View Full Version : The walls are closing in on me.

2005-08-14, 10:25 PM
At the moment, my life is going fairly well. I'm living in Syracuse, Utah, just outside of Salt Lake with my guitarist, Dan and his family. I'm staying here rent-free, I've got a wad of cash in my bank account that I'm living off of until I find a new job (the electrician thing didn't work out), I'm in the process of snagging a new car (and by "new" I mean "used-but-new-to-me"), and my band is kicking unholy ass in the writing department. I'm making a lot of new friends and I, by all rights, should have nothing to be upset about. Regardless of these facts, however, I am still in a shitty state of mind.

Here's the deal. I have not been involved with anyone for nearly four years. I've dated a few chicks here and there, but I haven't been in an honest-to-God relationship since I graduated highschool. Part of the reason was because I just didn't want to deal with the hassle. It was just always easier to have responsibility limited solely to myself, without having to worry about others. Part of the reason is also the fact that I was scared of committing myself again. The last person I was seriously involved with tore a hole through my guts the size of a Mack truck, and it's left me wary of attempting to probe the mind of the female population since. I didn't want to have to deal with the agony of that situation again, and as such, I combined both excuses as a manner of writing off relationships for the last four years. I was mostly pretty content with this situation until I moved to Syracuse and started living with Dan and his family.

I'm not going to sugar-coat things and say that Dan's relationship with his wife is perfect. It's far from it, and I know, because I've unwittingly found myself playing the role of the confessional booth to both parties when the two of them end up on each-other's bad sides. It's not that I have a problem talking to either of them about their issues, I enjoy it in fact. However, it's in the moments when the two of them are getting along perfectly that I can't supress this feeling of complete, blinding jealousy. It's been so long since I've known what an actual loving relationship feels like, that before I moved here, I had almost entirely fogotten it. Seeing the two of them together, every single day, has reawakened that memory and it stings like I can't describe. I both love it and hate it when the two of them are getting along, because I simply don't like to see them fight, but it also means I have to be constantly reminded of what a committed relationship is like and what it feels like to not be in one.

I was content to be alone until just this last month or so. This feeling, this irritating depression over my circumstances has simply hit me like a ton of bricks and I'm starting to lose my mind. I'm so lonely I could scream, and the ironic thing is that I'm living in a house full of people.

The problem that I'm facing now is weighing my own fear against my own self-inflicted misery. I'm afraid to attempt to open myself back up to someone, because the last time I did, I walked away with severed mental limbs. On top of that, it's been so long since I've even attempted to forge a relationship with anyone that I fear I've forgotten how. On the other hand, I'm slipping into a pit of depression every second that I stall, every opportunity to change my circumstances that I miss. I just don't know how to deal with this anymore.

2005-08-14, 11:18 PM
Just go out and try to find someone at your shows. It may not be that easy, but it doesn't hurt to try.

Sum Yung Guy
2005-08-15, 12:01 AM
You just need to get laid man.

2005-08-15, 01:54 AM
One, we haven't played a single show yet. Can't until March, when our drummer is released from probation. Setting up a show that's 18-over only and non alcoholic isn't really conducive to a large turnout. Two, you're not understanding what I'm saying. Finding a chick is easy. Being able to overcome a paralyzing fear that she's going to emotionally cripple me is the hurdle. The issue is not hooking up with a chick. I can do that easily. I'm not looking to just bang some ho, I'm looking for a relationship.

You just need to get laid man.

Again, this isn't even the issue. I'm not complaining about a lack of sexual activity, because sex is worthless to me without an emotional connection to empower it. Having sex with some chick I don't know makes me feel worse. Sex is not the issue, trying to find a companion is the issue, and it's making me crazier every day.

2005-08-15, 09:23 AM
Im sure you can get with one of them groupies that go see your band and shit......

