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[04:22] System: micdawg12 has joined the chat
[04:22] micdawg12: o
[04:22] micdawg12: m
[04:22] micdawg12: g
[04:29] System: micdawg12 has left the chat
[06:47] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[06:47] Thanatos: GOOD MORNING MIAMI
[07:13] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[08:59] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[08:59] Goodlookinguy: Meow!
[09:03] Goodlookinguy: Do we have a, "Where do you live thread?"
[09:07] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[09:07] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[09:13] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[09:17] System: Lenny has joined the chat
[09:17] Lenny: Somewhere, yes.
[09:17] Lenny: And a second one now, it seems.
[09:19] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[09:19] Goodlookinguy: Yes
[09:19] Goodlookinguy: I looked for a bit, couldn't find it.
[09:19] Goodlookinguy: So now there is a new one!
[09:20] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[09:20] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[09:24] Lenny: I've just found three - one from 2003, one from October last year, and one from November last year.
[09:25] Lenny: I'm alos looking for the "Post pictures of where you live" threads.
[09:25] Goodlookinguy: Oh really! Aw!
[09:26] Lenny: There are also two Frappr threads, which both link to the Zelaron Frappr map.
[09:27] Goodlookinguy: Frappr?
[09:27] Lenny: A "What country are you from" thread too.
[09:27] Lenny: Online map.
[09:27] Goodlookinguy: I've got to look whatever this is up.
[09:27] Lenny: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­showthread­.­php­?­t­=­38067
[09:31] Goodlookinguy: I added myself
[09:41] System: Wed-G has joined the chat
[09:41] Wed-G: I have as well.
[09:43] Goodlookinguy: Nice
[09:43] Goodlookinguy: ...
[09:44] Goodlookinguy: Are you sure? I looked, I don't see you...
[09:44] System: Lenny has left the chat
[09:45] Wed-G: I am in east texas.
[09:45] Wed-G: No picture either.
[09:45] System: Lenny has joined the chat
[09:45] Wed-G: I gotta go though. next class, spanish III. see ya at 2.
[09:46] System: Wed-G has left the chat
[09:53] System: Lenny has left the chat
[09:55] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[13:14] System: Coffeedagger has joined the chat
[13:14] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[13:14] Coffeedagger: hey everyone
[13:18] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[13:31] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[13:31] System: Coffeedagger has left the chat
[13:31] Goodlookinguy: Hello!
[13:31] Goodlookinguy: ...
[13:32] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[13:40] System: Coffeedagger has joined the chat
[13:40] Coffeedagger: sry was doing school work looking up sprites
[13:41] Coffeedagger: kagomjack you aren't mad at me are you?
[13:42] KagomJack: Why would I be mad?
[13:42] KagomJack: I'm moving out this week, bud
[13:42] KagomJack: and I'm just not gonna be that active
[13:42] Coffeedagger: ok nvm then
[13:42] Coffeedagger: yeah iknow you're leaving are you coming back
[13:49] KagomJack: I'm hoping some time
[13:49] KagomJack: whether I find a place of my own or have to make a painful retreat back to Mississippi
[13:50] KagomJack: but for the time being
[13:50] KagomJack: I'm temporarily homeless and couch surfing
[13:50] Coffeedagger: you're homeless?
[13:51] KagomJack: about to be
[13:51] Coffeedagger: dang
[13:51] KagomJack: My ex dicked me in the long run with moving
[13:51] KagomJack: Not much I can do
[13:56] Coffeedagger: how so?
[13:57] KagomJack: Long story
[13:57] KagomJack: I'll get into it when I move and find a job and place
[14:00] Coffeedagger: ok
[14:01] Coffeedagger: sry defending my honor in the "WoW on the Wii" thread
[14:02] KagomJack: Defend your honor?
[14:02] KagomJack: Boy, don't worry 'bout that shit on the internet :D
[14:04] Coffeedagger: just setting a record striaght
[14:12] Coffeedagger: hmm who wants to talk about something?
[14:12] KagomJack: I'm waiting for my ex to go get food
[14:12] KagomJack: because I'm hungry
[14:12] KagomJack: hungry enough to eat a goddamn Filipino baby
[14:13] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[14:13] Thanatos: I'm waiting to get out of work
[14:13] Coffeedagger: why is your ex getting you food if its well your ex?
[14:13] Coffeedagger: where do you work thanatos?
[14:13] KagomJack: Because we're still friends
[14:13] KagomJack: and I still live with him
[14:14] Thanatos: I work at a law firm
[14:14] Coffeedagger: oh ok thats good that your still friends
[14:14] Coffeedagger: thats cool thanatos
[14:14] Thanatos: sure is. Had a 1on1 meeting with my boss' boss today and my boss is out of here soon
[14:14] Thanatos: and she's legitimately thinking about replacing him with me
[14:15] Thanatos: I might be running a department in the corporate world soon :O
[14:15] KagomJack: Awesome
[14:16] Coffeedagger: that. is cool
[14:16] Coffeedagger: can you buy me a pair of shoes please?
[14:16] Thanatos: No joke.. I doubt people would take me seriously though since I'm only 20
[14:16] KagomJack: Yeah
[14:16] Coffeedagger: just kidding
[14:16] KagomJack: You're gonna find that
[14:17] KagomJack: Just keep on truckin'
[14:17] Thanatos: That's discrimination damnit
[14:17] Coffeedagger: wow yeah you gotta lay down the law harsh and swift
[14:24] Coffeedagger: so...
