd set it to load that rather than the forum main page... if the portal was interesting enough to merit it.
[12:04] Chruser: Randuin, it offers a foundation for expansion. Unlike the old portal, it will be fully integrated into the community.
[12:05] Goodlookinguy: Lenny, you took your time making those pictures, and
[12:05] Goodlookinguy: WW denied them.
[12:05] System: D3V has left the chat
[12:05] Goodlookinguy: Well, denied the ideal.
[12:06] Lenny: I know, I know. Sad, ain't it? I wonder if there's an option in vB to allow custome user tags... hmmm, into the vB manual I go!
[12:06] Chruser: As for vBA: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­showthread­....­728­#­post624728
[12:09] Lenny: Nope, doesn't look like there's an option for custom user rank pictures.
[12:11] Randuin: yo chruser
[12:11] Randuin: can we get a wider variation of ocean
[12:11] Randuin: i'm on 1680 x 1050 and there's all this blue space
[12:11] Chruser: The tags are custom made from a pixel font, but in theory, GDLib would make it possible to arrange your own user tags.
[12:12] System: WetWired has joined the chat
[12:12] WetWired: It's part of the activity mod, and I can assign them on a memberlevel, usergroup, or user basis
[12:12] System: Chruser has left the chat
[12:12] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[12:13] Goodlookinguy: Gimmie one WW, please! : )
[12:13] WetWired: If they want that kind of customization, there's already user titles
[12:13] Lenny: Ah, so to allow users to upload and change their own would mean re-writing the mod, unless they can persuade you to do it for them.
[12:13] WetWired: If I give you one, then everyone would want one
[12:13] Goodlookinguy: Are you sure?
[12:13] Goodlookinguy: I think everybody wants me to stop mentioning cheese.
[12:14] WetWired: It would kind of defeat the purpose of the existing ones
[12:14] WetWired: If you don't we'll just ban you
[12:14] Goodlookinguy: BAN!
[12:14] Goodlookinguy: And...
[12:14] WetWired: The whole reason I added the existing ones was so there would be a diffinitive indicator of who's who
[12:14] WetWired: And let the usertitles be freely modifiable
[12:14] Randuin: WW
[12:14] Randuin: can i get a wider ocean
[12:14] Lenny: Btw, WW, in IE and Maxthon, the scrollbar of the Chatbox sticks out 10 pixels to far, meaning the page has a horizontal scrollbar as well. 'Twould be fine if the forum followed it, but instead there's a lot of black space down the right hand side. Just thought you'd like to know.
[12:15] Randuin: the current ocean is like the red sea or some shit
[12:15] Chruser: As for Ocean, I guess a wider version is doable, although I'd rather resume work on the new Zelaron style.
[12:15] WetWired: Style design is Chruser's department, I just make it work
[12:15] Randuin: chruser
[12:15] Randuin: you're a chronic user
[12:15] Chruser: Making a wider version isn't particularly much trouble, it's mostly a matter of doing something about the archaic, narrow header.
[12:16] WetWired: Lenny, I think it's just the page you're viewing
[12:16] Randuin: hrm
[12:16] Randuin: I could work on something on a local copy and give it to you
[12:16] Lenny: It's the Synthesis Styles on the main forum page.
[12:16] WetWired: I use IE6 here and IE7 at home and only have that problem on certain threads
[12:16] Randuin: I just don't really like synthesis or whatever the hell you call it
[12:16] Lenny: One moment, I'll screenshot the whole page.
[12:17] WetWired: That's odd
[12:17] WetWired: I wonder why it only does it on the main page
[12:18] Lenny: Works fine in FireFox, Opera and Safari, though in FireFox there does seem to be a grey bar before the scrollbar.
[12:18] WetWired: No, now it's doing it everywhere, but it wasn't earlier
[12:18] Goodlookinguy: ...
[12:18] Chruser: Synthesis is still one of the more unique vBulletin styles. There aren't many interesting "dark" styles for vB around, and the lighter ones are either minimalistic or messy without any real in-betweens.
[12:19] Chruser: That's not to say Synthesis doesn't have any problems. It has bland and unrefined edges, and it's kind of old, at least from our point of view, I would assume.
[12:19] Goodlookinguy: I like the synthesis.
[12:19] Lenny: Probably something to do with how IE processes the data. It's not renowned to be the best at following internet style rules, after all.
[12:19] WetWired: No, the positioning is all done in JS
[12:20] Chruser: The list icons diverge too much in different directions. I'm still happy with the Synthesis colors though, and some of the derivate themes are nice as well, although I keep coming back to the original.
[12:20] WetWired: Hmm. The debug pane seems to be positioned correctly
[12:20] Randuin: Well minimalism is nice
[12:20] Lenny: There's no contradictory widths in the JS, is there?
[12:20] WetWired: Everything is absolute positioned, so there can't be
[12:20] System: D3V has joined the chat
[12:20] D3V: so, can I park my car in your garage now?
[12:20] Randuin: With emphasis on content :V
[12:21] D3V: LOL
[12:21] WetWired: Must just be a math issue somewhere
[12:21] Chruser: Yes, but after you've browsed 120 minimalistic themes, you realize that they all look very similar.
[12:21] Goodlookinguy: Hey WW, /debug doesn't count as a post does it?
[12:21] WetWired: Hmm. Now the scrollbar is back where it belongs
[12:21] Randuin: Well I'm not suggesting it to be the main theme, but just an option for those who want it
[12:21] WetWired: no
[12:21] Lenny: Did it pop back after you'd posted something?
