View Full Version : fastest bow?

2002-09-05, 05:31 AM
Ok, maybe i'm reading wrong, but on Arreat summit (The battle.net site) it says...

Speed of Grand Matron +10
Speed of Hydra +10
Speed of Matriach -10

Now, this is all good and well, but Why does it list ballista's speed as -70? Obviously ballista is not faster than WF or Mav's Bow. So are they on a different scale? Everyone tells me matriach is the fastest bow, things aren't adding up here cuz matriach has a lower "speed #" than Hydra....

I'm very very confused, can someone please explain that to me?

2002-09-05, 10:54 AM
They must be on a different scale, or it's just a typo.

2002-09-05, 01:55 PM
Uh... -10 is faster then +10... +10 means its 10% ias slower than normal speed... -10 means 10% faster then normal....

Oh and Crossbows and regular Bow's follow a different speed chart... When it says -70 it means its 70% ias faster then normal for a crossbow, its not compared to bows.

Dark Dragoon
2002-09-06, 05:21 PM
Fastest bow is Goldstrike Arch. A fast base speed plus the auto 50% IAS makes it the fastest without any doubt, and Buriza is extremely S L O W compared to Goldstrike, Best thing is that in duels, if you got 100% pierce (level 10 pierce plus Razortail) you can do more damage than Buriza. BTW, screw going for buying one of those bows. Damage and stuff is less than eagle, but can cost more for less damage and mods.

2002-09-10, 06:03 PM
Buriza is incredibly slow and gay and WEAK.

And yeah, goldstrike is pretty fucking fast dude.
But the low dmg isn't worth it. It's horrific