View Full Version : Happy Veterans Day/Remembrance Day

2007-11-11, 10:14 AM
i iz being serious here.

I feel like these days this holiday is getting completely forgotten about and nobody really cares about it anymore. My guess is, this is because we don't get presents or a feast or candy or anything like that on Veterans Day.

As against war and violence as I am, I still have great respect for the veterans of our country. Quite often, they don't choose to be where they are, and even if they do, they're only following orders of someone else. I've seen quite a few cases of people showing disrespect to veterans, for instance on Veterans Day at my school we used to have a lot of veterans come and speak and such in front of the whole school. You would be amazed at the disrespect that's shown to them by the students.

Anyway, I don't want to turn this into another rant thread. Let's just remember the people who have fought and died, and the people who have fought and lived, for their amazing courage and great service to our country. They deserve our respect.

If you know any veterans, family or friends or whatever, give them a call or go and see them, and say "thank you" for what they've done for all of us.

EDIT: Happy Remembrance Day for our Canadian and UK buddies. Your veterans deserve just as much respect.

2007-11-12, 07:14 AM
Well it's official, you guys fucking fail at Veteran's Day.

I should have brought candy.

2007-11-12, 08:20 AM
I would have been more interested in participating!

I still have to work today :(

2007-11-12, 08:50 AM
K_A, Veteran's Day is more commonly observed on the 12th, which is today. I was actually going to post a thread about it, but you beat me to it.

My dad is actually speaking at a high school in the Twin Cities for a Veteran's Day service. Though he was never stationed, he did give 22+ years of his life to the United States Air Force. I was going to go to it, but that would require me to go almost 200 miles and skip work.

My school always honored our veterans. The students got together and made a special video presentation, and we even had a nice procession. Along with guest speakers, it's not really one of those 'I get out of school for a couple hours' things. I don't have classes today, which I found strange because I've always had school on this day.

I thank them for what they've done, because without them we may be in an oppressed state, but they won our freedom.

2007-11-12, 08:52 AM
I still have to work today :(

Yeah the funk is up with that.

2007-11-12, 11:34 AM
Happy VD. I still have class though

2007-11-12, 01:44 PM
Only thing I noticed about this day is that the courthouse was closed, which means I'm not gonna be able to get my check stub into the probation office until wednesday.

I was supposed to turn it in last week, Ima get violated >.>

(That sounds wrong. Oh well)