2005-08-15, 09:50 AM
Well you just have to be patient and wait until someone catches your eye, then be a good conversationalist. I'm sure you know the drill... but remember that there is no set way or process that you have to go through to start a relationship. For me, it's always been different. Some girls are slow to show their feelings, some are quick. But generally you can tell if a girl likes you. And you don't really have to worry about rejection. It sucks but once you get over the fear then it's not really a big deal at all. Women are just as lonely and perhaps desperate for a good man as you are for a good woman. Be a good man, and you'll come across someone that you enjoy spending time with, and things will fall into place.

2005-08-15, 01:52 PM
Patience is the problem. I'm living with a constant reminder of the fact that I'm romantically alone. Every second I see those two together, it makes me sick that I've allowed myself to slip into this pit of fear.

Like I said, finding a chick isn't even an issue. Liz, Dan's wife, has a friend coming over tomorrow that I plan to ask out. She's really cool, and strikes me as being someone I'd probably enjoy being involved with. The issue is in allowing myself to become emotionally invested in this girl, because I'm mortified by the possibility of a recurrence of past events.

2005-08-15, 08:26 PM

This is always a tough decision, I mean, taking advice from a 13 year old might not seem very... whats the word im looking for... 'sane' but here goes.

Relationships can be hard. They can be tough. You can also find a girl that is in your exact place. If the person you go out with understands what you feel, she will know (hopefully) to tell you off the bat, that its probabaly not gonna work out. Girlfriends should understand things just as easily as guys understand some things. If my future girlfriend tells me she really doesnt want to get hurt, and that shes been cheated on and stuff, then just for her sake, i would give her special attention. Whatever works. My friends girlfriends parents have been together since they were 14 years old, I know finding a 'soul mate' can happen in any time of your life, after finding this out. Just find a sensitive girl, somebody that wants you for who you are, and will work with you to make it work-out. Also, try this

"did you buy any tickets"

then she says


then you say "to the show...."

"What show" she says

then you say

"The gun show, grrrrrrr" and flex your left and right beasts as crazily as you can.

2005-08-15, 10:10 PM
dude it all works out in the end. If u look hard enough, i bet there is a girl out there for u. Check around your shows or ask friends. Anything can set off arelationship, but be patient and willing to try new things

2005-08-15, 11:04 PM
Best of luck with Liz's friend. I hope you two get off on a real good start, and have a nice relationship if possible.

2005-08-15, 11:25 PM
because I'm mortified by the possibility of a recurrence of past events.

Well, I'm gonna be blunt: you can't live life like that. Yeah, so what, so you had a bad experience. There's always gonna be that one heartbreak. You can't live in the past; don't even think about what happened when you're with another girl. If you're truly having a good time then you wouldn't be thinking about it anyway.

2005-08-16, 12:37 AM
I understand that completely, and from a logical point of view I agree with you in every way. However, emotion and logic rarely, if ever run parallel to one-another. It's a simple task to overcome one's own internal issues, but it is by no means an easy one. There's nothing thougher in this world than trying to re-train emotional and mental habits, regardless of the fact that the process is an extremely simple one.

I know precisely what I need to do, and I understand the consequences that await me if I do not follow through. I understand that by locking myself away like this, I'm doing more harm than I am protecting myself.

I posted this not necessarily for advice, or consolation, but simply because I needed to get it off my chest. I just needed to vent, and it's done me a certain amount of good to do so. Thanks for everyone's input.

2005-08-16, 09:50 AM
Welcome to Life Discussion!

2005-08-23, 09:50 PM
That sucks mr. raziel, things will turn out for the better, they have to.

2005-08-25, 02:34 AM
Well, they will for Raziel, because he is inherently awesome.

Unfortunately for you, things will always be about as good as going through a pidgeonshit carwash.

2005-08-25, 11:15 PM
Pigeonshit Carwash. I just might have to steal that as a song title, Grav.

2005-08-26, 09:01 AM
That was some intense brain flatulence.