View Full Version : My fugged up chat with react

2002-03-16, 01:16 PM
BaLr 8 0: !
Inferno4567: ?
BaLr 8 0: i wanna be the vey best
BaLr 8 0: that no one ever was
Inferno4567: at?
BaLr 8 0: to catch them is my real test
BaLr 8 0: to train them is my cause
Inferno4567: umm wtf?
BaLr 8 0: i will travel
BaLr 8 0: across the land
BaLr 8 0: searching far and wide
BaLr 8 0: these pokemon to understand
Inferno4567: ok thats it your scarrring me
BaLr 8 0: the power inside!
BaLr 8 0: pokemon! gotta catch em all!
Inferno4567: right
Inferno4567: you need help
BaLr 8 0: !
BaLr 8 0: its time for so long..
BaLr 8 0: but well sing just one more song
BaLr 8 0: thanks for doin your part
BaLr 8 0: you sure are smart!
BaLr 8 0: because me and you
BaLr 8 0: and my dog blue
BaLr 8 0: we can do anything
BaLr 8 0: that we wanna do!
Inferno4567: yeah fuck you too
BaLr 8 0: :/

2002-03-16, 01:23 PM
my chat with react..

BaLr 8 0: i wanna be
BaLr 8 0: the very best
BaLr 8 0: that no one ever was
BaLr 8 0: to catch them
BaLr 8 0: is my real cause
BaLr 8 0: test*
BaLr 8 0: to train them is my cause!
BaLr 8 0: i will trave
BaLr 8 0: across the land
BaLr 8 0: searching
BaLr 8 0: far and wide
BaLr 8 0: thse pokemon to undersstand
BaLr 8 0: the power inside
BaLr 8 0: pokemon gotta catch em all!
sk8brdre2002: lol
sk8brdre2002: ur sad
sk8brdre2002: lol
BaLr 8 0: :./
BaLr 8 0: yes
BaLr 8 0: that i am
sk8brdre2002: lol

2002-03-16, 02:15 PM
i feel your pain thats deep man lol

2002-03-16, 02:28 PM
And he dares to call me gay? Hypocrite.

2002-03-16, 03:25 PM
Actually, he just went on his usual saturday rampage, didn't he?

2002-03-22, 10:28 PM
things people do when they have to much time on there hands

2002-03-23, 04:33 AM
hehe i dont know what he does in his spare times i dont want to know (Yikes)