View Full Version : old news or nice dueling tip?

2003-02-03, 07:34 PM
With d2maphack u can get shot by a zon and the arrows dont hit u. Duel the zon and win then with mh stand over the x indicating the corpse of the play. EXACTLY ON THE X. Then when the zon picks up his bod dont move. He will fire at u and nuthing will do nehting to u until u move, such as guided arrow.


2003-02-03, 07:41 PM
very very very old news, and most zons will just jav smack you.

Shining Knights
2003-02-03, 07:44 PM
It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose.

2003-02-03, 07:55 PM
i thought it was a bnet glitch, u don't need maphack

2003-02-03, 08:46 PM
yea...i was doing that way b4 maphack...

2003-02-04, 03:12 AM
PvP, Yea very old...

2003-02-04, 08:00 AM
yeah and incase some one didnt know u cant be hit by any thing but a melee smack so a barb can just walk right up to u and ww u and u die

2003-02-05, 06:35 AM
tidus that doesn't make sense the way you said it,

most zons that are even worth dueling know this trick, and why would you want to nk or stand over their body if they are that nice/good/worthy of dueling.

this is very old i've known about it longer then i've had a zon (used on druid for dueling amazons)
it works very well but i think you can still be affected by thunderstorm which can still kill you due to the fact it only goes under 1/2 pvp reduce (just does double damage..)

he mentioned maphack because it can help you allign your self over their body..

anyone who needs this to duel probably isn't worth dueling and i don't reccomend doing this because it makes you look like a homo ..

2003-02-05, 07:57 AM
i agree wit apoq 100%

2003-02-05, 07:02 PM
Please don't flame, at least he "trys" to help. Most people don't know that trick.


um, who's flaming?