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[10:25] HandOfHeaven: Mmm, candy bar
[10:26] Lenny: I want to know what Chruser's doing. I'm a nosy thing when it comes to people in the Admin CP.
[10:27] Thanatos: he's deleting your moderator status
[10:27] Thanatos: you're too abusive
[10:27] D3V: brb
[10:27] Lenny: But then I'll be down at GLGs level. How am I supposed to tell people what to do without Mod status? =(
[10:28] System: D3V has left the chat
[10:28] HandOfHeaven: You should give GLG the title of Mock Mod
[10:29] Lenny: Haha. In fact, one moment, I'll see if I can throw together a user title picture for it.
[10:29] HandOfHeaven: Something to that extent
[10:34] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[10:40] System: D3V has joined the chat
[10:40] D3V: lol
[10:41] Lenny: Who promises, and who delivers?
[10:41] Lenny: Me, biatch.
[10:41] Lenny: http­://­i3­.­photobucket­.­com­/­albums­/­y97­...­kcheesemod­.­gif
[10:42] D3V: lol
[10:44] System: D3V has left the chat
[10:44] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[10:47] System: D3V has joined the chat
[10:52] System: Willkillforfood has joined the chat
[10:52] Willkillforfood: sup big pimpins
[10:54] D3V: you say in plural like theres copys of me here or something
[10:54] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[10:54] HandOfHeaven: listenin to that WoW video D3V posted
[10:56] Willkillforfood: a wow video, huh?
[10:56] System: Lenny has left the chat
[10:56] HandOfHeaven: well, it's about this dumb `11 year old
[10:57] HandOfHeaven: I'm eating lunch and writing a paper
[10:57] Willkillforfood: loveleh
[10:58] Willkillforfood: Just got home ...it's a nice day out temperature wise.
[10:58] Willkillforfood: But cloudy.
[10:59] Willkillforfood: LOL
[10:59] System: D3V has left the chat
[10:59] Willkillforfood: this kid is funny
[11:02] HandOfHeaven: entertaining at the least
[11:02] Willkillforfood: haha
[11:02] Willkillforfood: little D3v
[11:03] HandOfHeaven: haha
[11:05] Willkillforfood: lol
[11:05] Willkillforfood: little d3v and thanatos
[11:06] HandOfHeaven: it gets better
[11:07] System: D3V has joined the chat
[11:07] D3V: its not a wow video really, its a ventrilo video hahaha
[11:07] HandOfHeaven: ha they linked him to meatspin
[11:07] D3V: yo I just got done with it, pretty funny.
[11:07] D3V: hahahaha yeah.
[11:07] Willkillforfood: lol
[11:08] Willkillforfood: I've met 11-year-olds on WOW before. It's weird.
[11:08] Willkillforfood: I'm glad I don't play that game anymore
[11:08] System: D3V has left the chat
[11:08] HandOfHeaven: they should be running outside
[11:08] Willkillforfood: One time a guy in my guild was talking and his wife was like
[11:08] System: D3V has joined the chat
[11:08] Willkillforfood: "What about a birthday blowjob?"
[11:08] Willkillforfood: lol
[11:08] HandOfHeaven: rofl
[11:08] Willkillforfood: he had his voice activation on
[11:09] D3V: no kidding, Lmfao!
[11:10] D3V: here's another funny ass one.
[11:10] D3V: http­://­youtube­.­com­/­watch­?­v­=­DzXsS6oePd4­&­feature­=­related
[11:10] Willkillforfood: Lol
[11:10] Willkillforfood: "it smells like clams over here"
[11:10] Willkillforfood: wtf?
[11:10] D3V: lol
[11:10] D3V: he's talking about the chick.
[11:10] HandOfHeaven: haha, that did not even sound close to a queef...
[11:11] Willkillforfood: I bet she has like milk coming out of her nipples she's so horny
[11:11] HandOfHeaven: That made me laugh a lot
[11:11] D3V: LOL
[11:11] Willkillforfood: LOL
[11:11] Willkillforfood: Who's that girl I want to talk to her in a private channel
[11:11] D3V: do you even know what a queef sounds like?
