View Full Version : Finally I get it

2005-10-07, 02:25 PM
So check this out... I been talking to this girl for two months or so. I like her a lot and I really felt she felt the same back. She was so confusing tho, it would be like she was trying to hook up then she would seem like she wasn't interested. So I been pretty patient, and trying to figure this out. Well, today having a convo with her, we got into how she didnt think she was sexy. She's totally wrong too, she's hot as fuck. So anyways... we're going on and I mentioned how I had a crush on her back in the day because she was so hot, just trying to show I had an interest to let her know I still may. She was shocked, she acted as if she never thought I'd be interested in her. Well after that it became pretty clear she has feelings. So I guess she's been trying to hide them because she didn't think i'd be interested. So, now I just wait and see so more :P

2005-10-07, 02:30 PM
Uh.. girls who don't think they are sexy when they are usually aren't worth the time.

In my experience. I'm sure she's a nice girl.

2005-10-07, 03:01 PM
lol... well, she's a nice girl, but shes also very sexual,wild,outgoing too. i honestly never thought she felt that way from the way she acted. im wondering if she just said that to see if i would disagree

2005-10-07, 03:18 PM
Sounds like an attention whore! Sorta. Uh.. my first girlfriend had this thing where she asked me if she was fat (no) and pretty (sure) to see if I liked her. Maybe she's doing the same thing.

Then again, we were 14.

Medieval Bob
2005-10-07, 03:21 PM
Whenever a girl (no exceptions) asks me if she looks fat in blah blah, the answer is yes. It's always yes. Does she actually look fat in it? Doesn't matter. The answer is yes.

2005-10-07, 03:22 PM
Some girls do that, they annoy me.

A good guy will make a girl feel beautiful to where she doesn't have to ask.

2005-10-07, 03:24 PM
And that is why you are a virgin, Bob.
(Just kidding.)

Some girls do that, they annoy me.

A good guy will make a girl feel beautiful to where she doesn't have to ask.
A good girl will give a guy a blowjob when he doesn't have to ask.
(Not kidding.)

2005-10-07, 05:07 PM
She splaying mind games on you brother....the "im nto sexy" is just a way to fish for compliments and make herself feel superior.

Best thing uc an do is cut contact and if she really has feeligns she will come crawling to you...works everytime!

2005-10-09, 01:09 AM
How about this, just do what you feel like doing. If you want to play the good guy, play the good guy, want to be the bad ass, go for it, want to follow advice, just go ahead, want to ignore everyone's advice, including mine, feel free to do so... Unfortunately, whatever you do, you're going to end up following my advice. To that, I won't dictate you how you should do things, it's your life, you choose how you want to live it.

2005-10-09, 09:49 AM
if a girl is that unsure of herself then she will never be sure in anything she will ever do. From personal experiece, the girls that are sure will always be better at everything, whether they win or lose. They know they look good or know that they have to drop wait. The difference is that they will go out and find ways to accomplish their goals. Also, the confident ones are much better at head, i swear

2005-10-09, 12:03 PM
Well, if you wanna be semi-optimistic, you could always look at this as your angle to get in. Tell her she is good looking and stuff and POOM, you are in.

2005-10-09, 02:47 PM
Well thats the thing... she either really does, or was testing me. I couldn't see her not thinking she was sexy... she said she "looks good" just not sexy. I don't know if I mentioned that(too lazy to check). So, I dunno... I know a few of her ex's, and I don't worry about how good she is at things, I know she it lol

2005-10-11, 04:52 PM
really so your hitting your frinend's ex?

2005-10-11, 06:44 PM
I guess so... she was with this one guy for like 2years, last relationship. He is my really good friend's brothher, now he dosen't know about me but im still wondering how that will go. My frind however would be all for it tho he like "that" with his brother.