View Full Version : Repair Jewel??

2002-10-16, 11:59 AM
I saw a rare jewel that repaired durability, is this a bug?? It would seem to me that the zod would be pretty valueless if these occured legitamitely.

Doofus :)

2002-10-16, 12:15 PM
never seen this...

2002-10-16, 12:24 PM
My Friend found a 1+ all skill jewel once... then he woke up
take a ss of it and show meh lol that would be phat

2002-10-16, 02:47 PM
im 99.9% sure that its bugged

but then again michael jordan said he was 99.9% sure he wasn't comin back...

but 2 answer ur question its most probably bugged