View Full Version : Smile

2002-03-07, 07:13 PM
There once was a boy names smile. He live with his parents, Bob and Mam. Now Smile was no ordinary boy, he had a huge smile! They called him smile, not because he HAD a smile but because he LIKED to smile...

One day when smile came down to breakfast he found his mother mam making some carrots on the stove. Smile asked his mother
"Hey bitch why you be makin them carrots"
Oh Oh Oh does Smile get cranky when hes hungry! Mam, has always had a fear of smile because of his VICOUSness toward her due to the fact she wasent his real mother, she happend to be half rabbit...

Mam, Forgetting that Smile wasent a rabbit threw the carrots away. She then turned around and headed toward her room. But smile pulled her by the tail and told her
"Hey you bitch if i dont have dinner in an hour ill rip that fluffy white tail off your body"

Smile was happy! he was going to eat in an hour! So smile headed to the forest to play with the wierd freaky animals in the Forest!

First smile came acros Mr.Bear! He was HUGE! And ... I mean huge, not huge as in Muscular but huge as in this bear has had too much fucking food! Now smile sees this and gets jealous of the bear, who is fat, meaning he eats, and he is mad cause he dosent have food

So what does smile do! He SMILES! HE SMILES AND SMILES AND SMILES Untill the bear says
"Whatcha bee smiling bout fucking bitch? You eat somthin good? Take me to it or ill eat your bitch ass"

Smile Just continued to smile, and then mr.bear RUSHED him like a bull! Smile silently picked up a Sharp pole that just happend to be right under his feet and stuck it out, impaling mr.bear onto it.

He took mr.bear home laughing and smiling. He met his father in the front yard and bob said
"Wht joo be doin wit dat der bearorz?"
Smile said "I gotz dinner fucker you sit there and fucking clean the yard"
"A bear?! Joo 1337!"

Smile kicked dirt in his face and walked inside with the bear! when Mam saw he was getting blood on the floor she tried to scold him
"Now smile! you know that what yo..."

Smile slapped her across her face!

"HEy bitch your not my mom, cook this here bear so i can eat !"

Mam hapily complied and they lived happily ever after

King Kai 3
2002-03-07, 07:16 PM
...right. :/

2002-03-07, 07:19 PM
i see you diddnt like the story...

Fill in the blank


2002-03-07, 07:21 PM
Dude where you get this fucking stuff it is fucked up

2002-03-07, 07:25 PM
What is this?