[12:21] Lenny: Ah, seems to shift a pixel to the left after every posts someone makes.
[12:21] Chruser: It does move around.
[12:22] WetWired: No, it just wandered back and forth each message 'till it settled where it belongs
[12:22] Lenny: Still wandering for me.
[12:22] Lenny: But the horizontal scrollbar of the main page has disappeared.
[12:23] System: Chruser has left the chat
[12:23] Lenny: Anyway, I'm hungry. I wonder if we've got any pizza left.
[12:23] Lenny: Toodles, folks.
[12:24] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[12:24] Goodlookinguy: Toodles! I feel british now.
[12:25] System: Chruser has left the chat
[12:26] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[12:26] Goodlookinguy: 。。。
[12:26] Goodlookinguy: 。。。
[12:27] *Goodlookinguy is quiet...he waits for a reply...*
[12:27] System: WetWired has left the chat
[12:27] *Goodlookinguy is logging out.*
[12:28] Lenny: English, rather than British.
[12:28] Lenny: And no pizza. =( I'll have soup instead... which begs the question, do we have a loaf of bread anywhere?
[12:28] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[12:28] System: Chruser has left the chat
[12:28] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[12:29] System: D3V has left the chat
[12:31] System: Randuin has left the chat
[12:32] System: Lenny has left the chat
[12:32] System: Lenny has joined the chat
[12:32] Lenny: I've never worked out how one does the *[User] is doing an action* thing in the Chatbox.
[12:32] System: Randuin has joined the chat
[12:33] Lenny: Anyone care to explain?
[12:33] System: Randuin has left the chat
[12:34] System: Randuin has joined the chat
[12:36] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[12:36] Thanatos: type /me
[12:36] *Thanatos smacks Lenny*
[12:37] System: Randuin has left the chat
[12:37] System: D3V has joined the chat
[12:37] *D3V is masturbating*
[12:37] D3V: /e has left the chat
[12:37] *D3V has left the chat*
[12:38] Thanatos: haha nerd
[12:38] D3V: brb, toodles
[12:41] System: Chruser has left the chat
[12:43] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[12:45] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[12:54] System: D3V has left the chat
[12:55] System: Chruser has left the chat
[13:01] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[13:01] Goodlookinguy: D3V, look at this old thread you made... http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­showthread­.­php­?­t­=­40743
[13:04] System: D3V has joined the chat
[13:04] D3V: blah
[13:04] D3V: yeah?
[13:04] *KagomJack hugs Lenny :(*
[13:04] Goodlookinguy: ...
[13:05] *KagomJack pyramid*
[13:05] *Goodlookinguy , cheese mod.*
[13:05] Goodlookinguy: /me, test
[13:05] Goodlookinguy: nope
[13:05] Goodlookinguy: I have to space it.
[13:06] D3V: why did you link me that thread?
[13:07] Goodlookinguy: No reason. It's funny.
[13:07] *Lenny remembers the thread that D3V made that GLG just linked us to*
[13:07] Lenny: Fooking bo, I tell ya!
[13:09] Lenny: That was some damned good soup.
[13:09] D3V: Hey Lenard
[13:09] Goodlookinguy: ... :D
[13:09] D3V: Do you guys have a chain restaurant called Panera's bread over there?
[13:10] Lenny: Can't say I've heard of it, or seen one.
[13:10] Goodlookinguy: --/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/­\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\-- <==Chained fence.
[13:10] *Lenny is seeing is he can use punctuation like a full stop in the blue starred thing. .*
[13:10] D3V: Hmph, it's a very nice soup/bread/sandwich place we've got over here, some of the best soup/half sandwiches i've ever had.
[13:10] D3V: I've been getting it for lunch lately.
[13:10] *Lenny is surprised - he can!!*
[13:10] Lenny: A soup sandwich?
[13:11] Lenny: What a novel idea.
[13:11] Goodlookinguy: Soup sandwich?
[13:11] Goodlookinguy: Whoa!
[13:11] Lenny: A snadwich with a soup filling.
[13:11] Lenny: sandwich*
[13:11] Goodlookinguy: These colors are killer.
[13:12] D3V: Well yes they have sandwich bowls,
[13:12] Goodlookinguy: No, really, they are killing my eyes on the snythesis.
[13:12] D3V: but i'm talking about half sandwiches and soup, as a combo sort-of deal.
[13:12] Lenny: I take it those are bowls made out of bread/something similar?
[13:12] Lenny: Ah right.
[13:12] Lenny: Be back in a few minutes.
[13:12] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[13:13] D3V: Yes, they're very good.
[13:13] D3V: alright
[13:15] System: D3V has left the chat
[13:21] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[13:24] Lenny: Boo!
[13:28] System: D3V has joined the chat
[13:28] D3V: aye.
[13:28] Lenny: Baby, you got the keys.
[13:28] D3V: so i'm assuming testing is being done through NWO
[13:28] Lenny: Say wha?
[13:29] D3V: 'New world Order' i'm guessing testing for the new portal? or something?
[13:29] Lenny: I haven't a clue.
[13:29] System: Coffeedagger has joined the chat
[13:29] Coffeedagger: hello everyone

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'Synthesis 2' vBulletin 3.x styles and 'x79' derivative
by WetWired the Unbound and Chruser
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