View Full Version : Perceptions. Influence. Ramblings...

Sum Yung Guy
2008-09-23, 08:17 AM
The scenario:

A musical prodigies DNA is taken and scientist clone two humans from it.
These humans each are grown in separate rooms that are exactly the same in every way. Everyday at the same time a robot comes in the room and feeds them the same exact food. They know nothing about the world except for their room and a robot that feeds them. After they are old enough to walk, the robot puts a piano into the room.

If these clones with the exact same DNA and the exact same memories learn to play the piano, will they create music that is exactly the same? Or will they each create something unique? If they create something unique from their unknown clone, will it still be the same style of music? Or completely different...

What are your thoughts?

I believe they will each create unique music. Without influence from the outside world they can truly create something unique. How different will their music be from each others? Unknown variables will have effects on that... When they ate their exact same meals, did one of them get a piece of food stuck between his teeth? Did that piece of food not digesting at the same time as the other clones food completely change his style of music?

2008-09-23, 08:36 AM
That's a very interesting question. I also think they'll create unique music. Even though they came from the same DNA and are set up with the exact same surroundings, they're thinking processes are going to be different. What I mean by that is, say some green beans are brought in for them to eat. One might think, "This shit is nasty." while the other might think, "Wow, I love this stuff."

So I think their music would be unique in its own way.

2008-09-23, 01:05 PM
That's a very interesting question. I also think they'll create unique music. Even though they came from the same DNA and are set up with the exact same surroundings, they're thinking processes are going to be different. What I mean by that is, say some green beans are brought in for them to eat. One might think, "This shit is nasty." while the other might think, "Wow, I love this stuff."

So I think their music would be unique in its own way.

Not just their thinking processes, but their individuality that makes them a human (personality comes into play as well).

2008-09-23, 02:23 PM
Not just their thinking processes, but their individuality that makes them a human (personality comes into play as well).

Right, Personality has many different ways of changing even in people that were brought up the exact same way in every way.

2008-09-24, 01:20 AM
Right, Personality has many different ways of changing even in people that were brought up the exact same way in every way.

I don't see how they would have separate personalities if they had the exact same DNA, were exposed to the exact same things, and lived in the exact same manner.

The music would be different, but only because there are too many external factors to account for, like you said, food between the teeth, actual differences in food, maybe one fell off the bed in the middle of the night, and who knows how the human brain develops(despite identical DNA). You're asking for too exact of a match for an unbelievable amount of variables.

A bit simpler scenario, Take that same question, and apply it to two of your AIs SYG. Two AIs, created with the same memories, the same capacities for learning, and the same sized memory. They are both systematically fed the same exact data, then asked to respond to a series of questions about how they feel, will they both answer all the questions in the same way?

Of course the human brain is more complex in so far as we don't understand how exactly it works yet. You should ask a question that is a little more gray, something that is not so exact. Let's take the same two kids and paint both rooms red. What do you think their favorite color will be when they grow up? Red? Will it be the gray robot because he's different? Regardless, the important question is: Do they both have the same favorite color? Try feeding them the same thing 3 times a week, and anything else(but nothing of the same) for the other 4 days. That is, 3 days of the week they get the same meal, but the other four meals can be anything, just not the same thing. Would they both grow up liking the same food?

DNA is responsible for differences in people and personality, but even more so is our environment.