[14:25] Coffeedagger: wanna play 20 questions?
[14:25] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[14:25] KagomJack: I'm gettin' food in mah belleh now
[14:26] System: Coffeedagger has left the chat
[14:26] System: Coffeedagger has joined the chat
[14:28] Coffeedagger: ok
[14:30] Coffeedagger: i'm gonna go read people's profiles
[14:35] Coffeedagger: how do i not be junior member anymore?
[14:42] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[14:42] Goodlookinguy: 90 days
[14:43] Goodlookinguy: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­faq­.­php­?­faq­...­q_juniormember
[14:43] Coffeedagger: aww for real?
[14:45] Goodlookinguy: 50% = Member | 90-days as a Member = Senior Member
[14:46] Coffeedagger: ok not too tough right?
[14:47] Goodlookinguy: ...maybe
[14:48] Goodlookinguy: I don't remember, it twas' long ago.
[14:50] Coffeedagger: yeah I figured
[14:50] Coffeedagger: Asamin told me i could get 100% activity in 13 days. true or false
[14:52] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[14:52] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[14:53] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[14:53] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[15:00] Coffeedagger: ...
[15:03] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[15:06] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[15:07] Coffeedagger: hey guys i got a question
[15:08] Goodlookinguy: I hate firefox!
[15:08] Coffeedagger: haha
[15:08] Goodlookinguy: It just closed me out in the middle of writting.
[15:08] Coffeedagger: haha
[15:08] Coffeedagger: that sucks man
[15:08] Goodlookinguy: What is the question?
[15:08] Coffeedagger: i use linternet explorer
[15:08] Coffeedagger: on the flame forum can i type anything i want
[15:09] Coffeedagger: i'm in kyeruu's "i hate you all" thread
[15:09] Goodlookinguy: Yeah, why?
[15:09] Goodlookinguy: Okay...
[15:09] Coffeedagger: just wondering i don't want to sound bad but i want to post some mean stuff
[15:09] Goodlookinguy: kyeruu's in idiot.
[15:09] Coffeedagger: just haven't heard nice things about kyeruu
[15:10] Goodlookinguy: Everybody hates kyeruu, he's a spammer.
[15:10] Coffeedagger: should i try to be really mean?
[15:11] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[15:11] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[15:11] Goodlookinguy: Doesn't matter, he only comes around every month or so.
[15:12] Coffeedagger: think i'd get banned for anything in the flame forum
[15:12] Coffeedagger: i fear the ban hammer
[15:12] Goodlookinguy: Nope.
[15:12] Goodlookinguy: You can only get banned if you spam.
[15:12] Goodlookinguy: Or I suppose breaking the rules a few times.
[15:12] Coffeedagger: which is repeated posting?, just getting this forum's definition
[15:13] Coffeedagger: Flame anything or anyone you want here. No ethic rules are applied to this section. The only rule is NOT to take anything personal. so this is totally true! : )
[15:13] Goodlookinguy: Yes.
[15:13] Goodlookinguy: Have fun.
[15:14] Coffeedagger: sweet!
[15:14] Coffeedagger: thanks for clearing that up i can call him a few choice words now
[15:15] KagomJack: kyeruu is a moron
[15:15] Coffeedagger: i've heard terribel things about him from atnas and asamin
[15:15] Goodlookinguy: I already told him Kagom.
[15:16] Goodlookinguy: My internet is having some serious issues right my browser may close down momentarily
[15:17] Coffeedagger: ok
[15:17] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[15:17] KagomJack: Glg
[15:17] KagomJack: I wanted to say it anyway
[15:17] KagomJack: :(
[15:18] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[15:18] Goodlookinguy: Back
[15:18] Goodlookinguy: My browser indeed closed down on me.
[15:18] Goodlookinguy: My internet has been on the fritz all day.
[15:19] Coffeedagger: tell me kyeruu legends
[15:19] Coffeedagger: of his stupidity and spamming
[15:20] System: Lenny has joined the chat
[15:20] Lenny: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­showthread­.­php­?­t­=­41089
[15:20] Lenny: Best of the lot.
[15:25] Goodlookinguy: Red
[15:25] Coffeedagger: god hes an idiot!
[15:25] Goodlookinguy: Come'on chatbox, hurry up.
[15:25] Coffeedagger: i gotta finish my post now
[15:25] Goodlookinguy: Go!
[15:25] KagomJack: LENLEN
[15:26] Goodlookinguy: The chatbox has been red for me for a good 2 minutes. Oh, it just changed orange.
[15:26] Goodlookinguy: Yellow!
[15:28] Goodlookinguy: Posted.
[15:29] Coffeedagger: i held back i'm still afraid of no limits for offending people and fear of maybe there are limits.
[15:29] Goodlookinguy: Fix "Leave" with "Leave, " to seem smarter.
[15:30] Coffeedagger: like so?
[15:30] Goodlookinguy: Good, another add to the flame.
[15:30] Coffeedagger: i will not let this flame die, i'll feed it til i die
[15:31] Coffeedagger: gotta go afk for a few brb
[15:31] Goodlookinguy: Alright!
[15:32] KagomJack: Leny
[15:32] KagomJack: *Lenny*
[15:32] KagomJack: Talk to me

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