View Full Version : Dark Ops Part II Trailer!

2005-04-11, 11:16 PM
If you dont remember DARK OPS PART I (http://zed.cbc.ca/go;jsessionid=avSIspTGYDAh?CONTENT_ID=105832&c=contentPage), take a look.

Anyways, this is the new trailer for Dark Ops Part II. Take a look! (http://zed.cbc.ca/go?POS=1&CONTENT_ID=237322&c=contentPage&FILTER_KEY=103632)

Tell me what you think. :)

2005-04-11, 11:20 PM
Damn, sweet. They can run fast =) Who were you in the movie?

2005-04-12, 10:07 PM
I was the guy who was looking straight at the camera on the floor for that short bit. Im the director, so I dont spend as much time on screen in the second one. But if you watched the first one, I was nate, the guy trying to save his friend. Remember that this is a year and a bit ago this was made.