[11:12] Willkillforfood: is she hot? omg, I got hard instantly
[11:12] HandOfHeaven: Wait till he talks about fingering 10 hooters girls with his 10 fingers
[11:12] Willkillforfood: ROFl
[11:12] Willkillforfood: the girl's fucked up
[11:12] Willkillforfood: "Why don't you take a picture for us"
[11:12] HandOfHeaven: 'Hobbes, my pussy wants to talk to you' 'OK!!!' in a high pitched voice
[11:12] D3V: LOL
[11:13] Willkillforfood: haha
[11:13] Willkillforfood: That's a pretty awesome girl
[11:13] D3V: i'm gonna listen to it again I think.
[11:13] D3V: haha
[11:14] HandOfHeaven: it's great
[11:14] D3V: just the begenning sets it off so awesome.
[11:14] D3V: "it's okay if a girl rapes me, that's hott"
[11:14] D3V: "YO hobbs, you know that a girl raping you could be doing you in the butt.."
[11:14] Willkillforfood: "Just put a paper bag over that shit"
[11:14] Willkillforfood: ROFL
[11:14] HandOfHeaven: at least a dildo isn't like a real penis
[11:14] HandOfHeaven: Haha
[11:15] HandOfHeaven: In high school, I used to say 'if she's ugly, just throw a coat over that shit'
[11:15] D3V: and then he says a strap on is better than a real guys penis
[11:15] D3V: LOL
[11:15] Willkillforfood: "You're a lesbian!?"
[11:16] Willkillforfood: "I wanna get sandwiched between that"
[11:16] Willkillforfood: rofl
[11:16] Willkillforfood: "I JUST HEARD A GIRL! Who was that!?"
[11:16] HandOfHeaven: ha
[11:17] D3V: lol
[11:17] Willkillforfood: LOL
[11:17] Willkillforfood: "I got my girl after they saw my pee pee"
[11:17] Willkillforfood: wtf?
[11:18] D3V: LOL
[11:18] Willkillforfood: this has to be OLD
[11:18] Willkillforfood: they're doing bwl
[11:18] HandOfHeaven: he says he was born in 1994
[11:18] Willkillforfood: Kid's probably almost in highschool now
[11:18] D3V: yeah like a year old prlly
[11:18] Willkillforfood: ah
[11:18] Willkillforfood: 2005
[11:18] D3V: LOL
[11:18] Willkillforfood: BWL is old
[11:19] Willkillforfood: If they were in BWL in 2005 they're a good guild
[11:19] Willkillforfood: fosho
[11:19] HandOfHeaven: 'your mom is a girl
[11:19] HandOfHeaven: ha
[11:19] D3V: lol
[11:19] HandOfHeaven: 'at least I got a mom, unlike your homo dads'
[11:19] Willkillforfood: the kid quit talking
[11:20] D3V: dude that kid really says some funny shit.
[11:20] Willkillforfood: It's funny because apparently he's a guild member
[11:20] D3V: lol
[11:20] Willkillforfood: and he's an 11-year-old kid
[11:20] Willkillforfood: lol
[11:20] HandOfHeaven: yeah
[11:21] Willkillforfood: they need to edit out the stuff without the kid talking
[11:21] Willkillforfood: LOL, the kid
[11:21] Willkillforfood: "WHAT THE FUCK!?"
[11:22] Willkillforfood: "Keep hitting on her until she says she likes you" "I just asked, 'do you like me baby?' and she's not answering me"
[11:22] D3V: LOL
[11:22] D3V: I just got to the did you just queef part
[11:22] D3V: LMAO!!!!
[11:23] Willkillforfood: "I just like the ladies in this guild. They like me, well, I can't blame them though."
