View Full Version : Switches help!

2004-03-29, 04:18 AM
Can I keep on reusing a switch ? The maximum no of switches is 5000 for both rm2k & rm2k3. Normally how many switches do you use ?

Have anyone ever thought about what if the no of switches needed go beyond 5000 ?

█ Yuyy █

2004-03-29, 05:33 AM
If you REALLY needed more switches, you could start using variables instead.. Other than that, if you're actually going above 5000, try using key items for important event markers, and use those instead of switches. (Beating a dragon boss would give you a Dragon Bone or something, and anyone you talked to while you're holding that Dragon Bone would react to you beating that boss.)

Of course, a variable that you set to a certain number (for the main quest) would work also. You just increase that number as you go further down the main quest, which would change people's reactions towards you.. side quests don't progress the main story, so your townspeople don't really need to care about those, they should just point you ahead to quest point #42 or something. With this, you'll save more switches the longer the quest is.

2004-03-29, 07:33 AM
What do you mean by key items in 'try using key items for important event markers, and use those instead of switches' ?

Hmmz, do you mean that a variable can be used for more than one event ?

If let's say switch001 changes a character to say something different after I do a quest or something similar, how do you switch off switch001 without affecting what the character says after the quest ? If I switch off, the character will say the same thing before the quest right ?

ermz.. Ehz.. Sorry lehz, so many questions!! but would really like to know ^_^ ^_^

█ Yuyy █

2004-03-29, 07:57 AM
I guess you could use a variable and keep incrementing the contents of it the further you get into a quest or so. Like;

If variable = 1: Make NPC's give you special messages.
If variable = 2: Make NPC's say that a dragon has arrived in their town.
If variable = 3: Make citizens congratulate you on defeating the dragon.

2004-03-29, 01:33 PM
Yeah, basically that's it. A main story is usually linear (if it's not, switches can be used to branch it), so it's really not too difficult to set up.


Some Principles Of Variable-Driven Storylines

1. You should have a "story map" so you can set up any major changes to the game world.
2. Subquests don't affect the rest of the game world. If it's major enough to do so, consider putting that as part of the main quest.
3. Even if you get a key item to advance the story, RELY ON THE STORY VARIABLE.


Example "Map", 5 steps. Story advancing is shown in Yellow.

Intro starts, sets StoryVar to #1 so it doesn't play again.

Hero Town
#1- Mom tells you to go see the mayor, all other people talk randomly about their day. Talking to Mayor sets #2 and explains about the Big Old Dragon in Evil Cave.. you have to kill it!
#2 - Mom worries about you, other townspeople give you stuff
#3 - Mom says "Nice work on that dragon!", other townspeople call you a hero. Mayor tells you to go save his brother in Other Town, and sets #4.
#4 - Mom worries again, gives you money. Other townspeople tell you to watch out for more monsters. (Even though you just fought/killed a dragon)
#5 - Townspeople aren't particularly impressed. Mom yells at you to clean up the rats in HER basement, you ungrateful kid you.

Evil Cave
#1 - Can't enter, there's a guard that demands permission from the mayor
#2 - You can go in. Fighting the dragon sets #3.
#3 - Dragon is dead, tourists are running about.

Other Town
#1 - Townspeople wonder just what the heck you're doing there. Mayor is in a meeting or something.
#2 - Same as #1
#3 - They like the fact that you've killed the dragon. Mayor is still in yet another meeting.
#4 - Townspeople offer to help. Mayor gives you the Cool Sword and makes you fight the rats in his basment, which activates #5.
#5 - You are known as the "exterminator". Townspeople offer random jobs for money.