[11:23] Willkillforfood: I swear it's a little you or Thanatos
[11:23] D3V: LOL
[11:23] D3V: idk this kid has me beat I wasn't that bad until atleast 12 LOL
[11:24] Willkillforfood: "Me and abanako are gonna be like ashton kutcher and his old girlfriend"
[11:24] Willkillforfood: "I like your voice, I don't give a shit"
[11:26] Willkillforfood: LOL
[11:26] Willkillforfood: "Just ask your kid she knows"
[11:26] Willkillforfood: err mom
[11:28] D3V: lolll
[11:28] Willkillforfood: good find d3v
[11:28] D3V: LOL
[11:29] HandOfHeaven: "can we stop talking shit to 11 year olds and do BWL now?' 'Nah fuck that he started it'
[11:29] HandOfHeaven: ROFL
[11:29] Willkillforfood: "EWWW EWWWW, it's the meat spin"
[11:29] Willkillforfood: "I think I just vomited in my mouth"
[11:30] D3V: LOL!!
[11:31] Willkillforfood: lol
[11:31] Willkillforfood: I hope my brother has a kid like that
[11:32] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[11:32] HandOfHeaven: http­://­youtube­.­com­/­watch­?­v­=­CLfnAXfJGnU­&­feature­=­related
[11:32] Goodlookinguy: I love it how everybody negative reps me. Take it down to zero! So close! I don't give a damn!
[11:32] D3V: yeah that's pretty good too...
[11:33] D3V: so what's up with the New World Order forum?
[11:33] Willkillforfood: "YOu know the kid Joe, in vent? Joey. Stormrager, yea he likes you. He talks about you all the time."
[11:33] System: Lenny has joined the chat
[11:33] Lenny: I guess it's so we can make a New World Order.
[11:33] Goodlookinguy: That sounds most reasonable.
[11:34] Willkillforfood: LOL
[11:34] HandOfHeaven: GLG, you deserved those neg reps most likely
[11:34] HandOfHeaven: NWO!
[11:34] Willkillforfood: "No, I'll just tell her that she can give me a blow job. That's an advantage, that's a priviledge right there. YOu don't get to suck on big weenies these days."
[11:35] Willkillforfood: "Can my car park in your garage now?"
[11:35] Willkillforfood: "You can go crash cars with joey"
[11:35] Willkillforfood: LOL
[11:36] Lenny: It'll take a long while to get it down to 0. I think the average person has a rep power of five or six points.
[11:37] Lenny: WW posted the calculations to work it out somewhere. Let's see if I can find them.
[11:38] Goodlookinguy: :P, I want to be zero now! Hey, Lenny, is there anyway you could make it zero, or is that beyond your powers. I would just like one steddy number, and the only possible number is zero.
[11:39] System: D3V has left the chat
[11:39] Lenny: I can change most things to do with accounts in Mod CP, but I've got no way of saving the changes. That ability lies solely with the Admins.
[11:39] Willkillforfood: well guys
[11:39] Willkillforfood: I'ma play some cs
[11:39] Willkillforfood: peace
[11:40] Lenny: Toodles, guv'na.
[11:40] System: Willkillforfood has left the chat
[11:41] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[11:41] Chruser: 1 point per year of registration, 1 per 100 reputation of the assigning user.
[11:42] System: Randuin has joined the chat
[11:42] Randuin: wait what are these points
[11:42] Randuin: i love points
[11:42] Chruser: Post count can be taken into account as well, but as of now, it is inactive.
[11:42] Randuin: i've been registered for like 5 years
[11:44] Chruser: Randuin, your reputation power is 8.
[11:44] Lenny: Spoilsport! I was having fun searching for it, too! :rolleyes:
[11:45] Lenny: So mine would be... 5 points?
[11:46] Lenny: Oh, and if anyone is interested, I found the post in which WW said that you can rep three times a day... which is strange that people seem to be only getting to do it twice.
[11:46] Lenny: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­showpost­.­php­?­p­=­609590
[11:46] Chruser: Lenny, no. 6.
[11:48] Lenny: I've been around for three years, and I've got 240 rep points... where's the extra one to make it 6 come from? =S
[11:48] Lenny: Oh, the one that everyone has.
[11:48] Lenny: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­showthread­.­php­?­t­=­43493
[11:48] Lenny: Just foiund it. =P
[11:51] Chruser: Ah.
[11:51] Chruser: The RSS feeds in vB 3.7 are interesting.
[11:52] Chruser: As are the improved user profiles, and the prospect of getting vBA.
[11:52] Lenny: vBA? What's that do?

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